el dorado-及74准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
;More clearly察citizen察─replied the sergeant。 ;It is on our
left察quite a small building察I think。;
;Then dismount察and walk all round it。 See that there are no
windows or door in the rear。;
There was a prolonged silence察during which those distant sounds
of men moving察of furtive preparations for attack察struck
distinctly through the night。
Marguerite and Armand察clinging to one another察not knowing what
to think察nor yet what to fear察heard the sounds mingling with
those immediately round them察and Marguerite murmured under her
;It is de Batz and some of his friends察but what can they do
What can Percy hope for now拭
But of Percy she could hear and see nothing。 The darkness and the
silence had drawn their impenetrable veil between his unseen
presence and her own consciousness。 She could see the coach in
which he was察but Heron's hideous personality察his head with its
battered hat and soiled bandage察had seemed to obtrude itself
always before her gaze察blotting out from her mind even the
knowledge that Percy was there not fifty yards away from her。
So strong did this feeling grow in her that presently the awful
dread seized upon her that he was no longer there察that he was
dead察worn out with fatigue and illness brought on by terrible
privations察or if not dead that he had swooned察that he was
unconscioushis spirit absent from his body。 She remembered that
frightful yell of rage and hate which Heron had uttered a few
minutes ago。 Had the brute vented his fury on his helpless
weakened prisoner察and stilled forever those lips that察mayhap
had mocked him to the last
Marguerite could not guess。 She hardly knew what to hope。
Vaguely察when the thought of Percy lying dead beside his enemy
floated through her aching brain察she was almost conscious of a
sense of relief at the thought that at least he would be spared
the pain of the final察inevitable cataclysm。
The sergeant's voice broke in upon her misery。
The man had apparently done as the citizen agent had ordered察and
had closely examined the little building that stood on the lefta
vague察black mass more dense than the surrounding gloom。
;It is all solid stone察citizen察─he said察 iron gates in front
closed but not locked察rusty key in the lock察which turns quite
easily察no windows or door in the rear。;
;You are quite sure拭
;Quite certain察citizen察it is plain察solid stone at the back察and
the only possible access to the interior is through the iron gate
in front。;
Marguerite could only just hear Heron speaking to the sergeant。
Darkness enveloped every form and deadened every sound。 Even the
harsh voice which she had learned to loathe and to dread sounded
curiously subdued and unfamiliar。 Heron no longer seemed inclined
to storm察to rage察or to curse。 The momentary danger察the thought
of failure察the hope of revenge察had apparently cooled his temper
strengthened his determination察and forced his voice down to a
little above a whisper。 He gave his orders clearly and firmly
and the words came to Marguerite on the wings of the wind with
strange distinctness察borne to her ears by the darkness itself
and the hush that lay over the wood。
;Take half a dozen men with you察sergeant察─she beard him say
;and join citizen Chauvelin at the chateau。 You can stable your
horses in the farm buildings close by察as he suggests and run to
him on foot。 You and your men should quickly get the best of a
handful of midnight prowlers察you are well armed and they only
civilians。 Tell citizen Chauvelin that I in the meanwhile will
take care of our prisoners。 The Englishman I shall put in irons
and lock up inside the chapel察with five men under the command of
your corporal to guard him察the other two I will drive myself
straight to Crecy with what is left of the escort。 You
;We may not reach Crecy until two hours after midnight察but
directly I arrive I will send citizen Chauvelin further
reinforcements察which察however察I hope may not necessary察but
which will reach him in the early morning。 Even if he is
seriously attacked察he can察with fourteen men he will have with
him察hold out inside the castle through the night。 Tell him also
that at dawn two prisoners who will be with me will be shot in the
courtyard of the guard´house at Crecy察but that whether he has got
hold of Capet or not he had best pick up the Englishman in the
chapel in the morning and bring him straight to Crecy察where I
shall be awaiting him ready to return to Paris。 You understand拭
;Then repeat what I said。;
;I am to take six men with me to reinforce citizen Chauvelin now。;
;And you察citizen察will drive straight back to Crecy察and will
send us further reinforcements from there察which will reach us in
the early morning。;
;We are to hold the chateau against those unknown marauders if
necessary until the reinforcements come from Crecy。 Having routed
them察we return here察pick up the Englishman whom you will have
locked up in the chapel under a strong guard commanded by Corporal
Cassard察and join you forthwith at Crecy。;
;This察whether citizen Chauvelin has got hold of Capet or not。;
;Yes察citizen察I understand察─concluded the sergeant
imperturbably察 and I am also to tell citizen Chauvelin that the
two prisoners will be shot at dawn in the courtyard of the
guard´house at Crecy。;
;Yes。 That is all。 Try to find the leader of the attacking
party察and bring him along to Crecy with the Englishman察but
unless they are in very small numbers do not trouble about the
others。 Now en avant察citizen Chauvelin might be glad of your
help。 Andstayorder all the men to dismount察and take the
horses out of one of the coaches察then let the men you are taking
with you each lead a horse察or even two察and stable them all in
the farm buildings。 I shall not need them察and could not spare
any of my men for the work later on。 Remember that察above all
silence is the order。 When you are ready to start察come back to
me here。;
The sergeant moved away察and Marguerite heard him transmitting the
citizen agent's orders to the soldiers。 The dismounting was
carried on in wonderful silencefor silence had been one of the
principal commandsonly one or two words reached her ears。
;First section and first half of second section fall in察right
wheel。 First section each take two horses on the lead。 Quietly
now there察don't tug at his bridlelet him go。;
And after that a simple report
;All ready察citizen
;Good ─was the response。 ;Now detail your corporal and two men
to come here to me察so that we may put the Englishman in irons
and take him at once to the chapel察and four men to stand guard at
the doors of the other coach。;
The necessary orders were given察and after that there came the
curt command
;En avant
The sergeant察with his squad and all the horses察was slowly moving
away in the night。 The horses' hoofs hardly made a noise on the
soft carpet of pine´needles and of dead fallen leaves察but the
champing of the bits was of course audible察and now and then the
snorting of some poor察tired horse longing for its stable。
Somehow in Marguerite's fevered mind this departure of a squad of
men seemed like the final flitting of her last hope察the slow
agony of the familiar sounds察the retreating horses and soldiers
moving away amongst the shadows察took on a weird significance。
Heron had given his last orders。 Percy察helpless and probably
unconscious察would spend the night in that dank chapel察while she
and Armand would be taken back to Crecy察driven to death like some
insentient animals to the slaughter。
When the grey dawn would first begin to peep through the branches
of the pines Percy would be led back to Paris and the guillotine
and she and Armand will have been sacrificed to the hatred and
revenge of brutes。
The end had come察and there was nothing more to be done。
Struggling察fighting察scheming察could be of no avail now察but she
wanted to get to her husband察she wanted to be near him now that
death was so imminent both for him and for her。
She tried to envisage it all察quite calmly察just as she knew that
Percy would wish her to do。 The inevitable end was there察and she
would not give to these callous wretches here the gratuitous
spectacle of a despairing woman fighting blindly against adverse
But she wanted to go to her husband。 She felt that she could face
death more easily on the morrow if she could but see him once察if
she could but look once more into the eyes that had mirrored so
much enthusiasm察such absolute vitality and whole´hearted
self´sacrifice察and such an intensity of love and passion察if she
Could but kiss once more those lips that had smiled through life
and would smile察she knew察even in the face of death。
She tried to open the carriage door察but it was held from without
and a harsh voice cursed her察ordering her to sit still。
But she could lean out of the window and strain her eyes to see。
They were by now accustomed to the gloom察the dilated pupils