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d Mr。 Pett as he went into the morning…room with an affectionate eye。
Bayliss was ing along the hall; hurrying more than his wont。 The ring at the front door had found him deep in an extremely interesting piece of news in his halfpenny morning paper; and he was guiltily aware of having delayed in answering it。 〃Bayliss;〃 said Mr。 Crocker in a cautious undertone; 〃go and tell Mrs。 Crocker that Mrs。 Pett is waiting to see her。 She's in the morning…room。 If you're asked; say you let her in。 Get me?〃
〃Yes; sir;〃 said Bayliss; grateful for this happy solution。
〃Oh; Bayliss!〃
〃Is the wicket at Lord's likely to be too sticky for them to go on with that game to…day?〃
〃I hardly think it probable that there will be play; sir。 There was a great deal of rain in the night。〃
Mr。 Crocker passed on to his den with a lighter heart。
It was Mrs。 Crocker's habit; acquired after years of practice and a sedulous study of the best models; to conceal beneath a mask of well…bred indifference any emotion which she might chance to feel。 Her dealings with the aristocracy of England had shown her that; while the men occasionally permitted themselves an outburst; the women never did; and she had schooled herself so rigorously that nowadays she seldom even raised her voice。 Her bearing; as she approached the morning…room was calm and serene; but inwardly curiosity consumed her。 It was unbelievable that Nesta could have e to try to effect a reconciliation; yet she could think of no other reason for her visit。
She was surprised to find three persons in the morning…room。 Bayliss; delivering his message; had mentioned only Mrs。 Pett。 To Mrs。 Crocker the assemblage had the appearance of being a sort of Old Home Week of Petts; a kind of Pett family mob…scene。 Her sister's second marriage having taken place after their quarrel; she had never seen her new brother…in…law; but she assumed that the little man lurking in the background was Mr。 Pett。 The guess was confirmed。
〃Good morning; Eugenia;〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
〃Peter; this is my sister; Eugenia。 My husband。〃
Mrs。 Crocker bowed stiffly。 She was thinking how hopelessly American Mr。 Pett was; how baggy his clothes looked; what absurdly shaped shoes he wore; how appalling his hat was; how little hair he had and how deplorably he lacked all those graces of repose; culture; physical beauty; refinement; dignity; and mental alertness which raise men above the level of the mon cock…roach。
Mr。 Pett; on his side; receiving her cold glance squarely between the eyes; felt as if he were being disembowelled by a clumsy amateur。 He could not help wondering what sort of a man this fellow Crocker was whom this sister…in…law of his had married。 He pictured him as a handsome; powerful; robust individual with a strong jaw and a loud voice; for he could imagine no lesser type of man consenting to link his lot with such a woman。 He sidled in a circuitous manner towards a distant chair; and; having lowered himself into it; kept perfectly still; pretending to be dead; like an opossum。 He wished to take no part whatever in the ing interview。
〃Ogden; of course; you know;〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
She was sitting so stiffly upright on a hard chair and had so much the appearance of having been hewn from the living rock that every time she opened her mouth it was as if a statue had spoken。
〃I know Ogden;〃 said Mrs。 Crocker shortly。
〃Will you please stop him fidgeting with that vase? It is valuable。〃
She directed at little Ogden; who was juggling aimlessly with a handsome objet d'art of the early Chinese school; a glance similar to that which had just disposed of his step…father。 But Ogden required more than a glance to divert him from any pursuit in which he was interested。 He shifted a deposit of candy from his right cheek to his left cheek; inspected Mrs。 Crocker for a moment with a pale eye; and resumed his juggling。 Mrs。 Crocker meant nothing in his young life。
〃Ogden; e and sit down;〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
〃Don't want to sit down。〃
〃Are you making a long stay in England; Nesta?〃 asked Mrs。 Crocker coldly。
〃I don't know。 We have made no plans。〃
She broke off。 Ogden; who had possessed himself of a bronze paper…knife; had begun to tap the vase with it。 The ringing note thus produced appeared to please his young mind。
〃If Ogden really wishes to break that vase;〃 said Mrs。 Crocker in a detached voice; 〃let me ring for the butler to bring him a hammer。〃
〃Ogden!〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
