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king henry iv part 1(亨利四世i)-第11节

小说: king henry iv part 1(亨利四世i) 字数: 每页4000字

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north side win this cape of land; And then he runs straight and even。 Hot。 

I'll have it so。 A little charge will do it。 Glend。 I will not have it alt'red。 Hot。 

Will not you? Glend。 No; nor you shall not。 Hot。 Who shall say me nay? 

Glend。 No; that will I。 Hot。 Let me not understand you then; speak it in 

Welsh。 Glend。 I can speak English; lord; as well as you; For I was train'd 

up   in   the   English   court;   Where;   being   but   young;   I   framed   to   the   harp 

Many      an   English     ditty   lovely    well;   And     gave    the  tongue     a  helpful 

ornament… A virtue that was never seen in you。 Hot。 Marry; And I am glad 

of it with all my heart! I had rather be a kitten and cry mew Than one of 

these same metre ballet…mongers。 I had rather hear a brazen canstick turn'd 

Or a dry wheel grate on the axletree; And that would set my teeth nothing 

on edge; Nothing so much as mincing poetry。 'Tis like the forc'd gait of a 

shuffling nag; Glend。 Come; you shall have Trent turn'd。 Hot。 I do not care。 

I'll give thrice so much land To any well…deserving friend; But in the way 

of   bargain;   mark   ye   me;   I'll   cavil   on   the   ninth   part   of   a   hair   Are   the 

indentures drawn?   Shall   we be   gone?   Glend。 The   moon shines   fair;   you 

may away by night。 I'll haste the writer; and withal Break with your wives 

of your departure hence。 I am afraid my daughter will run mad; So much 

she doteth on her Mortimer。 Exit。 Mort。 Fie; cousin Percy! how you cross 

my father! Hot。 I cannot choose。 Sometimes he angers me With telling me 

of the moldwarp and the ant; Of the dreamer Merlin and his prophecies; 

And   of   a   dragon   and   a   finless   fish; A  clip…wing'd   griffin   and   a   moulten 

raven; A  couching   lion   and   a   ramping   cat; And   such   a   deal   of   skimble… 

skamble stuff As puts me from my faith。 I tell you what… He held me last 

night   at   least   nine  hours   In   reckoning up   the  several   devils'   names That 

were   his   lackeys。   I   cried   'hum;'   and   'Well;  go   to!'   But   mark'd   him  not   a 

word。   O;   he   is   as   tedious As   a   tired   horse;   a   railing   wife; Worse   than   a 

smoky house。 I had rather live With   cheese and   garlic in   a windmill   far 

Than   feed   on   cates   and   have   him   talk   to   me   In   any   summer   house   in 

Christendom)。 Mort。 In faith; he is a worthy gentleman; Exceedingly well 

read;    and    profited    In   strange     concealments;       valiant    as   a  lion;   And 

wondrous   affable;   and   as   bountiful   As   mines   of   India。   Shall   I   tell   you; 

cousin? He holds your temper in a high respect And curbs himself even of 


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                            KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

his   natural   scope   When   you   come   'cross   his   humour。   Faith;   he   does。   I 

warrant you that man is not alive Might so have tempted him as you have 

done Without the taste of danger and reproof。 But do not use it oft; let me 

entreat you。 Wor。 In faith; my lord; you are too wilful…blame; And since 

your    coming     hither   have   done    enough    To   put   him   quite   besides    his 

patience。     You    must    needs   learn;   lord;   to  amend     this  fault。   Though 

sometimes it show greatness; courage; blood… And that's the dearest grace 

it   renders   you…   Yet   oftentimes     it  doth  present    harsh   rage;   Defect    of 

manners;   want   of   government;   Pride;   haughtiness;   opinion;   and   disdain; 

The least of which haunting a nobleman Loseth men's hearts; and leaves 

behind   a   stain   Upon   the   beauty   of   all   parts   besides;   Beguiling   them   of 

commendation。  Hot。 Well;   I   am  school'd。  Good   manners   be   your   speed! 

