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memoir of fleeming jenkin-第12节

小说: memoir of fleeming jenkin 字数: 每页4000字

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of itself; and is easily alleviated by fresh interests; and 

already; in the letter to Frank Scott; there are two words of hope:  

his friends in London; his love for his profession。  The last might 

have saved him; for he was ere long to pass into a new sphere; 

where all his faculties were to be tried and exercised; and his 

life to be filled with interest and effort。  But it was not left to 

engineering:  another and more influential aim was to be set before 

him。  He must; in any case; have fallen in love; in any case; his 

love would have ruled his life; and the question of choice was; for 

the descendant of two such families; a thing of paramount 

importance。  Innocent of the world; fiery; generous; devoted as he 

was; the son of the wild Jacksons and the facile Jenkins might have 

been led far astray。  By one of those partialities that fill men at 

once with gratitude and wonder; his choosing was directed well。  Or 

are we to say that by a man's choice in marriage; as by a crucial 

merit; he deserves his fortune?  One thing at least reason may 

discern:  that a man but partly chooses; he also partly forms; his 

help…mate; and he must in part deserve her; or the treasure is but 

won for a moment to be lost。  Fleeming chanced if you will (and 

indeed all these opportunities are as 'random as blind man's buff') 

upon a wife who was worthy of him; but he had the wit to know it; 

the courage to wait and labour for his prize; and the tenderness 

and chivalry that are required to keep such prizes precious。  Upon 

this point he has himself written well; as usual with fervent 

optimism; but as usual (in his own phrase) with a truth sticking in 

his head。

'Love;' he wrote; 'is not an intuition of the person most suitable 

to us; most required by us; of the person with whom life flowers 

and bears fruit。  If this were so; the chances of our meeting that 

person would be small indeed; our intuition would often fail; the 

blindness of love would then be fatal as it is proverbial。  No; 

love works differently; and in its blindness lies its strength。  

Man and woman; each strongly desires to be loved; each opens to the 

other that heart of ideal aspirations which they have often hid 

till then; each; thus knowing the ideal of the other; tries to 

fulfil that ideal; each partially succeeds。  The greater the love; 

the greater the success; the nobler the idea of each; the more 

durable; the more beautiful the effect。  Meanwhile the blindness of 

each to the other's defects enables the transformation to proceed 

'unobserved;' so that when the veil is withdrawn (if it ever is; 

and this I do not know) neither knows that any change has occurred 

in the person whom they loved。  Do not fear; therefore。  I do not 

tell you that your friend will not change; but as I am sure that 

her choice cannot be that of a man with a base ideal; so I am sure 

the change will be a safe and a good one。  Do not fear that 

anything you love will vanish; he must love it too。'

Among other introductions in London; Fleeming had presented a 

letter from Mrs。 Gaskell to the Alfred Austins。  This was a family 

certain to interest a thoughtful young man。  Alfred; the youngest 

and least known of the Austins; had been a beautiful golden…haired 

child; petted and kept out of the way of both sport and study by a 

partial mother。  Bred an attorney; he had (like both his brothers) 

changed his way of life; and was called to the bar when past 

thirty。  A Commission of Enquiry into the state of the poor in 

Dorsetshire gave him an opportunity of proving his true talents; 

