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memoir of fleeming jenkin-第8节

小说: memoir of fleeming jenkin 字数: 每页4000字

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And I cannot but smile when I think that (again like Wordsworth) 

they should have so specially disliked the consequence。

It came upon them by surprise。  Liberal friends of the precise 

right shade of colour had assured them; in Mrs。 Turner's drawing…

room; that all was for the best; and they rose on January 23 

without fear。  About the middle of the day they heard the sound of 

musketry; and the next morning they were wakened by the cannonade。  

The French who had behaved so 'splendidly;' pausing; at the voice 

of Lamartine; just where judicious Liberals could have desired … 

the French; who had 'no cupidity in their nature;' were now about 

to play a variation on the theme rebellion。  The Jenkins took 

refuge in the house of Mrs。 Turner; the house of the false 

prophets; 'Anna going with Mrs。 Turner; that she might be prevented 

speaking English; Fleeming; Miss H。 and I (it is the mother who 

writes) walking together。  As we reached the Rue de Clichy; the 

report of the cannon sounded close to our ears and made our hearts 

sick; I assure you。  The fighting was at the barrier Rochechouart; 

a few streets off。  All Saturday and Sunday we were a prey to great 

alarm; there came so many reports that the insurgents were getting 

the upper hand。  One could tell the state of affairs from the 

extreme quiet or the sudden hum in the street。  When the news was 

bad; all the houses closed and the people disappeared; when better; 

the doors half opened and you heard the sound of men again。  From 

the upper windows we could see each discharge from the Bastille … I 

mean the smoke rising … and also the flames and smoke from the 

Boulevard la Chapelle。  We were four ladies; and only Fleeming by 

way of a man; and difficulty enough we had to keep him from joining 

the National Guards … his pride and spirit were both fired。  You 

cannot picture to yourself the multitudes of soldiers; guards; and 

armed men of all sorts we watched … not close to the window; 

however; for such havoc had been made among them by the firing from 

the windows; that as the battalions marched by; they cried; 〃Fermez 

vos fenetres!〃 and it was very painful to watch their looks of 

anxiety and suspicion as they marched by。'

'The Revolution;' writes Fleeming to Frank Scott; 'was quite 

delightful:  getting popped at and run at by horses; and giving 

sous for the wounded into little boxes guarded by the raggedest; 

picturesquest; delightfullest; sentinels; but the insurrection! 

ugh; I shudder to think at 'SIC' it。'  He found it 'not a bit of 

fun sitting boxed up in the house four days almost。 。 。 I was the 

only GENTLEMAN to four ladies; and didn't they keep me in order!  I 

did not dare to show my face at a window; for fear of catching a 

stray ball or being forced to enter the National Guard; 'for' they 

would have it I was a man full…grown; French; and every way fit to 

fight。  And my mamma was as bad as any of them; she that told me I 

was a coward last time if I stayed in the house a quarter of an 

hour!  But I drew; examined the pistols; of which I found lots with 

caps; powder; and ball; while sometimes murderous intentions of 

killing a dozen insurgents and dying violently overpowered by 

numbers。 。 。 。 。'  We may drop this sentence here:  under the 

conduct of its boyish writer; it was to reach no legitimate end。

Four days of such a discipline had cured the family of Paris; the 

same year Fleeming was to write; in answer apparently to a question 

of Frank Scott's; 'I could find no national game in France but 

revolutions'; and the witticism was justified in their experience。  

On the first possible day; they applied for passports; and were 

advised to take the road to Geneva。  It appears it was scarce safe 

to leave Paris for England。  Charles Reade; with keen dramatic 

gusto; had just smuggled himself out of that city in the bottom of 

a cab。  English gold had been found on the insurgents; the name of 

England was in evil odour; and it was thus … for strategic reasons; 

so to speak … that Fleeming found himself on the way to that Italy 

where he was to complete his education; and for which he cherished 

to the end a special kindness。

It was in Genoa they settled; partly for the sake of the captain; 

who might there find naval comrades; partly because of the 

Ruffinis; who had been friends of Mrs。 Jenkin in their time of 

exile and were now considerable men at home; partly; in fine; with 

hopes that Fleeming might attend the University; in preparation for 

which he was put at once to school。  It was the year of Novara; 

