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whilst his eyes spoke the gratitude which he felt。

;Then there is one thing more察─he said。  ;There are others in
this cruel city察dear heart察who have trusted me察and whom I must
not failMarie de Marmontel and her brother察faithful servants of
the late queen察they were on the eve of arrest when I succeeded in
getting them to a place of comparative safety察and there are
others there察too all of these poor victims have trusted me
implicitly。 They are waiting for me there察trusting in my promise
to convey them safely to England。  Sweetheart察you must redeem my
promise to them。  You willyou will拭Promise me that you will;

;I promise察Percy察─she said once more。

;Then go察dear察to´morrow察in the late afternoon察to No。 98察Rue
de Charonne。  It is a narrow house at the extreme end of that long
street which abuts on the fortifications。  The lower part of the
house is occupied by a dealer in rags and old clothes。  He and his
wife and family are wretchedly poor察but they are kind察good
souls察and for a consideration and a minimum of risk to themselves
they will always render service to the English milors察whom they
believe to be a band of inveterate smugglers。  Ffoulkes and all
the others know these people and know the house察Armand by the
same token knows it too。  Marie de Marmontel and her brother are
there察and several others察the old Comte de Lezardiere察the Abbe
de Firmont察their names spell suffering察loyalty察and hopelessness。
I was lucky enough to convey them safely to that hidden shelter。
They trust me implicitly察dear heart。  They are waiting for me
there察trusting in my promise to them。  Dear heart察you will go
will you not拭

;Yes察Percy察─she replied。  ;I will go察I have promised。;

;Ffoulkes has some certificates of safety by him察and the old
clothes dealer will supply the necessary disguises察he has a
covered cart which he uses for his business察and which you can
borrow from him。  Ffoulkes will drive the little party to Achard's
farm in St。 Germain察where other members of the League should be
in waiting for the final journey to England。  Ffoulkes will know
how to arrange for everything察he was always my most able
lieutenant。 Once everything is organised he can appoint Hastings
to lead the party。  But you察dear heart察must do as you wish。
Achard's farm would be a safe retreat for you and for Ffoulkes
if 。。。 I knowI know察dear察─he added with infinite tenderness。
;See I do not even suggest that you should leave me。  Ffoulkes
will be with you察and I know that neither he nor you would go even
if I commanded。  Either Achard's farm察or even the house in the
Rue de Charonne察would he quite safe for you察dear察under
Ffoulkes's protection察until the time when I myself can carry you
backyou察my precious burdento England in mine own arms察or
until 。。。  Hush´sh´sh察dear heart察─he entreated察smothering with
a passionate kiss the low moan of pain which had escaped her lips
;it is all in God's hands now察I am in a tight cornertighter
than ever I have been before察but I am not dead yet察and those
brutes have not yet paid the full price for my life。  Tell me
dear heart察that you have understoodthat you will do all that I
asked。  Tell me again察my dear察dear love察it is the very essence
of life to hear your sweet lips murmur this promise now。;

And for the third time she reiterated firmly

;I have understood every word that you said to me察Percy察and I
promise on your precious life to do what you ask。;

He sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction察and even at that moment
there came from the guard´room beyond the sound of a harsh voice
saying peremptorily

;That half´hour is nearly over察sergeant察'tis time you

;Three minutes more察citizen察─was the curt reply。

;Three minutes察you devils察─murmured Blakeney between set teeth
whilst a sudden light which even Marguerite's keen gaze failed to
interpret leapt into his eyes。  Then he pressed the third letter
into her hand。

Once more his close察intent gaze compelled hers察their faces were
close one to the other察so near to him did he draw her察so tightly
did he hold her to him。  The paper was in her hand and his fingers
were pressed firmly on hers。

