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If using the light; one resorts to one's vision; the body will not be exposed to any harm。 This is called 〃practicing what is constant〃。
Suppose that with only the least scrap of knowledge I were to walk the great Way; I would only fear turning aside。 Though the great Way is quite level; people love bypaths。
When the Court is well purified; but the fields are full of weeds and the granaries are empty; (the rulers) wear decorated and embroidered robes; gird themselves with sharp swords; glut themselves with food; and have superfluous possessions; … this I call robbing and bragging。
It is certainly contrary to the Way。
That which is well planted is not uprooted。
That which is well clasped is not snatched away。
Sons and grandsons will then not interrupt their sacrifices。
If one practices (the Way) in one's person; its Virtue will be genuineness。
If one practices it in one's family; its Virtue will be abundance。
If one practices it in one's village; its Virtue will be durability。
If one practices it in one's state; its Virtue will be prosperity。
If one practices it in the Empire; its Virtue will be universality。
From the standpoint of one's own person one views other persons; from that of one's own family other families; from that of one's own village other villages; from that of one's own state other states; from that of the Empire the Empire。
How do I know that it is like this for the Empire?
By this。
The plenitude of one who contains Virtue within himself; may be likened to that of an infant。
Poisonous insects will not sting it; fierce beasts will not seize it; nor will birds of prey claw it。 Though its bones are weak and its sinews soft; it has a firm grip。 Though it knows not yet of the union of male and female; its male member will stir。 This is because the fine essence (in it) has attained the utmost (potency)。 Though it may scream all day long; its voice will not become hoarse。 This is because the natural harmony (in it) has attained the utmost (potency)。
To understand the natural harmony means being constant。
To understand being constant means being enlightened。
To increase life means inviting evil。
To control the vital breath with the mind means rigidity。
When things have matured they age。 (Such control) is contrary to the Way。 What is contrary to the Way will soon end。
He stops his apertures; he closes his doors。
〃He blunts his sharpness; he unravels tangles; he dims brightness; he levels tracks。
This is called the mystic equality。
For in getting him one cannot come close nor remain distant; one cannot profit by him nor be harmed by him; one cannot gain honour by him nor suffer disgrace by him。
Therefore he is the most prized in All…under…heaven。
A State may be ruled by rectification and a war may be fought by stratagems; but the Empire is gained by non…action。
The Empire is gained by remaining constantly in non…action。 As soon as one becomes active; one is unable to gain the Empire。
How do I know that this is so? By this:
The more taboos and prohibitions there are in the Empire; the poorer the people will be。
The more useful implements the people have; the more state and dynasty will be in confusion。
The more cunning craftsmen there are; the more bizarre contrivances will spring up。
The more laws and ordinances are promulgated; the more thieves and robbers will there be。
Therefore a Saint has said:
〃If I practice doing nothing; the people will of themselves be correct。
If I love stillness; the people will of themselves be correct。
If I practice non…action; the people will of themselves become rich。
If I practice being without desires; the people will of themselves become simple。〃
If government is mope…eyed; the people will be faultless。
If government is far…sighted; the people will be full of flaws。
Bad fortune is what good fortune leans on。
Good fortune is what bad fortune hides in。
Who may know the acme of either?
Since there is no normal condition; the correct reverts to what is bizarre and the good reverts to what spells evil; but people indeed are deluded for a long time。
Therefore the Saint is square without being pointed; he is straight without being stretched; he is bright without being polished。
For governing men and serving heaven nothing is equal to moderation。
Just because there is moderation; this means applying oneself early (to the Way)。
To apply oneself early is to garner a double (harvest of) Virtue; there is not a thing of which one is not capable; nobody knows the extreme limit (of that capacity)。 If nobody knows the extreme limit; one may possess a kingdom。 The 〃mother〃 of possessing a kingdom may endure long。
This means that a deep root and a firm foundation are the way to long life and durability。
Ruling a great state is like cooking a small fish。
If one governs All…under…heaven according to the Way; the manes (of the dead) will not manifest themselves as spirits。 It is not that these manes are not spirits; but these spirits will not harm men。 Just as the spirits will not harm men; the Saint will not harm the people。
If indeed these two do not harm one another; their Virtue will converge towards a common end。
A great state is downstream。 It is the converging point (of the water) of All…under…heaven。 It is the female of All…under…heaven。 The female always overcomes the male by stillness; by stillness she is underneath。
Therefore; by getting beneath a little state; a great state gains a little one; and by abasing itself to a great state; a little state gains a big one。 The one gains by becoming low; the other by being low。 A great state only wishes to unite men and feed them; a little state only wishes to be received and to serve others。 So that each shall get what is wishes; the great must become low。
The Way for the ten thousand things is like the southwest corner of the house。
It is the treasure of the good and the refuge of the not…good。
Fine words may buy honours; fine conduct may raise one above others。
Therefore; when the Son of Heaven is inaugurated or the Three Ducal Ministers are installed; though they may hold a jade disk and are preceded by a chariot and four; it would be better for them to sit still and make progress in the Way。
Why did the ancients prize this Way so highly? Did they not say: 〃he who seeks; finds by it; he who trespasses; escapes by it〃?
Therefore it was the most prized in All…under…heaven。
Do by not doing; act by nonacting; taste the taste…less; regard the small as great; much as little。
Plan what is difficult where it is easy; do what is great where it is minute。
The hardest things in the world begin with what is easy; the greatest things in the world begin with what is minute。
Therefore the Saint never does anything great and so is able to achieve the great。
Now; he who promises lightly; will have but little faith。 He who finds much easy; will find much hard。
Therefore the Saint; while finding even (the easy) hard; will in the end have nothing that is hard。
What is at rest is easy to hold。
What is not yet manifested is easy to forestall。
What is brittle is easy to melt。
What is minute is easy to disperse。
Act before a thing is there; create order before there is disorder。
A tree of an arm's span has grown from a tiny fibre。
A tower nine storeys high was raised from a heap of earth。
A journey of a thousand leagues started with what was under a footsole。
In promoting their affairs men often spoil them when they are about to succeed。
Heed the end as much as the beginning; then no affairs will be spoiled。
Therefore the Saint desires not to desire and does not prize goods that are difficult to obtain。 He learns not to learn and reverts to what all men pass by。
Thus he sustains the natural course of the ten thousand thing; but he dares not act。
Of old those who were well versed in the practice of the Way; rather than use it to enlighten the people; they used it to stultify the people。
If people are hard to rule; it is because of too much knowledge。
Therefore he who rules a state by means of knowledge; is like a robber of the state。 He who will not rule a state by means of knowledge; is a boon for the state。
He who knows these two things; scrutinizes also the Measure。
Always to know how to scrutinize the Measure is called Mystic Virtue。 Mystic Virtue is profound; is far…reaching; and operates contrariwise to things; till in the end it attains the Grand Conformity。
That by which the River and the sea are able to be kings of the hundred valleys; is their fitness to be lower than these。 That is why they are able to be the kings of the hundred valleys。
Therefore; if a Saint wishes to be above the people; he should; in his words; be lower。 If he wishes to be in front of the people; he should in his person