Mazzini was in Rome; the dry bones of Italy were moving; and for 

people of alert and liberal sympathies the time was inspiriting。  

What with exiles turned Ministers of State; universities thrown 

open to Protestants; Fleeming himself the first Protestant student 

in Genoa; and thus; as his mother writes; 'a living instance of the 

progress of liberal ideas' … it was little wonder if the 

enthusiastic young woman and the clever boy were heart and soul 

upon the side of Italy。  It should not be forgotten that they were 

both on their first visit to that country; the mother still child 

enough 'to be delighted when she saw real monks'; and both mother 

and son thrilling with the first sight of snowy Alps; the blue 

Mediterranean; and the crowded port and the palaces of Genoa。  Nor 

was their zeal without knowledge。  Ruffini; deputy for Genoa and 

soon to be head of the University; was at their side; and by means 

of him the family appear to have had access to much Italian 

society。  To the end; Fleeming professed his admiration of the 

Piedmontese and his unalterable confidence in the future of Italy 

under their conduct; for Victor Emanuel; Cavour; the first La 

Marmora and Garibaldi; he had varying degrees of sympathy and 

praise:  perhaps highest for the King; whose good sense and temper 

filled him with respect … perhaps least for Garibaldi; whom he 

loved but yet mistrusted。

But this is to look forward:  these were the days not of Victor 

Emanuel but of Charles Albert; and it was on Charles Albert that 

mother and son had now fixed their eyes as on the sword…bearer of 

Italy。  On Fleeming's sixteenth birthday; they were; the mother 

writes; 'in great anxiety for news from the army。  You can have no 

idea what it is to live in a country where such a struggle is going 

on。  The interest is one that absorbs all others。  We eat; drink; 

and sleep to the noise of drums and musketry。  You would enjoy and 

almost admire Fleeming's enthusiasm and earnestness … and; courage; 

I may say … for we are among the small minority of English who side 

with the Italians。  The other day; at dinner at the Consul's; boy 

as he is; and in spite of my admonitions; Fleeming defended the 

Italian cause; and so well that he 〃tripped up the heels of his 

adversary〃 simply from being well…informed on the subject and 

honest。  He is as true as steel; and for no one will he bend right 

or left。 。 。 。 。  Do not fancy him a Bobadil;' she adds; 'he is 

only a very true; candid boy。  I am so glad he remains in all 

respects but information a great child。'

If this letter is correctly dated; the cause was already lost and 

the King had already abdicated when these lines were written。  No 

sooner did the news reach Genoa; than there began 'tumultuous 

movements'; and the Jenkins' received hints it would be wise to 

leave the city。  But they had friends and interests; even the 

captain had English officers to keep him company; for Lord 

Hardwicke's ship; the VENGEANCE; lay in port; and supposing the 

danger to be real; I cannot but suspect the whole family of a 

divided purpose; prudence being possibly weaker than curiosity。  

Stay; at least; they did; and thus rounded their experience of the 

revolutionary year。  On Sunday; April 1; Fleeming and the captain 

went for a ramble beyond the walls; leaving Aunt Anna and Mrs。 

Jenkin to walk on the bastions with some friends。  On the way back; 

this party turned aside to rest in the Church of the Madonna delle 

Grazie。  'We had remarked;' writes Mrs。 Jenkin; 'the entire absence 

of sentinels on the ramparts; and how the cannons were left in 

solitary state; and I had just remarked 〃How quiet everything is!〃 

when suddenly we heard the drums begin to beat and distant shouts。  

ACCUSTOMED AS WE ARE to revolutions; we never thought of being 

frightened。'  For all that; they resumed their return home。  On the 

way they saw men running and vociferating; but nothing to indicate 

a general disturbance; until; near the Duke's palace; they came 

upon and passed a shouting mob dragging along with it three cannon。  

It had scarcely passed before they heard 'a rushing sound'; one of 

the gentlemen thrust back the party of ladies under a shed; and the 

mob passed again。  A fine…looking young man was in their hands; and 


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