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They do not cultivate the signs of death; and so death has no placeto enter
Tao brings all the creatures of the world to be born
And by following the way they come to fill their nature
Thus do they follow the tao and honor virtue
No one asks them to;?they do it without thinking
It creates them but doesn't own them
It supplies them but doesn't make them dependent
It matures them but doesn't command them
This is the ideal of virtue
What womb gave birth to the world?
Know that mother and you will come to understand her children
Embrace her and you will never suffer harm
Block up the holes; close the doors
Do without doing; and you will never labor
Open the doors; intrude yourself on the world
Act with force; and your troubles will not end
See the smallest signs; bend at their lightest touch
And let the subtlest rays lead you
Back to the bright light
When you follow the tao; planning will only lead you astray
The way is easy and straight; but people always look for shortcuts
They leave weeds in the fields to make sure the courtyard is clean
Empty their cupboards so that everyone can gorge
Carry a sword so they can wear their jewels in public
One excess always leads to another
This wanders far from the way
When the foundation is laid well; and the mortar sound
The house will stand long
And your descendents will honor your memory
Cultivate virtue in yourself … see yourself … so it will be genuine
Cultivate it in your family … see your family … so it will spread
Cultivate it in your village … see your village … so it will have roots
Cultivate it in your nation … see your nation … so it will be abundant
Cultivate it in the world … see the world … so there will be nothingelse
How do I know the world works this way?
There is no how; I listen; and I know
One who embraces virtue in its fullest
Is like a newborn babe
She has no fear of wasps and scorpions; or snakes and vipers
Birds of prey and fierce beasts mean nothing to him
Her bones and muscles are soft; but her grip is firm
Because his essence is at its height he can become aroused
Though he knows nothing of sex
Because her harmony is at its height she will not become hoarse
Though she screams all day
Harmony is the path of wisdom
But you can't reach it be getting more
You can try to breathe more; but what sense is in that?
Eventually your breath will return to what it is
If you look for more; you'll get as much as you can
And after that you'll just get old
An easy way to an early end
How can you speak of things that go beyond words?
The wise know when not to talk
They blocks up their holes
Close their doors
Soften their light
Settle their dust
Blunt their rough edges
Untie their knots
This is oneness
Whoever achieves it
Can never be known intimately but will never be shunned
Can never be benefited but will never be harmed
It has been said of good leaders
'Peace is won by doing the expected; war by doing the unexpected'
But to lead by following the way you must let expectations go
Prohibitions only protect one by depriving another
Weapons only defend one by assaulting another
No amount of knowledge will ever substitute for wisdom
No amount of laws can ever replace honor
When you lead by following the way; remember
If you do nothing; people will transform themselves
If you remain quiet; people will have nothing to be confused about
Don't play the angles; and prosperity will be the norm
Don't impose your desires; and no one will conform or rebel
Government is only sincere when it has no end in mind
Let it be discriminating and clear; and it will be cunning and sly
It uses disaster to create its own good fortune
Uses good fortune to conceal the disasters it creates
Who knows where this can lead?
When nothing is constant anymore
The natural is transformed into the deviant
The good is twisted into the evil
And the confusion will last for generations
Bring order; but don't mold people to fit
Be conscientious; but not stifling
Be direct; but not aggressive
Be bright; but only bright enough that others can see their own way
If you would lead men and follow the way
It's good to be sparing in your actions
For only by being sparing can you submit early to the way
And this is how to accumulate virtue
When you accumulate virtue in this way
There is no obstacle you can't overcome
Without obstacles; no one can predict your downfall
Thus you can possess the state
Being one with the way of the state like this
Creates deep roots and a firm base
And leads to long life and lasting work
Ruling a large state is like cooking a small fish
When you govern using the way power doesn't corrupt
It's not that power has no power over you
It's just that it's only used to give honor and respect to everyone
Where honor and respect are given; no one need do violence to get them
And each is allowed to master himself
A great state is like the lowest part of a river
All things flow down to it; given time
It has the resources to let myriad things grow in its borders
And so it is better cast in the feminine principle
If it rests quietly; then weaker states will come to it
And both will be enriched
If it reaches out to conquer; then weaker states will resist
And both will be impoverished
The great state desires diversity and prosperity
The weak state desires to be great
If both would get what they want
The great state must let itself be lower
The tao is that towards which all things flow
It honors the good man and the bad man alike
Praise can be bought or sold; privilege can be given as a gift
Even the bad can acquire them this way;?will they be refused?
So if you would offer a gift to a new leader
Though you might shower him with wealth; or jewels; or adulation
You'd do better to sit quietly and let him have the tao
There is a reason the ancients valued this above all else
'Whether you would attain something or be absolved
You will succeed only by following the tao'
It can not be given; only found
Therefore its value is immeasurable
Do without doing; without expectations
Taste what has no flavor
'In Progress'
What is quiet is easy to contain
What has not yet committed itself is easy to divert
The soft is easily melted; the small easily dispersed
The moral: Don't wait till problems mature before you act on them
The greatest chaos was once orderly
The tallest tree was once a hidden seed
The tallest tower a pile of dirt
The longest journey; but one step; then another
Those who act; ruin; those who cling; lose
Things always seem to fall apart just at completion
Because you think they're done; and act carelessly
So the taoist never acts; never clings; never tries to complete
He is as aware at the end as at the beginning
Though she could bring all things into perfect harmony
She doesn't; because she knows what's enough
The ancient leaders who followed the way
Were not trying to enlighten the people
But instead to give them no cause to have knowledge
If you use knowledge to rule you will be accused of thievery
Of protecting one against the interests of another
And everyone will want to know the laws to protect themselves
Avoid this; and your actions will be closer to the way
If you keep this always in mind and practice it
You will lead a virtuous state
The effects of this are subtle and far reaching
And will always bring the people back
A river makes a valley lush and fertile because it's content to settleto the lowest place
All things can draw what they need from it; without drowning in it
To be a leader; then; you must sink and be still
And let the people gather around you
You must follow the contours of people's hearts
And spill into their lives as little as possible
When you are quiet; the people will not see you as a weight on theirshoulders
When you keep to your banks; the people will not be threatened by you
There will be no reason to build dykes or damns to limit your power
And the people will delight in your presence
The whole world hears these words and says they are beautiful; but oversimplified
But it's precisely because they're simple that they can be great
If they tried to be detailed and precise; what use would they be?
There are only three compasses to steer by;?treasure them
Compassion; frugality; and genuineness