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小说: 2006年考研英语新题型40篇 字数: 每页4000字

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    三是考查段落内部的连贯性。段落的连贯性是指段落内部的论点和各论据之间的逻辑联系,段落内部句与句之间的衔接必须条理清楚、合乎逻辑。指的是段落中各句子之间的结构、句子之间的衔接必须条理清楚、合乎逻辑。转折、过渡应自然、流畅。篇章句子的连贯性一般是通过重复使用某些关键词、词组,或使用对等结构、代词呼应(尤其需要大家清楚it; this; these; that; those; he; she; here; there等词具体指代的是什么)、人称和数的一致或使用表示转折意义的词或词组等这样一些技巧来实现的。    
    afterwards; as soon as; at last; before; but not the least; eventually; every; finally seeing。。。; first; first of all; for a start; meanwhile; next; not。。。 until; on the left/right; previously; prior to; second; since then; since; subsequently; till; time; to begin with; to end with; to start with; when    
    。。。and so。。。; another important factor/reason of。。。; as a consequence; as a result; as a result of this; as; because of this; because; being that; consequently; due to; for the reason that。。。; for this reason; for; hence; in consequence; in that。。。; in view of; owing to; since; so;。。。so that。。。; the reason seems to be obvious: there are about。。。; therefore; thus    
    and yet; but; unless; despite that; even so; even though; however; in spite of that; independent of; reckless of; regardless of; though; yet。。。    
    also; and; as well as; both。。。and。。。 ; either。。。; or。。。; neither。。。 nor。。。; not only。。。 but also; too    
    accordingly; along this line of consideration; as a popular saying goes。。。; as far as。。。 is concerned; at the same time; besides; even; further; furthermore; in addition; in order to do it。。。; in other words; in the first place。。。; in the second place。。。; in this way; meanwhile; moreover; not only。。。; but also。。。; not。。。but。。。; on the one hand。。。; on the other hand。。。; still    
    apart from (doing)。。。; by the same token; pared with; in parison with; in the same vein; like。。。; likewise;。。。 rather than。。。; by doing so; similarly; similarly important; when pared with; when in fact。。。    
    as opposed to; as opposed to this; but on the other hand; by way of; contrary to; conversely; unlike; different from this; however; in contrast; nevertheless; on the contrary;  opposed to; something is just the other way around; whereas; while    
    a case in point is。。。; a good example (of。。。) would be。。。 ; according to; as an illustration; I will say。。。; as for; as he explains; as regards; as to; as you know; consider。。。; for example; for instance; for one thing。。。; for another。。。; in particular; including。。。; it is interesting to note that。。。; like; namely; notably; put it simply; stated roughly; such as; take as example (something); to detail this; I would like to。。。; you may ask/say    
    believe it or not; by definition; especially; in fact; in particular; in reality; indeed; it is certain/sure that。。。; moreover; not to mention。。。; other thing being equal; particularly; to be strict; to be true; what is more important    
    as long as; even if; even though; if it is the case in this sense; if necessary; if not all; if possible; if so; if; lest; once。。。; provided that; unless    
    accordingly; altogether; as a result; consequently; hence; in a word; in brief; in other words; in short; in summary; on the whole; overall; the conclusion can be drawn that。。。; therefore; to conclude; to sum up    
    三、 解题思路指引     
    四、 大纲样题及2005年真题解析     
    In the following text; some sentences have been removed。 For Questions 41—45; choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blanks。 There are two extra choices; which do not fit in any of the blanks。 Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1。  (10 points)    
    Long before Man lived on the Earth; there were fishes; reptiles; birds; insects; and some mammals。 Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today; others are now extinct; that is; they have no descendants alive now。 41) 。 Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin; so that; apart from color; we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago。 The kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land; often of the plants that grew on it; and even of its climate。    
    42) 。 Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action; and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water。 Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals; birds; and insects; of which we know nothing。    
    43) 。 There were also crablike creatures; whose bodies were covered with a horny substance。 The body segments each had two pairs of legs; one pair for walking on the sandy bottom; the other for swimming。 The head was a kind of shield with a pair of pound eyes; often with thousands of lenses。 They were usually an inch or two long but some were 2 feet。    
    44) 。 Of these; the ammonites are very interesting and important。 They have a shell posed of man

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