el dorado-及38准
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arrest there had beenwas not like to be bruited abroad just now。
Blakeney having last seen Armand in Chauvelin's company察whilst he
himself was moving the Simons' furniture察could not for a moment
doubt that the young man was imprisonedunless察indeed察he was
being allowed a certain measure of freedom察whilst his every step
was being spied on察so that he might act as a decoy for his chief。
At thought of that all weariness seemed to vanish from Blakeney's
powerful frame。 He set his lips firmly together察and once again
the light of irresponsible gaiety danced in his eyes。
He had been in as tight a corner as this before now察at Boulogne
his beautiful Marguerite had been used as a decoy察and twenty´four
hours later he had held her in his arms on board his yacht the
Day´Dream。 As he would have put it in his own forcible
;Those dd murderers have not got me yet。;
The battle mayhap would this time be against greater odds than
before察but Blakeney had no fear that they would prove
There was in life but one odd that was overwhelming察and that was
But of that there could be no question。
In the afternoon Blakeney started off in search of lodgings for
the night。 He found what would suit him in the Rue de l'Arcade
which was equally far from the House of Justice as it was from his
former lodgings。 Here he would be safe for at least twenty´four
hours察after which he might have to shift again。 But for the
moment the landlord of the miserable apartment was over´willing to
make no fuss and ask no questions察for the sake of the money which
this aristo in disguise dispensed with a lavish hand。
Having taken possession of his new quarters and snatched a few
hours of sound察well´deserved rest察until the time when the shades
of evening and the darkness of the streets would make progress
through the city somewhat more safe察Blakeney sallied forth at
about six o'clock having a threefold object in view。
Primarily察of course察the threefold object was concentrated on
Armand。 There was the possibility of finding out at the young
man's lodgings in Montmartre what had become of him察then there
were the usual inquiries that could be made from the registers of
the various prisons察and察thirdly察there was the chance that
Armand had succeeded in sending some kind of message to Blakeney's
former lodgings in the Rue St。 Germain l'Auxerrois。
On the whole察Sir Percy decided to leave the prison registers
alone for the present。 If Armand had been actually arrested察he
would almost certainly be confined in the Chatelet prison察where
he would be closer to hand for all the interrogatories to which
no doubt察he would be subjected。
Blakeney set his teeth and murmured a good察sound察British oath
when he thought of those interrogatories。 Armand St。 Just察highly
strung察a dreamer and a bundle of nerveshow he would suffer
under the mental rack of questions and cross´questions
cleverly´laid traps to catch information from him unawares
His next objective察then察was Armand's former lodging察and from
six o'clock until close upon eight Sir Percy haunted the slopes of
Montmartre察and more especially the neighbourhood of the Rue de la
Croix Blanche察where Armand had lodged these former days。 At the
house itself he could not inquire as yet察obviously it would not
have been safe察tomorrow察perhaps察when he knew more察but not
tonight。 His keen eyes had already spied at least two figures
clothed in the rags of out´of´work labourers like himself察who had
hung with suspicious persistence in this same neighbourhood察and
who during the two hours that he had been in observation had never
strayed out of sight of the house in the Rue de la Croix Blanche。
That these were two spies on the watch was察of course察obvious
but whether they were on the watch for St。 Just or for some other
unfortunate wretch it was at this stage impossible to conjecture。
Then察as from the Tour des Dames close by the clock solemnly
struck the hour of eight察and Blakeney prepared to wend his way
back to another part of the city察he suddenly saw Armand walking
slowly up the street。
The young man did not look either to right or left察he held his
head forward on his chest察and his hands were hidden underneath
his cloak。 When he passed immediately under one of the street
lamps Blakeney caught sight of his face察it was pale and drawn。
Then he turned his head察and for the space of two seconds his eyes
across the narrow street encountered those of his chief。 He had
