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merriment or diversion; that I thought was not debauched or

openly vicious; but when I returned from my carnal mirth I felt

as guilty as ever; and could sometimes not close my eyes for some

hours after I had gone to my bed。  I was one of the most unhappy

creatures on earth。

〃Sometimes I would leave the company (often speaking to the

fiddler to cease from playing; as if I was tired); and go out and

walk about crying and praying; as if my very heart would break;

and beseeching God that he would not cut me off; nor give me up

to hardness of heart。  Oh; what unhappy hours and nights I thus

wore away!  When I met sometimes with merry companions; and my

heart was ready to sink; I would labor to put on as cheerful a

countenance as possible; that they might not distrust anything;

and sometimes would begin some discourse with young men or young

women on purpose; or propose a merry song; lest the distress of

my soul would be discovered; or mistrusted; when at the same time

I would then rather have been in a wilderness in exile; than with

them or any of their pleasures or enjoyments。  Thus for many

months when I was in company?  I would act the hypocrite and

feign a merry heart but at the same time would endeavor as much

as I could to shun their company; oh wretched and unhappy mortal

that I was!  Everything I did; and wherever I went; I was still

in a storm and yet I continued to be the chief contriver and

ringleader of the frolics for many months after; though it was a

toil and torment to attend them; but the devil and my own wicked

heart drove me about like a slave; telling me that I must do this

and do that; and bear this and bear that; and turn here and turn

there; to keep my credit up; and retain the esteem of my

associates:  and all this while I continued as strict as possible

in my duties; and left no stone unturned to pacify my conscience;

watching even against my thoughts; and praying continually

wherever I went:  for I did not think there was any sin in my

conduct; when I was among carnal company; because I did not take

any satisfaction there; but only followed it; I thought; for

sufficient reasons。

〃But still; all that I did or could do; conscience would roar

night and day。〃

Saint Augustine and Alline both emerged into the smooth waters of

inner unity and peace; and I shall next ask you to consider more

closely some of the peculiarities of the process of unification;

when it occurs。  It may come gradually; or it may occur abruptly;

it may come through altered feelings; or through altered powers

of action; or it may come through new intellectual insights; or

through experiences which we shall later have to designate as

'mystical。'  However it come; it brings a characteristic sort of

relief; and never such extreme relief as when it is cast into the

religious mould。  Happiness! happiness! religion is only one of

the ways in which men gain that gift。  Easily; permanently; and

successfully; it often transforms the most intolerable misery

into the profoundest and most enduring happiness。

But to find religion is only one out of many ways of reaching

unity; and the process of remedying inner incompleteness and

reducing inner discord is a general psychological process; which

may take place with any sort of mental material; and need not

necessarily assume the religious form。  In judging of the

religious types of regeneration which we are about to study; it

is important to recognize that they are only one species of a

genus that contains other types as well。  For example; the new

birth may be away from religion into incredulity; or it may be

from moral scrupulosity into freedom and license; or it may be

produced by the irruption into the individual's life of some new

stimulus or passion; such as love; ambition; cupidity; revenge;

or patriotic devotion。  In all these instances we have precisely

the same psychological form of event;a firmness; stability; and

equilibrium  succeeding a period of storm and stress and

inconsistency。  In these non…religious cases the new man may also

be born either gradually or suddenly。

The French philosopher Jouffroy has left an eloquent memorial of

his own 〃counter…conversion;〃 as the transition from orthodoxy to

infidelity has been well styled by Mr。 Starbuck。  Jouffroy's

doubts had long harassed him; but he dates his final crisis from

a certain night when his disbelief grew fixed and stable; and

where the immediate result was sadness at the illusions he had


〃I shall never forget that night of December;〃 writes Jouffroy;

〃in which the veil that concealed from me my own incredulity was

torn。  I hear again my steps in that narrow naked chamber where

long after the hour of sleep had come I had the habit of walking

up and down。  I see again that moon; half…veiled by clouds;

which now and again illuminated the frigid window…panes。  The

hours of the night flowed on and I did not note their passage。 

Anxiously I followed my thoughts; as from layer to layer they

descended towards the foundation of my consciousness; and;

scattering one by one all the illusions which until then had

screened its windings from my view; made them every moment more

clearly visible。

〃Vainly I clung to these last beliefs as a shipwrecked sailor

clings to the fragments of his vessel; vainly; frightened at the

unknown void in which I was about to float; I turned with them

towards my childhood; my family; my country; all that was dear

and sacred to me:  the inflexible current of my thought was too

strongparents; family; memory; beliefs; it forced me to let go

of everything。  The investigation went on more obstinate and more

severe as it drew near its term; and did not stop until the end

was reached。  I knew then that in the depth of my mind nothing

was left that stood erect。

〃This moment was a frightful one; and when towards morning I

threw myself exhausted on my bed; I seemed to feel my earlier

life; so smiling and so full; go out like a fire; and before me

another life opened; sombre and unpeopled; where in future I must

live alone; alone with my fatal thought which had exiled me

thither; and which I was tempted to curse。  The days which

followed this discovery were the saddest of my life。〃'93'

'93' Th。 Jouffroy:  Nouveaux Melanges philosophiques; 2me

edition; p。 83。  I add two other cases of counter…conversion

dating from a certain moment。  The first is from Professor

Starbuck's manuscript collection; and the narrator is a woman。

〃Away down in the bottom of my heart; I believe I was always more

or less skeptical about 'God;' skepticism grew as an

undercurrent; all through my early youth; but it was controlled

and covered by the emotional elements in my religious growth。 

When I was sixteen I joined the church and was asked if I loved

God。  I replied 'Yes;' as was customary and expected。  But

instantly with a flash something spoke within me; 'No; you do

not。'  I was haunted for a long time with shame and remorse for

my falsehood and for my wickedness in not loving God; mingled

with fear that there might be an avenging God who would punish me

in some terrible way。 。 。 。 At nineteen; I had an attack of

tonsilitis。  Before I had quite recovered; I heard told a story

of a brute who had kicked his wife down…stairs; and then

continued the operation until she became insensible。  I felt the

horror of the thing keenly。  Instantly this thought flashed

through my mind:  'I have no use for a God who permits such

things。'  This experience was followed by months of stoical

indifference to the God of my previous life; mingled with

feelings of positive dislike and a somewhat proud defiance of

him。  I still thought there might be a God。  If so he would

probably damn me; but I should have to stand it。  I felt very

little fear and no desire to propitiate him。  I have never had

any personal relations with him since this painful experience。〃

The second case exemplifies how small an additional stimulus will

overthrow the mind into a new state of equilibrium when the

process of preparation and incubation has proceeded far enough。 

It is like the proverbial last straw added to the camel's burden;

or that touch of a needle which makes the salt in a

supersaturated fluid suddenly begin to crystallize out。

Tolstoy writes:  〃S。

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