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saint george for england-第29节

小说: saint george for england 字数: 每页4000字

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om drowning that you wot of; he betook himself then to Spain; where he has been fighting the Moors; he is said to be a valiant knight; but otherwise he bears but an indifferent good reputation。〃

Walter remembered the face now; it was that of the knight he had seen enter the hut of the river pirate on the Lambeth marshes。 When released from duty he at once made his way to the lodging of Dame Vernon。 Walter was now nineteen; for a year had elapsed since the termination of the French war; and he was in stature and strength the match of most men; while his skill at knightly exercises; as well as with the sword; was recognized as pre…eminent among all the young esquires of the court。

After the first greeting he said to Dame Vernon: 〃I think it right to tell you; lady; that I have but now; in the king's anteroom; seen the man who plotted against your life in the hut at Lambeth。 His face is a marked one and I could not mistake it。 I hear that he is a cousin of yours; one Sir James Carnegie; as you doubtless recognized from my description of him。 I came to tell you in order that you might decide what my conduct should be。 If you wish it so I will keep the secret in my breast; but if you fear aught from him I will openly accuse him before the king of the crime he attempted; and shall be ready to meet him in the ordeal of battle should he claim it。〃

〃I have seen Sir James;〃 Lady Vernon said。 〃I had a letter writ in a feigned hand telling him that his handiwork in the plot against my life was known; and warning him that; unless he left England; the proofs thereof would be laid before justice。 He at once sailed for Spain; whence; he has returned but a few days since。 He does not know for certain that I am aware of his plottings against us; but he must have seen by my reception of him when he called that I no longer regard him with the friendship which I formerly entertained。 I have received a message from him that he will call upon me this evening; and that he trusts he will find me alone; as he would fain confer with me on private matters。 When I have learned his intentions I shall be the better able to judge what course I had best adopt。 I would fain; if it may be; let the matter rest。  Sir James has powerful interest; and I would not have him for an open enemy if I can avoid it; besides; all the talk and publicity which so grave an accusation against a knight; and he of mine own family; would entail; would be very distasteful to me; but should I find it necessary for the sake of my child; I shall not shrink from it。 I trust; however; that it will not come to that; but I shall not hesitate; if need be; to let him know that I am acquainted with his evil designs towards us。 I will inform you of as much of our interview as it is necessary that you should know。〃

That evening Sir James Carnegie called upon Dame Vernon。 〃I would not notice it the other day; fair cousin;〃 he said; in return for her stiff and ceremonious greeting; 〃but methinks that you are mightily changed in your bearing towards me。 I had looked on my return from my long journeying for something of the sisterly warmth with which you once greeted me; but I find you as cold and hard as if I had been altogether a stranger to you。 I would fain know in what way I have forfeited your esteem。〃

〃I do not wish to enter into bygones; Sir James;〃 the lady said; 〃and would fain let the past sleep if you will let me。 Let us then turn without more ado to the private matters concerning which you wished to speak with me。〃

〃If such is your mood; fair dame; I must needs fall in with it; though in no way able to understand your allusion to the past; wherein my conscience holds me guiltless of aught which could draw upon me your disfavour。 I am your nearest male relative; and as such would fain confer with you touching the future of young Mistress Edith; your daughter。  She is now nigh thirteen years of age; and is the heiress of broad lands; is it not time that she were betrothed to one capable of taking care of them for her; and leading your vassals to battle in these troubled times?〃

〃Thanks; Sir James; for your anxiety about my child;〃 Dame Vernon said coldly。  〃She is a ward of the king。 I am in no way anxious that an early choice should be made for her; but our good Queen Philippa has promised that; when the time shall come; his Majesty shall not dispose of her hand without my wishes being in some way consulted; and I have no doubt that when the time shall come that she is of marriageable age … and I would not that this should be before she has gained eighteen years; for I like not the over young marriages which are now in fashion … a knight may be found for her husband capable of taking care of her and her possessions; but may I ask if; in so speaking to me; you have anyone in your mind's eye as a suitor for her hand?〃

〃Your manner is not encouraging; certes; but I had my plan; which would; I hoped; have met with your approval。 I am the young lady's cousin; and her nearest male relative; and although we are within the limited degrees; there will be no difficulty in obtaining a dispensation from Rome。 I am myself passably well off; and some of the mortgages which I had been forced to lay upon my estates have been cleared off during my absence。 I have returned home with some reputation; and with a goodly sum gained in the wars with the Moors。 I am older than my cousin certainly; but as I am still but thirty…two; this would not; I hope; be deemed an obstacle; and methought that you would rather entrust her to your affectionate cousin than to a stranger。 The king has received me very graciously; and would; I trust; offer no opposition to my suit were it backed by your goodwill。〃

〃I suppose; Sir James;〃 Dame Vernon said; 〃that I should thank you for the offer which you have made; but I can only reply; that while duly conscious of the high honour you have done my daughter by your offer; I would rather see her in her grave than wedded to you。

The knight leapt from his seat with a fierce exclamation。  〃This is too much;〃 he exclaimed; 〃and I have a right to know why such an offer on my part should be answered by disdain; and even insolence。〃

〃You have a right to know;〃 Dame Vernon answered quietly; 〃and I will tell you。  I repeat that I would rather see my child in her grave than wedded to a man who attempted to compass the murder of her and her mother。〃

〃What wild words are these?〃 Sir James asked sternly。  〃What accusation is this that you dare to bring against me?〃

〃I repeat what I said; Sir James;〃 Dame Alice replied quietly。 〃I know that you plotted with the water pirates of Lambeth to upset our boat as we came down the Thames; that you treacherously delayed us at Richmond in order that we might not reach London before dark; and that by enveloping me in a white cloak you gave a signal by which I might be known to your creatures。

The knight stood for a moment astounded。 He was aware that the fact that he had had some share in the outrage was known; and was not surprised that his cousin was acquainted with the secret; but that she should know all the details with which but one besides himself was; as he believed; acquainted; completely stupefied him。 He rapidly; however; recovered himself。

〃I recall now;〃 he said scornfully; 〃the evidence which was given before the justices by some ragged city boy; to the effect that he had overheard a few words of a conversation between some ruffian over in the Lambeth marshes; and an unknown person; but it is new to me indeed that there was any suspicion that I was the person alluded to; still less that a lady of my own family; in whose affection I believed; should credit so monstrous an accusation。〃

〃I would that I could discredit it; Sir James;〃 Dame Vernon said sadly; 〃but the proofs were too strong for me。  Much more of your conversation than was narrated in court was overheard; and it was at my request that the ragged boy; as you call him; kept silence。〃

〃And is it possible;〃 the knight asked indignantly; 〃that you believed the word of a fellow like this to the detriment to your kinsman? Why; in any court of law the word of such a one as opposed to that of a knight and gentleman of honour would not be taken for a moment。〃

〃You are mistaken; sir;〃 Dame Vernon said haughtily。  〃You may remember; in the first place; that the lad who overheard this conversation risked his life to save me and my daughter from the consequences of the attack which he heard planned; in the second place; he was no ragged lad; but the apprentice of a well…known citizen; thirdly; and this is of importance; since he has recognized you since your return; and is ready should I give him the word; to denounce you。  He is no mere apprentice boy; but is of gentle blood; seeing that he is the son of Sir Roland Somers; the former possessor of the lands which I hold; and that he is in high favour with the good knight Sir Walter Manny; whose esquire he now is; and under whom he distinguished himself in the wars in France; and is; as Sir Walter assured me; certain to win his spurs ere long。 Thus you see his bare word would be of equal value to your own; beside the fact that his evidence does not rest upon mere assertion; but that the man in the hu

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