el dorado-及51准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
had seen worse sights than these察since they served a Republic
that ruled by bloodshed and by terror。 They were own brothers in
callousness and cruelty to those men who on this self´same spot a
few months ago had watched the daily agony of a martyred Queen察or
to those who had rushed into the Abbaye prison on that awful day
in September察and at a word from their infamous leaders had put
eighty defenceless prisonersmen察women察and childrento the
;Tell him to say what he has done with Capet察─said one of the
soldiers now察and this rough command was accompanied with a coarse
jest that sent the blood flaring up into Marguerite's pale cheeks。
The brutal laugh察the coarse words which accompanied it察the
insult flung at Marguerite察had penetrated to Blakeney's slowly
returning consciousness。 With sudden strength察that appeared
almost supernatural察he jumped to his feet察and before any of the
others could interfere he had with clenched fist struck the
soldier a full blow on the mouth。
The man staggered back with a curse察the other shouted for help
in a moment the narrow place swarmed with soldiers察Marguerite was
roughly torn away from the prisoner's side察and thrust into the
far corner of the cell察from where she only saw a confused mass of
blue coats and white belts察andtowering for one brief moment
above what seemed to her fevered fancy like a veritable sea of
headsthe pale face of her husband察with wide dilated eyes
searching the gloom for hers。
;Remember ─he shouted察and his voice for that brief moment rang
out clear and sharp above the din。
Then he disappeared behind the wall of glistening bayonets察of
blue coats and uplifted arms察mercifully for her she remembered
nothing more very clearly。 She felt herself being dragged out of
the cell察the iron bar being thrust down behind her with a loud
clang。 Then in a vague察dreamy state of semi´unconsciousness she
saw the heavy bolts being drawn back from the outer door察heard
the grating of the key in the monumental lock察and the next moment
a breath of fresh air brought the sensation of renewed life into
;I am sorry察Lady Blakeney察─said a harsh察dry voice close to
her察 the incident at the end of your visit was none of our
She turned away察sickened with horror at thought of contact with
this wretch。 She had heard the heavy oaken door swing to behind
her on its ponderous hinges察and the key once again turn in the
lock。 She felt as if she had suddenly been thrust into a coffin
and that clods of earth were being thrown upon her breast
oppressing her heart so that she could not breathe。
Had she looked for the last time on the man whom she loved beyond
everything else on earth察whom she worshipped more ardently day by
day拭 Was she even now carrying within the folds of her kerchief a
message from a dying man to his comrades
Mechanically she followed Chauvelin down the corridor and along
the passages which she had traversed a brief half´hour ago。 From
some distant church tower a clock tolled the hour of ten。 It had
then really only been little more than thirty brief minutes since
first she had entered this grim building察which seemed less stony
than the monsters who held authority within it 察to her it seemed
that centuries had gone over her head during that time。 She felt
like an old woman察unable to straighten her back or to steady her
limbs察she could only dimly see some few paces ahead the trim
figure of Chauvelin walking with measured steps察his hands held
behind his back察his head thrown up with what looked like
triumphant defiance。
At the door of the cubicle where she had been forced to submit to
the indignity of being searched by a wardress察the latter was now
standing察waiting with characteristic stolidity。 In her hand she
held the steel files察the dagger and the purse which察as
Marguerite passed察she held out to her。
;Your property察citizeness察─she said placidly。
She emptied the purse into her own hand察and solemnly counted out
the twenty pieces of gold。 She was about to replace them all into
the purse察when Marguerite pressed one of them back into her
wrinkled hand。
;Nineteen will be enough察citizeness察─she said察 keep one for
yourself察not only for me察but for all the poor women who come
here with their heart full of hope察and go hence with it full of
The woman turned calm察lack´lustre eyes on her察and silently
pocketed the gold piece with a grudgingly muttered word of thanks。
