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twice-told tales- the prophetic pictures-第2节

小说: twice-told tales- the prophetic pictures 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃And at me;〃 said Walter; 〃as if he were about to shake his head

and rebuke me for some suspected iniquity。 But so does the original。 I

shall never feel quite comfortable under his eye till we stand

before him to be married。〃

   They now heard a footstep on the floor; and turning; beheld the

painter; who had been some moments in the room; and had listened to

a few of their remarks。 He was a middle…aged man; with a countenance

well worthy of his own pencil。 Indeed; by the picturesque; though

careless arrangement of his rich dress; and; perhaps; because his soul

dwelt always among painted shapes; he looked somewhat like a

portrait himself。 His visitors were sensible of a kindred between

the artist and his works; and felt as if one of the pictures had

stepped from the canvas to salute them。

   Walter Ludlow; who was slightly known to the painter; explained the

object of their visit。 While he spoke; a sunbeam was falling athwart

his figure and Elinor's; with so happy an effect that they also seemed

living pictures of youth and beauty; gladdened by bright fortune。

The artist was evidently struck。

   〃My easel is occupied for several ensuing days; and my stay in

Boston must be brief;〃 said he; thoughtfully; then; after an observant

glance; he added: 〃but your wishes shall be gratified; though I

disappoint the Chief Justice and Madam Oliver。 I must not lose this

opportunity; for the sake of painting a few ells of broadcloth and


   The painter expressed a desire to introduce both their portraits

into one picture; and represent them engaged in some appropriate

action。 This plan would have delighted the lovers; but was necessarily

rejected; because so large a space of canvas would have been unfit for

the room which it was intended to decorate。 Two half…length

portraits were therefore fixed upon。 After they had taken leave;

Walter Ludlow asked Elinor; with a smile; whether she knew what an

influence over their fates the painter was about to acquire。

   〃The old women of Boston affirm;〃 continued he; 〃that after he

has once got possession of a person's face and figure; he may paint

him in any act or situation whatever… and the picture will be

prophetic。 Do you believe it?〃

   〃Not quite;〃 said Elinor; smiling。 〃Yet if he has such magic; there

is something so gentle in his manner that I am sure he will use it


   It was the painter's choice to proceed with both the portraits at

the same time; assigning as a reason; in the mystical language which

he sometimes used; that the faces threw light upon each other。

Accordingly he gave now a touch to Walter; and now to Elinor; and

the features of one and the other began to start forth so vividly that

it appeared as if his triumphant art would actually disengage them

from the canvas。 Amid the rich light and deep shade; they beheld their

phantom selves。 But; though the likeness promised to be perfect;

they were not quite satisfied with the expression; it seemed more

vague than in most of the painter's works。 He; however; was

satisfied with the prospect of success; and being much interested in

the lovers; employed his leisure moments; unknown to them; in making a

crayon sketch of their two figures。 During their sittings; he

engaged them in conversation; and kindled up their faces with

characteristic traits; which; though continually varying; it was his

purpose to combine and fix。 At length he announced that at their

next visit both the portraits would be ready for delivery。

   〃If my pencil will but be true to my conception; in the few last

touches which I meditate;〃 observed he; 〃these two pictures will be my

very best performances。 Seldom; indeed; has an artist such subjects。〃

   While speaking; he still bent his penetrative eye upon them; nor

withdrew it till they had reached the bottom of the stairs。

   Nothing; in the whole circle of human vanities; takes stronger hold

of the imagination than this affair of having a portrait painted。

Yet why should it be so? The looking…glass; the polished globes of the

andirons; the mirror…like water; and all other reflecting surfaces;

continually present us with portraits; or rather ghosts; of ourselves;

which we glance at; and straightway forget them。 But we forget them

only because they vanish。 It is the idea of duration… of earthly

immortality… that gives such a mysterious interest to our own

portraits。 Walter and Elinor were not insensible to this feeling;