the presence of mind not to make a sign or to utter a sound察he
was obviously being followed察but in that brief moment Sir Percy
had seen in the young man's eyes a look that reminded him of a
hunted creature。
;What have those brutes been up to with him察I wonder拭─he
muttered between clenched teeth。
Armand soon disappeared under the doorway of the same house where
he had been lodging all along。 Even as he did so Blakeney saw the
two spies gather together like a pair of slimy lizards察and
whisper excitedly one to another。 A third man察who obviously had
been dogging Armand's footsteps察came up and joined them after a
Blakeney could have sworn loudly and lustily察had it been possible
to do so without attracting attention。 The whole of Armand's
history in the past twenty´four hours was perfectly clear to him。
The young man had been made free that he might prove a decoy for
more important game。
His every step was being watched察and he still thought Jeanne
Lange in immediate danger of death。 The look of despair in his
face proclaimed these two facts察and Blakeney's heart ached for
the mental torture which his friend was enduring。 He longed to
let Armand know that the woman he loved was in comparative safety。
Jeanne Lange first察and then Armand himself察and the odds would be
very heavy against the Scarlet Pimpernel But that Marguerite
should not have to mourn an only brother察of that Sir Percy made
He now turned his steps towards his own former lodgings by St。
Germain l'Auxerrois。 It was just possible that Armand had
succeeded in leaving a message there for him。 It was察of course
equally possible that when he did so Heron's men had watched his
movements察and that spies would be stationed there察too察on the
But that risk must察of course察be run。 Blakeney's former lodging
was the one place that Armand would know of to which he could send
a message to his chief察if he wanted to do so。 Of course察the
unfortunate young man could not have known until just now that
Percy would come back to Paris察but he might guess it察or wish it
or only vaguely hope for it察he might want to send a message察he
might long to communicate with his brother´in´law察and察perhaps
feel sure that the latter would not leave him in the lurch。
With that thought in his mind察Sir Percy was not likely to give up
the attempt to ascertain for himself whether Armand had tried to
communicate with him or not。 As for spieswell察he had dodged
some of them often enough in his timethe risks that he ran
to´night were no worse than the ones to which he had so
successfully run counter in the Temple yesterday。
Still keeping up the slouchy gait peculiar to the out´at´elbows
working man of the day察hugging the houses as he walked along the
streets察Blakeney made slow progress across the city。 But at last
he reached the facade of St。 Germain l'Auxerrois察and turning
sharply to his right he soon came in sight of the house which he
had only quitted twenty´four hours ago。
We all know that houseall of us who are familiar with the Paris
of those terrible days。 It stands quite detacheda vast
quadrangle察facing the Quai de l'Ecole and the river察backing on
the Rue St。 Germain l'Auxerrois察and shouldering the Carrefour des
Trois Manes。 The porte´cochere察so´called察is but a narrow
doorway察and is actually situated in the Rue St。 Germain l'Auxerrois。
Blakeney made his way cautiously right round the house察he peered
up and down the quay察and his keen eyes tried to pierce the dense
gloom that hung at the corners of the Pont Neuf immediately
Opposite。 Soon he assured himself that for the present察at any
rate察the house was not being watched。
Armand presumably had not yet left a message for him here察but he
might do so at any time now that he knew that his chief was in
Paris and on the look´out for him。
Blakeney made up his mind to keep this house in sight。 This art of
watching he had acquired to a masterly extent察and could have
taught Heron's watch´dogs a remarkable lesson in it。 At night察of
course察it was a comparatively easy task。 There were a good many
unlighted doorways along the quay察whilst a street lamp was fixed
on a bracket in the wall of the very house which he kept in
Finding temporary shelter under various doorways察or against the
dank walls of the houses察Blakeney set himself resolutely to a few
hours' weary waiting。 A thin察drizzly rain fell with unpleasant
persistence察like a damp mist察and the thin blouse which he wore
soon became wet through and clung hard and chilly to his
It was close on midnight when at last