Here come our wives; and let us take our leave。 

       Enter Glendower with the Ladies。 

       Mort。 This is the deadly spite that angers me… My wife can speak no 

English; I no Welsh。 Glend。 My daughter weeps; she will not part with you; 

She'll be a soldier too; she'll to the wars。 Mort。 Good father; tell her that 

she and my aunt Percy Shall follow in your conduct speedily。 Glendower 

speaks to her in Welsh; and she answers him in the same。 Glend。 She is 

desperate here。 A peevish self…will'd harlotry; One that no persuasion can 

do good upon。 The Lady speaks in Welsh。 Mort。 I understand thy looks。 

That pretty Welsh Which thou pourest down from these swelling heavens I 

am too perfect in; and; but for shame; In such a Barley should I answer 

thee。 The   Lady   again   in Welsh。   I   understand   thy  kisses;   and   thou   mine; 

And that's a feeling disputation。 But I will never be a truant; love; Till I 

have learnt thy language: for thy tongue Makes Welsh as sweet as ditties 

highly penn'd; Sung by a fair queen in a summer's bow'r; With ravishing 

division; to her lute。 Glend。 Nay; if you melt; then will she run mad。 The 

Lady speaks again in Welsh。 Mort。 O; I am ignorance itself in this! Glend。 

She   bids   you   on   the   wanton   rushes   lay   you   down And   rest   your   gentle 

head upon her lap; And she will sing the song that pleaseth you And on 

your eyelids crown the god of sleep; Charming your blood with pleasing 

heaviness;     Making      such   difference    'twixt   wake    and   sleep   As    is  the 

difference betwixt day and night The hour before the heavenly…harness'd 


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                             KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

team Begins his golden progress in the East。 Mort。 With all my heart I'll sit 

and hear her sing。 By that time will our book; I think; be drawn。 Glend。 Do 

so; And those musicians that shall play to you Hang in the air a thousand 

leagues from hence; And straight they shall be here。 Sit; and attend。 Hot。 

Come;   Kate;   thou   art   perfect   in   lying   down。   Come;   quick;   quick;   that   I 

may lay my head in thy lap。 Lady P。 Go; ye giddy goose。 The music plays。 

Hot。 Now I perceive the devil understands Welsh; And 'tis no marvel; be is 

so humorous。 By'r Lady; he is a good musician。 Lady P。 Then should you 

be nothing but musical; for you are altogether govern'd by humours。 Lie 

still; ye thief; and hear the lady sing in Welsh。 Hot。 I had rather hear Lady; 

my brach; howl in Irish。 Lady P。 Wouldst thou have thy head broken? Hot。 

No。 Lady P。 Then be still。 Hot。 Neither! 'Tis a woman's fault。 Lady P。 Now 

God help   thee!   Hot。 To   the Welsh lady's   bed。   Lady  P。 What's   that?   Hot。 

Peace! she sings。 Here the Lady sings a Welsh song。 Come; Kate; I'll have 

your song too。 Lady P。 Not mine; in good sooth。 Hot。 Not yours; in good 

sooth?   Heart!   you   swear   like   a   comfit…maker's   wife。   'Not   you;   in   good 

sooth!' and 'as true as I live!' and 'as God shall mend me!' and 'as sure as 

day!' And givest such sarcenet surety for thy oaths As if thou ne'er walk'st 

further   than   Finsbury。   Swear   me;   Kate;   like   a   lady   as   thou   art; A  good 

mouth…filling      oath;   and    leave   'in  sooth'   And    such    protest   of  pepper 

gingerbread To velvet guards and Sunday citizens。 Come; sing。 Lady P。 I 

will not sing。 Hot。 'Tis the next way to turn tailor or be redbreast…teacher。 

An the indentures be drawn; I'll away within these two hours; and so come 

in   when   ye   will。   Exit。   Glend。   Come;   come;   Lord   Mortimer。  You   are   as 

slow As hot Lord Percy is on fire to go。 By this our book is drawn; we'll 

but seal; And then to horse immediately。 Mort。 With all my heart。 Exeunt。 


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                             KING HENRY THE FOURTH Part 1 

                      SCENE II。 London。 The Palace。 

     Enter the King; Prince of Wales; and others。 

       King。   Lords;   give   us   leave。   The   Prince   of   Wales   and   I   Must   have 

some private conference; but be near at hand; For we shall presently have 

need of you。 Exeunt Lords。 I know not whether God will have it so; For 

some displeasing service I have done; That; in his secret doom; out of my 

blood He'll breed revengement and a scourge for me; But thou dost in thy 

passages   of   life   Make   me   believe   that   thou   art   only   mark'd   For   the   hot 

vengeance and the rod of heaven To punish my mistreadings。 Tell me else; 

Could such inordinate and low desires; Such poor; such bare; such lewd; 

such    mean    attempts;    Such    barren   pleasures;    rude   society;   As   thou   art 

match'd withal and grafted to; Accompany the greatness of thy blood And 

hold their level with thy princely heart? Prince。 So please your Majesty; I 

would   I   could   Quit   all   offences   wi

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