and hastened to the painter's room; punctually at the appointed

hour; to meet those pictured shapes which were to be their

representatives with posterity。 The sunshine flashed after them into

the apartment; but left it somewhat gloomy as they closed the door。

   Their eyes were immediately attracted to their portraits; which

rested against the farthest wall of the room。 At the first glance;

through the dim light and the distance; seeing themselves in precisely

their natural attitudes; and with all the air that they recognized

so well; they uttered a simultaneous exclamation of delight。

   〃There we stand;〃 cried Walter; enthusiastically; 〃fixed in

sunshine forever! No dark passions can gather on our faces!〃

   〃No;〃 said Elinor; more calmly; 〃no dreary change can sadden us。〃

   This was said while they were approaching; and had yet gained

only an imperfect view of the pictures。 The painter; after saluting

them; busied himself at a table in completing a crayon sketch; leaving

his visitors to form their own judgment as to his perfected labors。 At

intervals; he sent a glance from beneath his deep eyebrows; watching

their countenances in profile; with his pencil suspended over the

sketch。 They had now stood some moments; each in front of the

other's picture; contemplating it with entranced attention; but

without uttering a word。 At length; Walter stepped forward… then back…

viewing Elinor's portrait in various lights; and finally spoke。

   〃Is there not a change?〃 said he; in a doubtful and meditative

tone。 〃Yes; the perception of it grows more vivid the longer I look。

It is certainly the same picture that I saw yesterday; the dress…

the features… all are the same; and yet something is altered。〃

   〃Is then the picture less like than it was yesterday?〃 inquired the

painter; now drawing near; with irrepressible interest。

   〃The features are perfect; Elinor;〃 answered Walter; 〃and; at the

first glance; the expression seemed also hers。 But; I could fancy that

the portrait has changed countenance; while I have been looking at it。

The eyes are fixed on mine with a strangely sad and anxious

expression。 Nay; it is grief and terror! Is this like Elinor?〃

   〃Compare the living face with the pictured one;〃 said the painter。

   Walter glanced sidelong at his mistress; and started。 Motionless

and absorbed… fascinated; as it were… in contemplation of Walter's

portrait; Elinor's face had assumed precisely the expression of

which he had just been complaining。 Had she practised for whole

hours before a mirror; she could not have caught the look so

successfully。 Had the picture itself been a mirror; it could not

have thrown back her present aspect with stronger and more

melancholy truth。 She appeared quite unconscious of the dialogue

between the artist and her lover。

   〃Elinor;〃 exclaimed Walter; in amazement; 〃what change has come

over you?〃

   She did not hear him; nor desist from her fixed gaze; till he

seized her hand; and thus attracted her notice; then; with a sudden

tremor; she looked from the picture to the face of the original。

   〃Do you see no change in your portrait?〃 asked she。

   〃In mine? None!〃 replied Walter; examining it。 〃But let me see!

Yes; there is a slight change… an improvement; I think; in the

picture; though none in the likeness。 It has a livelier expression

than yesterday; as if some bright thought were flashing from the eyes;

and about to be uttered from the lips。 Now that I have caught the

look; it becomes very decided。〃

   While he was intent on these observations; Elinor turned to the

painter。 She regarded him with grief and awe; and felt that he

repaid her with sympathy and commiseration; though wherefore; she

could but vaguely guess。

   〃That look!〃 whispered she; and shuddered。 〃How came it there?〃

   〃Madam;〃 said the painter; sadly; taking her hand; and leading

her apart; 〃in both these pictures; I have painted what I saw。 The

artist… the true artist… must look beneath the exterior。 It is his

gift… his proudest; but often a melancholy one… to see the inmost

soul; and; by a power indefinable even to himself; to make it glow

or darken upon the canvas; in glances that express the thought and

sentiment of years。 Would that I might convince myself of error in the

present instance!〃

   They had now approached the table; on which were heads in chalk;

hands almost as expressive as ordinary faces; ivied church towers;

thatched cottages; old thunder…stricken trees; Oriental and antique

costume; and all such picturesque vagaries of an artist's idle

moments。 Turning them over; with seeming carelessness; a crayon s

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