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eben holden-第29节

小说: eben holden 字数: 每页4000字

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chorus of cupidity and distress。 In Floral Hall Sol Rollin was on exhibition。 He gave me a cold nod; his lips set for a tune as yet inaudible。 He was surveying sundry examples of rustic art that hung on the circular railing of the gallery and tryingto preserve a calm breast。 He was looking at Susan Baker's painted cow that hung near us。

'Very descriptive;' he said when I pressed him for his notion of it。 'Rod Baker's sister Susan made thet cow。 Gits tew dollars an' fifty cents every fair time … wish I was dewin 's well。'

'That's one of the most profitable cows in this country;' I said。

'Looks a good deal like a new breed。'

'Yes;' he answered soberly; then he set his lips; threw a sweeping glance into the gallery; and passed on。

Susan Baker's cow was one of the permanent features of the county fair; and was indeed a curiosity not less remarkable than the sacred ox of Mr Bamum。

Here also I met a group of the pretty girls who had been my schoolmates。 They surrounded me; chattering like magpies。

'There's going to be a dance at our house tonight;' said one of them; 'and you must come。'

'I cannot; I must go home;' I said。

'Of course!' said a red…cheeked saucy miss。 'The stuck…up thing! He wouldn't go anywhere unless he could have his sister with him。'

Then they went away laughing。

I found Ab Thomas at the rifle range。 He was whittling as he considered a challenge from Tip Taylor to shoot a match。 He turned and 'hefted' the rifle; silently; and then he squinted over the barrel two or three times。

'Dunno but what I'll try ye once;' he said presently; 'jes t' see。' 

Once started they grew red in their faces and shot themselves weary in a reckless contest of skiIl and endurance。 A great hulking fellow; half drunk and a bit quarrelsome; came up; presently; and endeavoured to help Ab hold his rifle。 The latter brushed him away and said nothing for a moment。 But every time he tried to take aim the man jostled him。

An looked up slowly and calmly; his eyebrows tilted for his aim; and said; 'Go off I tell ye。' Then he set himself and took aim again。

'Le'me hold it;' said the man; reaching for the barrel。 'Shoot better if I do the ainin'。' A laugh greeted this remark。 Ab looked up again。 There was a quick start in his great slouching figure。

'Take yer hand off o' thet;' he said a little louder than before。 

The man; aching for more applause; grew more impertinent Ab quietly handed the rifle to its owner。 Then something happened suddenly。 It was so quickly over I am not quite sure of the order of business; but anyhow he seized the intruder by the shoulders flinging him down so heavily it knocked the dust out of the grass。

'A fight!' somebody shouted and men and boys came runing from all sides。 We were locked in a pushing crowd before I could turn。 The intruder lay stunned a moment。 Then he rose; bare headed; his back covered with dust; pushed his way out and ran。

Ab turned quietly to the range。

'Hedn't orter t' come an' try t' dew my aimin';' he said mildly; by way of protest; 'I won't hev it。'

Then he enquired about the score and calmly took aim again。 The stallion show came on that afternoon。

'They can't never beat thet hoss;' Uncle Eb had said to me。

''Fraid they will;' I answered。 'They're better hitched for one thing。'

'But they hain't got the ginger in 'em;' said he; 'er the git up 'n git。 If we can show what's in him the Hawk'll beat 'em easy。'

If we won I was to get the prize but I had small hope of winning。 When I saw one after another prance out; in sparkling silver harness adorned with rosettes of ribbon … light stepping; beautiful creatures all of them … I could see nothing but defeat for us。 Indeed I could see we had been too confident。 I dreaded the moment when Uncle Eb should drive down with Black Hawk in a plain leather harness; drawing a plainer buggy。 I had planned to spend the prize money taking Hope to the harvest ball at Rickard's; and I had worked hard to put the Hawk in good fettle。 I began to feel the bitterness of failure。

'Black Hawk! Where is Black Hawk?' said one of the judges loudly。

'Owned by David Brower o' Faraway;' said another looking at his card。

Where indeed was Uncle Eb? I got up on the fence and looked all about me anxiously。 Then I heard a great cheering up the track。 Somebody was coming down; at a rapid pace; riding a splendid moving animal; a knee rising to the nose at each powerful stride。 His head and flying mane obscured the rider but I could see the end of a rope swinging in his hand。 There was something familiar in the easy high stride of the horse。 The cheers came on ahead of him like foam before a breaker。 Upon my eyes! it was Black Hawk; with nothing but a plain rope halter on his head; and Uncle Eb riding him。

