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小说: 2006年考研政治理论单元预测1 字数: 每页4000字

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    We are seeing a series of paradoxes at the turn of the millennium。     
     On the one hand; globalisation means that national frontiers are being increasingly meaningless; but on the other; we are being swept by a wave of parochialism; with countries clinging to the notion of sovereignty。  Many members of the UN have only bee nation states in the last few decades; so I can understand why they are so keen to hang on to their independence。  But there are so many factors in the world that make this position increasingly meaningless。Governments no longer have plete control over their economic and monetary policies; and many multinationals now have greater profits than individual countries’GDP。    
     The end of the cold war has brought its own dangers and we need to find a new balance of power in the world。It has also spawned many conflicts。 Governments must be prepared to surrender some authority to global and regional institutions or we risk world disorder。 It is tragic that; just when we need a strong international organisation; the United Nations is starved of funds and often sidelined by its own member states。 What happened in East Timor was unforgivable because it was foreseeable。 Angola has been another sad instance of international vacillation。 We need an international body with teeth—morally and in action。 Perhaps the UN should be given its own force。    
     I do think world war is less likely for the present; although I worry about the proliferation of nuclear weapons at one end and lethal small arms at the other。 It is terrifying the way that power is increasingly disseminated to small; pletely ruthless groups like terrorists; drug traffickers and local warlords。 The great imponderable is that some nut could create a nuclear explosion。 Or that some essentially local conflict could escalate out of control。 You cannot isolate instability:it gets exported。    
    Another worry stems from the huge economic imbalances in a world where the richest 20 per cent have 86 per cent of global GDP; and the 20 poorest countries only one per cent。    
     Humanitarian aid is no more than a palliative。 Western countries must increase their development aid programmes; not out of charity but for reasons of self…interest。 The international implications of; for example; the collapse of Africa are unthinkable。 There must be a new concept of security based not just on military and defence matters but on economic and social concerns too。 As long as more than a million people continue to live in direct poverty we can never hope to achieve national or international stability。 The global pendulum has swung too far towards a total dependence on market forces; but finding some point of balance in the middle is extremely difficult。     
    I am by nature optimistic; but in my gloomier moments I sometimes think the only solution will be an invasion from outer space—then at last everyone would unite!    
    1。 C。 由文章第一段中的On the one hand …globalisation和but on the other…parochialism 后面的内容可知本段是在谈论全球化和地方主义之间的冲突矛盾,由此判断答案为C。    
    2。 F。第二段,承接上文,指出在冷战结束的情况下,联合国等国际组织应该发挥更大的作用,但是下文话锋一转,用东帝汉和安哥拉两个例子来表现联合国在国际行动中的软弱无力,再结合上面所提到的“我们需要一个强大的国际组织”,顺其自然的就得出了“希望联合国强劲有力”的结论,选项F正好符合了这一意境。    
    3。 A。作者在这一段极力渲染了武器扩散的恐怖情形,字里行间我们可以了解到,作者想表达的意思其实就是:诸如战争、毒品、贫穷等不稳定的因素是会扩散和蔓延的,并不是与世隔绝的,在全球化的浪潮下,谁也无法“独善其身”。由此可判断答案为A。    
    4。 E。由文中的the huge economic imbalances 及文中出现的数字对比,我们很容易选出正确答案。    
    5。 D。三、四、五段在逻辑上是前后呼应的,作者采用“花开两朵、各表一枝”的写作手法,一方面指出武器,毒品是无法隔绝的,另一方面呼吁贫穷也是会蔓延的。战争和贫困就好比罪恶的双生子,不离不弃、如影随行,相应的,第五段和第三段的结尾也应该相互呼应。    
    [A] Rate discrimination will turn railroads into the arbiter。    
    [B]Shippers will have the railway by the throat。    
    [C]It is not practical for the shippers to appeal。    
    [D]Refute the viewpoint held by the supporters of the mergence。    
    [E]What the railroads hold towards rate discrimination。    
    [F]The mergence makes the railroads lose money in business。    
    In recent years; railroads have been bining with each other; merging into supersystems; causing heightened concerns about monopoly。 As recently as 1995;the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total tonmiles moved by rails。 Next year; after a series of mergers is pleted; just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers。    
     Supporters of the new supersystems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service。 Any threat of monopoly; they argue; is removed by fierce petition from trucks。 But many shippers plain that for heavy bulk modities traveling long distances; such as coal; chemicals; and grain; trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat。    
    The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail pany。 Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is peting for the business。 Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief; but the process is expensive; time consuming; and  will work only in truly extreme cases。    
     Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyones cost。 If railroads charged all customers the same average rate; they argue; shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so; leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line。     
    Its a theory to which many economists subscribe; but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which panies will flourish and which will fail。“Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?”asks Martin Bercovici; a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shippers。    
     The railroad industry as a whole; despite its brightening fortunes; still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic。 Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another; with Wall Street cheering them on。 Consider the 10。2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year。 Conrails net railway operating ine in 1996 was just 427 million; less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction。     
    Whos going to pay for

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