and he was appointed a Poor Law Inspector; first at Worcester; next 

at Manchester; where he had to deal with the potato famine and the 

Irish immigration of the 'forties; and finally in London; where he 

again distinguished himself during an epidemic of cholera。  He was 

then advanced to the Permanent Secretaryship of Her Majesty's 

Office of Works and Public Buildings; a position which he filled 

with perfect competence; but with an extreme of modesty; and on his 

retirement; in 1868; he was made a Companion of the Bath。  While 

apprentice to a Norwich attorney; Alfred Austin was a frequent 

visitor in the house of Mr。 Barron; a rallying place in those days 

of intellectual society。  Edward Barron; the son of a rich saddler 

or leather merchant in the Borough; was a man typical of the time。  

When he was a child; he had once been patted on the head in his 

father's shop by no less a man than Samuel Johnson; as the Doctor 

went round the Borough canvassing for Mr。 Thrale; and the child was 

true to this early consecration。  'A life of lettered ease spent in 

provincial retirement;' it is thus that the biographer of that 

remarkable man; William Taylor; announces his subject; and the 

phrase is equally descriptive of the life of Edward Barron。  The 

pair were close friends; 'W。 T。 and a pipe render everything 

agreeable;' writes Barron in his diary in 1823; and in 1833; after 

Barron had moved to London and Taylor had tasted the first public 

failure of his powers; the latter wrote:  'To my ever dearest Mr。 

Barron say; if you please; that I miss him more than I regret him … 

that I acquiesce in his retirement from Norwich; because I could 

ill brook his observation of my increasing debility of mind。'  This 

chosen companion of William Taylor must himself have been no 

ordinary man; and he was the friend besides of Borrow; whom I find 

him helping in his Latin。  But he had no desire for popular 

distinction; lived privately; married a daughter of Dr。 Enfield of 

Enfield's SPEAKER; and devoted his time to the education of his 

family; in a deliberate and scholarly fashion; and with certain 

traits of stoicism; that would surprise a modern。  From these 

children we must single out his youngest daughter; Eliza; who 

learned under his care to be a sound Latin; an elegant Grecian; and 

to suppress emotion without outward sign after the manner of the 

Godwin school。  This was the more notable; as the girl really 

derived from the Enfields; whose high…flown romantic temper; I wish 

I could find space to illustrate。  She was but seven years old; 

when Alfred Austin remarked and fell in love with her; and the 

union thus early prepared was singularly full。  Where the husband 

and wife differed; and they did so on momentous subjects; they 

differed with perfect temper and content; and in the conduct of 

life; and in depth and durability of love; they were at one。  Each 

full of high spirits; each practised something of the same 

repression:  no sharp word was uttered in their house。  The same 

point of honour ruled them; a guest was sacred and stood within the 

pale from criticism。  It was a house; besides; of unusual 

intellectual tension。  Mrs。 Austin remembered; in the early days of 

the marriage; the three brothers; John; Charles; and Alfred; 

marching to and fro; each with his hands behind his back; and 

'reasoning high' till morning; and how; like Dr。 Johnson; they 

would cheer their speculations with as many as fifteen cups of tea。  

And though; before the date of Fleeming's visit; the brothers were 

separated; Charles long ago retired from the world at Brandeston; 

and John already near his end in the 'rambling old house' at 

Weybridge; Alfred Austin and his wife were still a centre of much 

intellectual society; and still; as indeed they remained until the 

last; youthfully alert in mind。  There was but one child of the 

marriage; Anne; and she was herself something new for the eyes of 

the young visitor; brought up; as she had been; like her mother 

before her; to the standard of a man's acquirements。  Only one art 

had she been denied; she must not learn the violin … the thought 

was too monstrous even for the Austins; and indeed it would seem as 

if that tide of reform which we may date from the days of Mary 

Wollstonecraft had in some degree even receded; for though Miss 

Austin was suffered to learn Greek; the accomplishment was kept 

secret like a piece of guilt。  But whether this stealth was caused 

by a backward movement in public thought since the time of Edward 

Barron; or by the change from enlightened Norwich to barbarian 

London; I have no means of judging。

When Fleeming presented his letter; he fell in love at first sight 

with Mrs。 Austin and the life; and atmosphere of the house。  There 

was in the society of the Austins; outward; stoical conformers to 

the world; something gravely suggestive of essential eccentricity; 

something unpretentiously breathing of intellectual effort; that 

could not fail to hit the fancy of this hot…brained boy。  The 

unbroken enamel of courtesy; the self…restraint; the dignified 

kindness of these married folk; had besides a particular attraction 

for their visitor。  He could not but compare what he saw; with what 

he knew of his mother and himself。  Whatever virt

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