'G'lang there!' he shouted; swinging the halter stale to the shining flank。 'G'lang there!' and he went by; like a flash; the tail of Black Hawk straight out behind him; its end feathering in the wind。 It was a splendid thing to see … that white…haired man; sitting erect on the flying animal; with only a rope halter in his hand。 Every man about me was yelling。 I swung my hat; shouting myself hoarse。 When Uncle Eb came back the Hawk was walking quietly in a crowd of men and boys eager to feel his silken sides。 I crowded through and held the horse's nose while Uncle Eb got down。

'Thought I wouldn't put no luther on him;' said Uncle Eb; 'God's gin' 'im a good 'nuff harness。'

The judges came and looked him over。

'Guess he'll win the prize all right;' said one of them。

And he did。 When we came home that evening every horse on the road thought himself a trotter and went speeding to try his pace with everything that came up beside him。 And many a man of Faraway; that we passed; sent up a shout of praise for the Black Hawk。

But I was thinking of Hope and the dance at Rickard's。 I had plenty of money now and my next letter urged her to come home at once。

Chapter 24

Hope returned for a few days late in August。 Invitations were just issued for the harvest dance at Rickard's。

'You mus' take 'er;' said Uncle Eb; the day she came。 'She's a purty dancer as a man ever see。 Prance right up an' tell 'er she mus' go。 Don' want 'O let anyone git ahead O' ye。'

'Of course I will go;' she said in answer to my invitation; 'I shouldn't think you were a beau worth having if you did not ask me。'

The yellow moon was peering over Woody Ledge when we went away that evening。 I knew it was our last pleasure seeking in Faraway; and the crickets in the stubble filled the silence with a kind of mourning。

She looked so fine in her big hat and new gown with its many dainty accessories of lace and ribbon; adjusted with so much patting and pulling; that as she sat beside me; I hardly dared touch her for fear of spoiling something。 When she shivered a little and said it was growing cool I put my arm about her; and; as I drew her closer to my side; she turned her hat; obligingly; and said it was a great nuisance。

I tried to kiss her then; but she put her hand over my mouth and said; sweetly; that I would spoil everything if I did that

'I must not let you kiss me; William;' she said; 'not … not for all in the world。 I'm sure you wouldn't have me do what I think is wrong …would you?'

There was but one answer to such an appeal; and I made myself as happy as possible feeling her head upon my shoulder and her soft hair touching my cheek。 As I think of it now the trust she put in me was something sublime and holy。

'Then I shall talk about … about our love;' I said; 'I must do something。'

'Promised I wouldn't let you;' she said。 Then she added after a moment of silence; 'I'll tell you what you may do … tell me what is your ideal in a woman … the one you would love best of all。 I don't think that would be wicked … do you?'

'I think God would forgive that;' I said。 'She must be tall and slim; with dainty feet and hands; and a pair of big eyes; blue as a violet; shaded with long dark lashes。 And her hair must be wavy and light with a little tinge of gold in it。 And her cheek must have the pink of the rose and dimples that show in laughter。 And her voice … that must have music in it and the ring of kindness and good…natare。 And her lips … let them show the crimson of her blood and be ready to give and receive a kiss when I meet her。'

She sighed and nestled closer to me。

'If I let you kiss me just once;' she whispered; 'you will not ask me again … will you?'

'No; sweetheart; I will not;' I answered。 Then we gave each other such a kiss as may be known once and only once in a lifetime。

'What would you do for the love of a girl like that?' she whispered。

I thought a moment; sounding depths of undiscovered woe to see if there were anything I should hesitate to suffer and there was nothing。

'I'd lay me doun an' dee;' I said。

And I well remember how; when I lay dying; as I believed; in rain and darkness on the bloody field of Bull Run; I thought of that moment and of those words。

'I cannot say such beautiful things as you;' she answered; when I asked her to describe her ideal。 'He must be good and he must be tall and handsome and strong and brave。'

Then she sang a tender love ballad。 I have often 

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