lin mclean(林·迈林恩)-第8节
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big cities; where a man can't help but feel strange all the week。 No; sir! Yu'
can blow in a thousand dollars like I did in New York; and it'll not give yu'
any more home feelin' than what cattle has put in a stock…yard。 Nor it
wouldn't have in Boston neither。 Now this country here〃 (he waved his
hand towards the endless sage…brush); 〃seein' it onced more; I know where
my home is; and I wouldn't live nowheres else。 Only I ain't got no father
watching for me to come up Wind River。〃
The cow…puncher stated this merely as a fact; and without any note of
self…pity。 But the bishops face grew very tender; and he looked away from
Lin。 Knowing his manfor had he not seen many of this kind in his desert
diocese?he forbore to make any text from that last sentence the cow…
puncher had spoken。 Lin talked cheerfully on about what he should now
do。 The round…up must be somewhere near Du Noir Creek。 He would join
it this season; but next he should work over to the Powder River country。
More business was over there; and better chances for a man to take up
some land and have a ranch of his own。 As they got out at Fort Washakie;
the bishop handed him a small book; in which he had turned several leaves
down; carefully avoiding any page that related of miracles。
〃You need not read it through; you know;〃 he said; smiling; 〃just read
where I have marked; and see if you don't find some more facts。 Goodbye…
… and always come and see me。〃
The next morning he watched Lin riding slowly out of the post
towards Wind River; leading a single pack…horse。 By…and…by the little
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moving dot went over the ridge。 And as the bishop walked back into the
parade…ground; thinking over the possibilities in that untrained manly soul;
he shook his head sorrowfully。
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It was quite clear to me that Mr。 McLean could not know the news。
Meeting him to…day had been unforeseenunforeseen and so pleasant that
the thing had never come into my head until just now; after both of us had
talked and dined our fill; and were torpid with satisfaction。
I had found Lin here at Riverside in the morning。 At my horse's
approach to the cabin; it was he and not the postmaster who had come
precipitately out of the door。
〃I'm turruble pleased to see yu';〃 he had said; immediately。
〃What's happened?〃 said I; in some concern at his appearance。
And he piteously explained: 〃Why; I've been here all alone since
This was indeed all; and my hasty impressions of shooting and a
corpse gave way to mirth over the child and his innocent grievance that he
had blurted out before I could get off my horse。
Since when; I inquired of him; had his own company become such a
shock to him?
〃As to that;〃 replied Mr。 McLean; a thought ruffled; 〃when a man
expects lonesomeness he stands it like he stands anything else; of course。
But when he has figured on finding companysay〃 he broke off (and
vindictiveness sparkled in his eye)〃when you're lucky enough to catch
yourself alone; why; I suppose yu' just take a chair and chat to yourself for
hours。You've not seen anything of Tommy?〃 he pursued with interest。
I had not; and forthwith Lin poured out to me the pent…up complaints
and sociability with which he was bursting。 The foreman had sent him
over here with a sackful of letters for the post; and to bring back the
week's mail for the ranch。 A day was gone now; and nothing for a man to
do but sit and sit。 Tommy was overdue fifteen hours。 Well; you could have
endured that; but the neighbors had all locked their cabins and gone to
Buffalo。 It was circus week in Buffalo。 Had I ever considered the money
there must be in the circus business? Tommy had taken the outgoing
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letters early yesterday。 Nobody had kept him waiting。 By all rules he
should have been back again last night。 Maybe the stage was late reaching
Powder River; and Tommy had had to lay over for it。 Well; that would
justify him。 Far more likely he had gone to the circus himself and taken
the mail with him。 Tommy was no type of man for postmaster。 Except
drawing the allowance his mother in the East gave him first of every
month; he had never shown punctuality that Lin could remember。 Never
had any second thoughts; and awful few first ones。 Told bigger lies than a
small man ought; also。
〃Has successes; though;〃 said I; wickedly。
〃Huh!〃 went on Mr。 McLean。 〃Successes! One ice…cream…soda success。
And she〃Lin's still wounded male pride made him plaintive〃why; even
that girl quit him; once she got the chance to appreciate how insignificant
he was as compared with the size of his words。 No; sir。 Not one of 'em
retains interest in Tommy。〃
Lin was unsaddling and looking after my horse; just because he was
glad to see me。 Since our first acquaintance; that memorable summer of
Pitchstone Canyon when he had taken such good care of me and such bad
care of himself; I had learned pretty well about horses and camp craft in
general。 He was an entire boy then。 But he had been East since; East by a
route of his own discoveringand from his account of that journey it had
proved; I think; a sort of spiritual experience。 And then the years of our
friendship were beginning to roll up。 Manhood of the body he had always
richly possessed; and now; whenever we met after a season's absence and
spoke those invariable words which all old friends upon this earth use to
each other at meeting〃You haven't changed; you haven't changed at all!〃…
…I would wonder if manhood had arrived in Lin's boy soul。 And so to…day;
while he attended to my horse and explained the nature of Tommy (a
subject he dearly loved just now); I looked at him and took an intimate;
superior pride in feeling how much more mature I was than he; after all。
There's nothing like a sense of merit for making one feel aggrieved;
and on our return to the cabin Mr。 McLean pointed with disgust to some
〃Look at those sorrowful toothpicks;〃 said he: 〃Tommy's work。〃
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So Lin; the excellent hearted; had angrily busied himself; and chopped
a pile of real logs that would last a week。 He had also cleaned the stove;
and nailed up the bed; the pillow…end of which was on the floor。 It
appeared the master of the house had been sleeping in it the reverse way
on account of the slant。 Thus had Lin cooked and dined alone; supped
alone; and sat over some old newspapers until bed…time alone with his
sense of virtue。 And now here it was long after breakfast; and no Tommy
〃It's good yu' come this forenoon;〃 Lin said to me。 〃I'd not have had
the heart to get up another dinner just for myself。 Let's eat rich!〃
Accordingly; we had richly eaten; Lin and I。 He had gone out among
the sheds and caught some eggs (that is how he spoke of it); we had
opened a number of things in cans; and I had made my famous dish of
evaporated apricots; in which I managed to fling a suspicion of caramel
throughout the stew。
〃Tommy'll be hot about these;〃 said Lin; joyfully; as we ate the eggs。
〃He don't mind what yu' use of his canned goodspickled salmon and
truck。 He is hospitable all right enough till it comes to an egg。 Then he'll
tell any lie。 But shucks! Yu' can read Tommy right through his clothing。
'Make yourself at home; Lin;' says he; yesterday。 And he showed me his
fresh milk and his stuff。 'Here's a new ham;' says he; 'too bad my damned
hens ain't been layin'。 The sons…o'guns have quit on me ever since
Christmas。' And away he goes to Powder River for the mail。 'You swore
too heavy about them