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take pleasure in being with their families;
spend weekends working in their gardens;
delight in the doings of the neighborhood。
And even though the next country is so close
that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking;
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it。
True words aren't eloquent;
eloquent words aren't true。
Wise men don't need to prove their point;
men who need to prove their point aren't wise。
The Master has no possessions。
The more he does for others;
the happier he is。
The more he gives to others;
the wealthier he is。
The Tao nourishes by not forcing。
By not dominating; the Master leads。
Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
English version by
Patrick E。 Moran
A way (dao) that one can be directed along is not the constant Dao。 A namethat can be given is not a constant name。 Nameless is the beginning ofHeaven and Earth。 Named is the mother of the myriad creatures。
So; It is always by desirelessness that one sees the hidden (noumenal)aspect; and always by being in a state of having desires that one observesthe outer (phenomenal) aspect。 These two 'aspects of all reality' emergetogether and are differently named。 Together; they are called the darkand mysterious。 The most dark and mysterious of the dark and mysteriousIs the portal of the multitudinous wonders。
Everyone in the world knows the beautiful to be beautiful。 Thus there isugliness。 They all know good to be good。 Thus there is evil。 For beingand non…being are mutually produced。 Difficult and easy are mutually complemented。Long and short are mutually formed。 High and low are mutually opposed。Music and voice mutually harmonize。 Fore and aft follow each other。 Forthis reason; the Sage concerns himself only with affairs that involve noactive doing; and carries forth a wordless teaching。 The myriad creaturesarise and he does not deny any of them。 They are produced; yet he doesnot seek to possess them。 He acts and yet does not claim compensation forso doing。 When he brings meritorious work to completion he takes no creditfor it。 For only by not taking credit for these accomplishments are thefruits of his activities kept safe。
〃Do not elevate the worthies; so that the people shall not contend。 Donot value scarce commodities; so that the people shall not become robbers。Do not display desirable things; so that minds shall not become disordered。''For this reason; the governance of the Sage lies in voiding the minds ofthe people; filling their bellies; weakening their ambitions; and strengtheningtheir bones。 The Sage always causes the people to have no knowledge andno desires and causes the ones who do know not to dare to act。 Because'the Sage' engages in non…activity; there is nothing he fails to bringto order。
The Dao is void; yet when it is put to use it would seem that it cannotbe filled up。 Abyss…like; it seems to be the ancestor of the myriad creatures。It dulls their sharpness; releases their tangles; harmonizes their brightness;and unites their dust。 It is deep…entering; as though existing。 I do notknow whose progeny it is; but it images the state before God。
Heaven and Earth are not benevolent。 They take the myriad creatures tobe straw dogs。 The Sage is not benevolent。 He takes the common people tobe straw dogs。
The space between Heaven and Earth is like a bellows。 It is void andyet does not collapse。 The more it moves the more it sends out。
An excess of talk 'aimed at fathoming the universe' is fated to becomeimpoverished。 It is better to hold 'it' inside。
The valley spirit does not die。 It is called the dark and mysterious female。The portal of the dark and mysterious female is called the root of heavenand earth。 It has a kind of wispy continuity as though existing。 Use itwithout exertion。
The highest good is like water。 Water is good at benefitting the myriadcreatures and does not contend。 It takes its position in the places peoplehate; and so it approximates to the Dao。
The site makes a residence good。 Depth makes a mind good。 Benevolencemakes giving good。 Trustworthiness makes words good。 Being able to putthings in order makes government good。 Being able to make actual accomplishmentsmake activities good。 Timeliness makes movements good。
Now only by not contending can there be the absence of animosity。
Kapitel nicht vorhanden / chapter not available
To grasp at things and seek to fulfill them is not as good as letting thembe finished。'The blade' that is tested and sharpened cannot be long protected。If gold and jade fill one's halls no one can guard them successfully。 Beingproud because of wealth and noble status calls down its own retribution。The Way of Heaven is that when one's accomplishments have been made one should retire from the scene。
Nurture the dark soul and embrace unity。 Can you do so without fail? Focusthe lifebreath; making it as supple as possible。 Can you in so doing belike an infant? In cleaning up the dark and mysterious vision; can yoube without defect? In loving the people and ordering the kingdom; can yoube without forceful activity。 In the opening and closing of the portalof heaven; can you play the female part? Although your awareness reachesto all points; can you yet remain without the use of knowledge?
Give birth to them; nurture them。 And yet while giving birth to themdo not possess them and while acting (i。e。; nurturing) claim no credit。Though senior to them do not rule over them。 This is called the dark andmysterious virtue。
Thirty spokes surround one hub。 At that point of void lies the utilityof the cart。 Mold clay to make pots。 In the void lies the functionalityof the vessel。 Fashion doors and windows in order to make a dwelling。 Inthe void lies the functionality of the house。 So what is substantial 'ineach case' provides the configuration and what is void provides the functionality。
The five colors blind people's eyes。 The five notes of the scale deafenpeople's ears。 The five flavors make people's palates go stale。 Gallopingabout and hunting deranges people's minds。 Scarce commodities make peopledo injurious deeds。 For this reason the Sage acts for the belly and notfor the eyes。 So he gets rid of that and takes this。
Favor and disgrace 'both' produce alarm。 A source of great travail is one'sself。 What is meant by saying 〃Favor and disgrace produce alarm?'' Hewho is favored is someone's inferior。 Receiving favor and losing it bothcause alarm。 That is what is meant by saying that 〃Favor and disgraceproduce alarm。'' What is meant by saying 〃A source of great travail isone's self?'' The reason I 'can' have a great travail is that I have aself。 Should I no longer have a self then what travail could there be?So those who take their selves as more valuable than ruling the world maybe given custody of the world。 Those who love themselves more than rulingthe world may be entrusted with the world。
What eludes observation is called yi (level)。 What escapes hearing is calledxi (silent)。 What is impalpable is called wei (minute)。 These three cannotbe further pursued; so I meld them together as One。 Its upper part is notbright。 Its lower part is not dark。 Unending; it cannot be adequately namedand so returns to the status of nothingness。 This is called the formlessform; the image without a thing to be imaged。 This is called impalpableand intangible。 Going out to meet it we do not see its head。 Followingit we do not see its end。 Grasp the Dao of antiquity to manage what ishere today。 Be able to know the ancient beginnings。'The chain from antiquityto the present' is called the Thread running through the Dao。
Those of old who were good at being knight…scholars were subtle; were possessedof ineffable efficacy; and were in dark and mysterious confluence; so profoundthat they could not be perceived。 Only because they cannot be perceiveddo I give them a forced description。 Cautious as though crossing a 'frozen'stream in wintertime; apprehensive as though in fear of people on all foursides; deferential like a guest。 Riven like ice on the verge of melting。Wholesome like the Uncarved Block。 Accepting like a valley。 Turbid as thoughhaving been muddled。 Who can be muddled in order to gradually become clear?Who can be tranquil in order that activity will gradually stir? Those whoare protected in this Dao will not desire fullness。 For only by not beingfull is one able to be tattered and yet newly complete。
Promote the heights of vacuity。 Preserve the wholesomeness of tranquility。The myriad creatures arise side by side and 'prepared by having maintainedvacuity and tranquility' I observe their recapitulations。 For these creaturesin profusion each return once more to their root。 To return to the rootis called tranquility; which in turn is called submitting again to Heaven'smandate。 Returning to Heaven's mandate is called being constant。 Knowingthe constant is called enlighten