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小说: 2006年考研英语最新题型应试指导 字数: 每页4000字

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    Their conclusion; of course; gives the game away; for the tolerance they are talking about does not in fact exist but is invented as a justification for present intolerance。 3                      Tolerance; according to the Oxford English Dictionary; is “the disposition to be patient with or indulgent to the opinions and practices of others” and “freedom from bigotry or undue severity in judging the conduct of others”。 Can we honestly claim to be more lavishly bestowed with these attributes than people of other nations? I do not think so。    
    4                     But this does not mean they are particularly indulgent to other people’s behaviour。 Do anything out of the ordinary — give a party; for example — and your neighbours will soon begin to bare their teeth。 Try starting a business or opening a restaurant in a predominantly residential area; and all hell breaks loose。    
    The British tend to be very critical of continental drivers; whom they accuse of uncontrolled aggressiveness。 But while British drivers may be rather more reliable about sticking to the rules of the road; they are dangerously intolerant of other drivers who; in their view; are doing things they shouldn’t be doing。     
    5                    In fact; I am much more frightened of British drivers than I am of French or Italian ones; for you can at least be reasonably confident with the latter that; unlike the British; they are not prepared to die — and take you with them — in order to prove a point。    
    [A]I myself may sometimes be inpetent or a bit too pushy as a driver but I have often been a victim of verbal abuse and terrifying revenge manoeuvrs quite out of proportion to any offence that I may have mitted。    
    [B]We believe ourselves to be unique among nations in our generosity of spirit and our readiness to put up with all kinds of people。    
    [C]What is called tolerance may often be just unassertiveness or timidity; for it is true that most English people do not relish public rows or confrontations and will go to some lengths to avoid them。    
    [D]I will exclude from my reproof the animal sentimentalists and those who consistently reject cruelty in any form。    
    [E]It is a thoroughly hypocritical posture which makes one wonder whether British claims to being especially tolerant have any validity at all。    
    [F]British attitudes to bad habits like smoking and drinking also tend to be intolerant and are getting more so。    
    [G]And this; they conclude; is why no more of them should be allowed in。    
    2。G。文章的第二段开头就指出,那个结论,使英国人的宽容之说露出了马脚(give the game away),那么当然在那之前,应该说明他们的结论到底是什么。    
    4。C。这句话的意思是“究竟什么是宽容有时也是不确定的,因为事实上大部分英国人并不愿意在公众中争吵和对抗,并且会尽量避免它们”。这里应注意下一句中的转折词“But 。。。”,可见,它是将这句话进行了否定,并列举了几个例子。“这并不意味着他们能够容忍人们的行为”这样就正好呼应上了。    
    Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists are using a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces that typically make them invisible。     
    1                    ; said Christopher Worley; a scientist on the project。     
    “The conventional methods are meant to bring out fingerprint patterns with regular light and they have to treat those with powder; which alters them;” Worley said。 “With this you don’t have to alter it or treat it at all。 We can determine the elements in a fingerprint and get a pattern at the same time。”     
    The equipment costs about 175;000。     
    For big labs; the method could be a great way to bring out prints that can’t be seen any other way; said Vahid Majidi; another lab scientist。     
    “The technique fills a unique niche;” Majidi said。 “These are prints that would otherwise be useless。 3。                    If you have prints from an adolescent or child; the chemicals in the fingertips are different and don’t stick around long enough for traditional methods。”     
    The new method might also be able to tell if the person that left them handled certain types of bomb…making materials; said George Havrilla; another lab scientist。     
    “This is a new approach to fingerprint visualization;” Havrilla said。 “4。                    ”     
    The technology for scanning the prints is widely available。 What's new is the method the lab has created to see them which includes puter software and ways of manipulating the machinery; Worley said。     
    5。                     “We’ve already had some negative ments on it;” Havrilla said with a laugh。 “One reviewer told us it’s just not practical。 But the goal of our work was to demonstrate that it was feasible to see these things。”     
    [A]We’re lifting prints; but instead of looking at the finger’s natural oils and organic residues we’re looking at elemental features left behind。    
    [B]The method uses a technology called mini…X…ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them。    
    [C]Range of biometric fingerprint scanners from several panies were tested against these gelatin fingers; all consistently failed to reject the imposter finger。    
    [D]If you have prints on a dark surface; for example; they really don't develop well using normal techniques。    
    [E]But the technique isn’t for everyone。    
    [F]The technology focuses a tight beam of X…rays on surfaces with fingerprints and creates a puter picture out of those scans。    
    [G]Thus; the gelatin fingers even defeated devices that tested for human…normal capacitance; heat and pulse。    
    1。 B。本题是在段落的开头,由此可以在前后所给的句子中找出线索,推出文章在此段所应表达的思想。原文第一段告诉我们科学家采用了一种新技术 a new technology, 而此段后半部分引用一位科学家的话对此种新技术进行解释,因而B中的a technology called 正好与前面呼应。    
    2。 F。 本段是独立的一段,可能是总结前文,也可能是引起下文,或是二者兼而有之。上文中多次提到fingerprints; 并且下文开头的The equipment 正是指F中所提到的a puter; 由此判断F项是正确的。    
    3。 D。 本题位于段中,要注意与上下文的衔接,因而需根据上下文才能进行判断,根据下文the fingertips are different 可知此空也在说指纹,并且D项的句型和空格后的句型一致,由此可知D项正确。    
    4。 E。本题是在段落的尾部,并且由上文可知,此题是Havrilla 说的一句话,因此应从他说话的角度选择一句话。而选项中也只有E才是符合逻辑的,因此E项符合要求。    
    5。 A。 本题是原文的倒数第二段,读懂上下文非常重要,因为本段可能是对上文的总结,也可能是承上启下。根据文章我们可知,上文在讲新技术的广泛应用,而最后一段则在讲它的负面评论,因此可知答案应是承上启下的,所以选A。    

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