Chauvelin during this brief interlude察had walked thoughtlessly on
ahead。 Marguerite察peering down the length of the narrow
corridor察spied his sable´clad figure some hundred metres further
on as it crossed the dim circle of light thrown by one of the
She was about to follow察when it seemed to her as if some one was
moving in the darkness close beside her。 The wardress was even
now in the act of closing the door of her cubicle察and there were
a couple of soldiers who were disappearing from view round one end
of the passage察whilst Chauvelin's retreating form was lost in the
gloom at the other。
There was no light close to where she herself was standing察and
the blackness around her was as impenetrable as a veil察the sound
of a human creature moving and breathing close to her in this
intense darkness acted weirdly on her overwrought nerves。
;Qui va la拭─she called。
There was a more distinct movement among the shadows this time察as
of a swift tread on the flagstones of the corridor。 All else was
silent round察and now she could plainly hear those footsteps
running rapidly down the passage away from her。 She strained her
eyes to see more clearly察and anon in one of the dim circles of
light on ahead she spied a man's figureslender and darkly
cladwalking quickly yet furtively like one pursued。 As he
crossed the light the man turned to look back。 It was her brother
Her first instinct was to call to him察the second checked that
call upon her lips。
Percy had said that Armand was in no danger察then why should he be
sneaking along the dark corridors of this awful house of Justice
if he was free and safe
Certainly察even at a distance察her brother's movements suggested
to Marguerite that he was in danger of being seen。 He cowered in
the darkness察tried to avoid the circles of light thrown by the
lamps in the passage。 At all costs Marguerite felt that she must
warn him that the way he was going now would lead him straight
into Chauvelin's arms察and she longed to let him know that she was
close by。
Feeling sure that he would recognise her voice察she made pretence
to turn back to the cubicle through the door of which the wardress
had already disappeared察and called out as loudly as she dared
But Armandwho surely must have hearddid not pause at the
sound。 Rather was he walking on now more rapidly than before。 In
less than a minute he would be reaching the spot where Chauvelin
stood waiting for Marguerite。 That end of the corridor察however
received no light from any of the lamps察strive how she might
Marguerite could see nothing now either of Chauvelin or of Armand。
Blindly察instinctively察she ran forward察thinking only to reach
Armand察and to warn him to turn back before it was too late
before he found himself face to face with the most bitter enemy he
and his nearest and dearest had ever had。 But as she at last came
to a halt at the end of the corridor察panting with the exertion of
running and the fear for Armand察she almost fell up against
Chauvelin察who was standing there alone and imperturbable
seemingly having waited patiently for her。 She could only dimly
distinguish his face察the sharp features and thin cruel mouth察but
she feltmore than she actually sawhis cold steely eyes fixed
with a strange expression of mockery upon her。
But of Armand there was no sign察and shepoor soulhad
difficulty in not betraying the anxiety which she felt for her
brother。 Had the flagstones swallowed him up拭 A door on the
right was the only one that gave on the corridor at this point察it
led to the concierge's lodge察and thence out into the courtyard。
Had Chauvelin been dreaming察sleeping with his eyes open察whilst
he stood waiting for her察and had Armand succeeded in slipping
past him under cover of the darkness and through that door to
safety that lay beyond these prison walls
Marguerite察miserably agitated察not knowing what to think察looked
somewhat wild´eyed on Chauvelin察he smiled察that inscrutable
mirthless smile of his察and said blandly
;Is there aught else that I can do for you察citizeness拭This is
your nearest way out。 No doubt Sir Andrew will be waiting to
escort you home。;
Then as shenot daring either to reply or to questionwalked
straight up to the door察he hurried forward察prepared to open it
for her。 But before he did so he turned to her once again
;I trust that your visit has pleased you察Lady Blakeney察─he said
suavely。 ;At what hour do you desire to repeat it to´morrow拭
;To´morrow拭─she reiterated in a vague察absent manner察for she was
still dazed with the stra