〃Oh Gee! A fellow can't do a thing!〃 muttered Ogden; and walked to the window。 He stood looking out into the square; a slight twitching of the ears indicating that he still made progress with the candy。
〃Still the same engaging child!〃 murmured Mrs。 Crocker。
〃I did not e here to discuss Ogden!〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
Mrs。 Crocker raised her eyebrows。 Not even Mrs。 Otho Lanners; from whom she had learned the art; could do it more effectively。
〃I am still waiting to find out why you did e; Nesta!〃
〃I came here to talk to you about your step…son; James Crocker。〃
The discipline to which Mrs。 Crocker had subjected herself in the matter of the display of emotion saved her from the humiliation of showing surprise。 She waved her hand graciouslyin the manner of the Duchess of Axminster; a supreme hand…waverto indicate that she was all attention。
〃Your step…son; James Crocker;〃 repeated Mrs。 Pett。 〃What is it the New York papers call him; Peter?〃
Mr。 Pett; the human opossum; came to life。 He had contrived to create about himself such a defensive atmosphere of non…existence that now that he re…entered the conversation it was as if a corpse had popped out of its tomb like a jack…in…the…box。
Obeying the voice of authority; he pushed the tombstone to one side and poked his head out of the sepulchre。
〃Piccadilly Jim!〃 he murmured apologetically。
〃Piccadilly Jim!〃 said Mrs。 Crocker。 〃It is extremely impertinent of them!〃
In spite of his misery; a wan smile appeared on Mr。 Pett's death…mask at this remark。
〃They should worry about!〃
Mr。 Pett died again; greatly respected。
〃Why should the New York papers refer to James at all?〃 said Mrs。 Crocker。
〃Explain; Peter!〃
Mr。 Pett emerged reluctantly from the cerements。 He had supposed that Nesta would do the talking。
〃Well; he's a news…item。〃
〃Well; here's a boy that's been a regular fellowraised in Americadone work on a newspapersuddenly taken off to England to bee a London dudemixing with all the dukes; playing pinochle with the Kingnaturally they're interested in him。〃
A more agreeable expression came over Mrs。 Crocker's face。
〃Of course; that is quite true。 One cannot prevent the papers from printing what they wish。 So they have published articles about James' doings in English Society?〃
〃Doings;〃 said Mr。 Pett; 〃is right!〃
〃Something has got to be done about it;〃 said Mrs。 Pett。
Mr。 Pett endorsed this。
〃Nesta's going to lose her health if these stories go on;〃 he said。
Mrs。 Crocker raised her eyebrows; but she had hard work to keep a contented smile off her face。
〃If you are not above petty jealousy; Nesta 。 。 。〃
Mrs。 Pett laughed a sharp; metallic laugh。
〃It is the disgrace I object to!〃
〃The disgrace!〃
〃What else would you call it; Eugenia? Wouldn't you be ashamed if you opened your Sunday paper and came upon a full page article about your nephew having got intoxicated at the races and fought a book…makerhaving broken up a political meetinghaving been sued for breach…of…promise by a barmaid 。 。 。〃
Mrs。 Crocker preserved her well…bred calm; but she was shaken。 The episodes to which her sister had alluded were ancient history; horrors of the long…dead past; but it seemed that they still lived in print。 There and then she registered the resolve to talk to her step…son James when she got hold of him in such a manner as would scourge the offending Adam out of him for once and for all。
〃And not only that;〃 continued Mrs。 Pett。
〃That would be bad enough in itself; but somehow the papers have discovered that I am the boy's aunt。 Two weeks ago they printed my photograph with one of these articles。 I suppose they will always do it now。 That is why I have e to you。 It must stop。 And the only way it can be made to stop is by taking your step…son away from London where he is running wild。 Peter has most kindly consented to give the boy a position in his office。 It is very good of him; for the boy cannot in the nature of things be of any use for a very long time; but we have talked it over and it seems the only course。 I have e this morning to ask you to let us take James Crocker back to America with us and keep him out of mischief by giving him honest work。 What do you say?〃
Mrs。 Crocker raised her eyebrows。
〃What do you expect me to say? It is utterly preposterous。 I have never heard anything so supremely absurd in my life。〃
〃You refuse?〃
〃Of course I refuse。〃
〃I think you are extremely foolish。〃
Mr。 Pett cowed in his chair。 He was feeling rather like a nervous and peace…loving patron of a wild western saloon who observes two cowboys reach for their hip…pockets。 Neither his wife nor his sister…in…law paid any attention to him。 The conc