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life of francis marion(弗朗西丝·马利翁传)-第49节

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seventy five 》 seventy…five thirty five 》 thirty…five 


       coersion 》 coercion (in Salley's introduction) 

       Corrections to the 1821 text: 

       Moultrie himself was more too blame 》 Moultrie himself was more 

to blame Chapter I Paragraph 6            ^^ 

     Maj。 Benjamin Huger; an active officer; a wise statesmen; 》 statesman 

Chapter I Paragraph 7          ^ 

     113 men were killed of the American's 》 of the Americans Chapter II 

Paragraph 7 ^^ 

     abhored either submission or vassalage 》 abhorred either 。 。 。 Chapter 

II Paragraph 8 ^^ 

     in the the praise of his father。 》 in the praise of his father。 Chapter II 

Paragraph 16 ^^^ 

     and join Gen。 Green 》 and join Gen。 Greene Chapter II Paragraph 19 ^ 


… Page 156…

                                          Life of Marion。 

     moving up   for  that   pupose  》   moving   up   for   that   purpose   Chapter   II 

Paragraph 19 ^ 

     in   the   case   of   his   country   》   in   the   cause   of   his   country   Chapter   II 

Paragraph 24 ^ 

     and   and   marching   two   or   three   hours   》   and   marching   two   or   three 

hours Chapter II Paragraph 25 ^^^ 

     two   days   and   an   half   》   two   days   and   a   half   Chapter   II;   Detached 

Narratives Paragraph 4 

     from Winnsborourgh 》 from Winnsborough Chapter III Paragraph 4 ^^ 

     and   and   executed   the   order   with   great   gallantry   》   and   executed   the 

order 。 。 。 Chapter III Paragraph 4 ^^^ 

     As the navigation of the Wateree river was as that time 》 at that time 

Chapter III Paragraph 11 ^^ 

     these were; however soon rallied 》 these were; however; soon rallied 

Chapter III Paragraph 17 ^ 

     they   run   to   their   arms   and   returned。   。   。   。   》   they   ran   to   their   arms 

Chapter III Paragraph 22 ^ 

     with    forces   much     impairied    by   the  incessant    》   with   forces   much 

impaired Chapter III Paragraph 28             ^^ 

     so strongly recommended by Machiavel 》 by Machiavelli Chapter III 

Paragraph 33 ^^ 

     encouraged the garrison for awhile 》 for a while Chapter III Paragraph 

34 ^^ 

     a   new   charge;   made   by   Rowdon   and   Balfour   themselves   》   Rawdon 

and Balfour Chapter III Paragraph 41 ^ 

     by  some   mistaken   order   be   had   gone   to   assist Washington   》   he   had 

gone Chapter III Paragraph 46            ^ 

     Thus     a   most    favourabe     opportunity      》   Thus    a  most     favourable 

opportunity Chapter III Paragraph 46 ^ 

     would     have    preplexed     the   narrative   》   would    have    perplexed     the 

narrative Chapter III Paragraph 53 ^^ 

     with    the    officers。   commanding        of   thirty…eight    men。     》   officers; 

commanding Chapter III; Detached Narratives Paragraph 5 ^^ 

     supernumerary         officers;    who     placed    themseves       》   who     placed 


… Page 157…

                                           Life of Marion。 

themselves Chapter III; Detached Narratives Paragraph 7 ^ 

     an   extensive   avenue   of   old   ceder   trees   》   old   cedar   trees   Chapter   IV 

Paragraph 13 ^ 

     with a salary of about 500~l~。 》   with a salary of about 500   pounds。 

(This change has been made only to avoid confusion。) ^^^^^^ Chapter IV 

Paragraph 20 

       Final Notes: 

     The   format;   but   not   the   content;   of   quoted   letters   has   been   slightly 

changed to accommodate the format of the etext。 

     Footnotes   added   by   myself   are   always   initialed   (A。   L。);   unless   they 

merely   note   the   chapter   and   paragraph   corresponding   to   a   page   number 

given in the text。 


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