;Put this in your kerchief察my beloved察─he whispered。 ;Let it
rest on your exquisite bosom where I so love to pillow my head。
Keep it there until the last hour when it seems to you that
nothing more can come between me and shame 。。。。  Hush´sh´sh
dear察─he added with passionate tenderness察checking the hot
protest that at the word ;shame; had sprung to her lips察 I cannot
explain more fully now。  I do not know what may happen。  I am only
a man察and who knows what subtle devilry those brutes might not
devise for bringing the untamed adventurer to his knees。  For the
next ten days the Dauphin will be on the high roads of France察on
his way to safety。  Every stage of his journey will be known to
me。  I can from between these four walls follow him and his escort
step by step。  Well察dear察I am but a man察already brought to
shameful weakness by mere physical discomfortthe want of
sleepsuch a trifle after all察but in case my reason tottered
God knows what I might dothen give this packet to Ffoulkesit
contains my final instructionsand he will know how to act。
Promise me察dear heart察that you will not open the packet unless
unless mine own dishonour seems to you imminentunless I have
yielded to these brutes in this prison察and sent Ffoulkes or one
of the others orders to exchange the Dauphin's life for mine察then
when mine own handwriting hath proclaimed me a coward察then and then
only察give this packet to Ffoulkes。  Promise me that察and also that
when you and he have mastered its contents you will act exactly as
I have commanded。  Promise me that察dear察in your own sweet name
which may God bless察and in that of Ffoulkes察our loyal friend。;

Through the sobs that well´nigh choked her she murmured the
promise he desired。

His voice had grown hoarser and more spent with the inevitable
reaction after the long and sustained effort察but the vigour of
the spirit was untouched察the fervour察the enthusiasm。

;Dear heart察─he murmured察 do not look on me with those dear
scared eyes of yours。  If there is aught that puzzles you in what
I said察try and trust me a while longer。 Remember察I must save the
Dauphin at all costs察mine honour is bound with his safety。  What
happens to me after that matters but little察yet I wish to live
for your dear sake。;

He drew a long breath which had naught of weariness in it。  The
haggard look had completely vanished from his face察the eyes were
lighted up from within察the very soul of reckless daring and
immortal gaiety illumined his whole personality。

;Do not look so sad察little woman察─he said with a strange and
sudden recrudescence of power察 those dd murderers have not got
me yeteven now。;

Then he went down like a log。

The effort had been too prolongedweakened nature reasserted her
rights  and he lost consciousness。 Marguerite察helpless and almost
distraught with grief察had yet the strength of mind not to call
for assistance。  She pillowed the loved one's head upon her
breast察she kissed the dear察tired eyes察the poor throbbing
temples。 The unutterable pathos of seeing this man察who was always
the personification of extreme vitality察energy察and boundless
endurance and pluck察lying thus helpless察like a tired child察in
her arms察was perhaps the saddest moment of this day of sorrow。
But in her trust she never wavered for one instant。  Much that he
had said had puzzled her察but the word ;shame; coming from his own
lips as a comment on himself never caused her the slightest pang
of fear。 She had quickly hidden the tiny packet in her kerchief。
She would act point by point exactly as he had ordered her to do
and she knew that Ffoulkes would never waver either。

Her heart ached well´nigh to breaking point。  That which she could
not understand had increased her anguish tenfold。  If she could
only have given way to tears she could have borne this final agony
more easily。  But the solace of tears was not for her察when those
loved eyes once more opened to consciousness they should see hers
glowing with courage and determination。

There had been silence for a few minutes in the little cell。 The
soldiery outside察inured to their hideous duty察thought no doubt
that the time had come for them to interfere。 The iron bar was
raised and thrown back with a loud crash察the butt´ends of muskets
were grounded against the floor察and two soldiers made noisy
irruption into the cell。

;Hola察citizen  Wake up察─shouted one of the men察 you have not
told us yet what you have done with Capet 

Marguerite uttered a cry of horror。  Instinctively her arms were
interposed between the unconscious man and these inhuman
creatures察with a beautiful gesture of protecting motherhood。

;He has fainted察─she said察her voice quivering with indignation。
;My God are you devils that you have not one spark of manhood in

The men shrugged their shoulders察and both laughed brutally。  They
had seen worse sights than these察since they served a Republic
that ruled by bloodshed 

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