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小说: bh.houseatreides 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃But we can't trust all of the Old Duke's enemies to adhere to such niceties;〃 Hawat said。 〃We must be very cautious。〃
 Rhombur reddened; thinking of his own family's ouster from Ix。 〃And there are those who twist the forms to match their needs。〃
 〃Secondary possibility;〃 the Mentat continued。 〃The target could have been Duke Paulus himself; and not House Atreides  the result of a small vendetta or personal grudge。 The culprit could perhaps be a local petitioner who didn't like a decision the Duke had made。 Though this murder has galactic consequences; its cause could; ironically; be a trivial thing。〃
 Leto shook his head。 〃I can't believe that。 I saw how much the people loved my father。 None of his subjects would turn on him; not a single one。〃
 Hawat did not flinch。 〃My Duke; do not overestimate the strength of love and loyalty; and do not underestimate the power of personal hatred。〃
 〃Uh; what's a better possibility?〃 Rhombur inquired。
 Hawat looked his Duke in the eye。 〃An attack to weaken House Atreides。 The death of the patriarch leaves you; m 'Lord; in a vulnerable position。 You are young and untrained。〃
 Leto drew in a deep breath; but restrained his temper as he listened。
 〃Your enemies will now see House Atreides as unstable; and could make a move against us。 Your allies may also see you as a liability and support you with somewhat。。。limited enthusiasm。 This is a very dangerous time for you。〃
 〃The Harkonnens?〃 Leto asked。
 Hawat shrugged。 〃Possibly。 Or some ally of theirs。〃
 Leto pressed his hands against his temples and drew another deep breath。 He saw Rhombur looking uneasily at him。
 〃Continue your investigation; Thufir;〃 Leto said。 〃Since we know that drugs were introduced to the Salusan bull; I suggest you target your interrogations around the stables。〃
 THE STABLEBOY DUNCAN Idaho stood in front of his new Duke; bowing proudly; ready to swear his fealty again。 The household staff had cleaned him up; though he still wore stable clothes。 The ruined garments he'd been given for the ill…fated final bullfight had been discarded。 His curly black hair was disheveled。
 A rage burned inside him。 He was certain that Duke Paulus's death could have been avoided if someone had only listened to him。 The grief struck him sharply; and he agonized over whether he might have done more: Should he have insisted harder or spoken to someone other than Stablemaster Yresk? He wondered if he should reveal what he had tried to do; but for the moment held his tongue。
 Looking too small in the ducal chair; Leto Atreides narrowed his gray eyes and skewered Duncan with a gaze。 〃Boy; I remember when you joined our household。〃 His face looked thinner; and much older than it had been when Duncan had first stood inside the Castle hall。 〃It was just after I escaped from Ix with Rhombur and Kailea。〃
 Both of the Vernius refugees also sat in the main hall; as did Thufir Hawat and a contingent of guards。 Duncan glanced over at them; then returned his attention to the young Duke。
 〃I heard stories of your escape from the Harkonnens; Duncan Idaho;〃 Leto continued; 〃of how you were tortured and imprisoned。 My father trusted you when he gave you a position here at Castle Caladan。 You know how unusual it was for him to do that?〃 He leaned forward on the dark; wooden chair。
 Duncan nodded。 〃Yes; m'Lord。〃 He felt a hot flush of guilt on his face at having failed the benefactor who had been so kind to him。 〃Yes; I know。〃
 〃But someone drugged the Salusan bulls before my father's last fight  and you were one of those tending the beasts。 You had ample opportunity。 Why didn't I see you at the paseo when all the others marched around the arena? I remember looking for you。〃 His voice became much sharper。 〃Duncan Idaho; were you sent here; all innocent looking and indignant; as a secret assassin in the employ of the Harkonnens?〃
 Duncan stepped back; appalled。 〃Indeed not; m'Lord Duke!〃 he cried。 〃I tried to warn everyone。 For days I knew something was wrong with the bulls。 I told Stablemaster Yresk again and again; but he wouldn't do anything。 He just laughed at me。 I even argued with him。 That's why I wasn't at the paseo。 I was going to go warn the Old Duke myself; but instead the stablemaster locked me in one of the dirty stalls during the fight。〃 Tears welled up in his eyes。 〃All the fine clothes your father gave me were ruined。 I didn't even see him fall in the arena。〃
 Surprised at this; Leto sat up in his father's large chair。 He looked over at Hawat。
 I will find out; m'Lord;〃 the Mentat said。
 Leto scrutinized the boy。 Duncan Idaho stood before him showing no fear; only deep sadness。 As he studied him; Leto thought he recognized an openness and a heartfelt devotion on the young face。 By appearances; this nine…year…old refugee seemed truly glad to be part of Castle Caladan; despite his demeaning; thankless chores as a stableboy。
 Leto Atreides did not have many years of experience in judging devious people and weighing the hearts of men; but he had an intuition that he could trust this earnest boy。 Duncan was tough and intelligent and fierce  but not treacherous。
 Be cautious; Duke Leto; he told himself。 There are many tricks in the Imperium; and this could be one of them。 Then he thought of the old stablemaster; Yresk had been with Castle Caladan ever since the arranged marriage of Leto's parents。。。。 Could such a plan have been so many years in germination? Yes; he supposed it could。 Though he trembled at the implications。
 Unacpanied; the Lady Helena glided into the reception hall; taking furtive steps。 Deep shadows hovered around her eyes。 Leto watched his mother slip into the empty chair beside his; the one reserved for times when she had sat beside her husband。 Straight…backed and without words; she examined the young boy before them。
 Moments later; Stablemaster Yresk was unceremoniously brought into the hall by Atreides guards。 His shock of white hair was mussed; and his baggy eyes seemed wide and uncertain。 When Thufir Hawat finished summarizing the story Duncan had told; the stablemaster laughed and his bony shoulders sagged with exaggerated relief。 〃After all the years I served you; would you believe this stable…rat; this Harkonnen?〃 He rolled his puffy eyes in indignation。 〃Please; m'Lord!〃
 Overly dramatic; Leto thought; Hawat saw it; too。
 Yresk placed a finger to his lips; as if considering a possibility。 〃Now that you mention it; m'Lord; it could well be that the boy himself was poisoning the bull。 I couldn't watch him every moment。〃
 〃That's a lie!〃 Duncan shouted。 〃I wanted to tell the Duke; but you locked me in a stall。 Why didn't you try to stop the bullfight? I warned you and warned you  and now the Duke is dead。〃
 Hawat listened; his eyes distant; his lips moist and cranberry…stained from a fresh swallow of sapho juice。 Leto saw he had entered Mentat mode again; racing through all the data he recalled of the events involving young Duncan and Yresk as well。
 〃Well?〃 Leto asked the stablemaster。 He forced himself not to think of old times with the lanky man who had always smelled of sweat and manure。
 〃The stable…rat may have prattled some at me; m'Lord; but he was afraid of the bulls。 I can't simply cancel a bullfight because a child thinks the beasts are terrifying。〃 He snorted。 〃I took care of this pup; gave him every chance…〃
 〃Yet you didn't listen to him when he warned you about the bulls; and now my father is dead;〃 Leto said; noting that Yresk suddenly seemed afraid。 〃Why would you do that?〃
 〃Possible projection;〃 Hawat said。 〃Through the Lady Helena; Yresk has worked for House Richese all his life。 Richese has had ties to the Harkonnens in the past; as well as an adversarial relationship with Ix。 He may not even be aware of his part in the overall scheme or 〃
 〃What? This is absurd!〃 Yresk insisted。 He scratched his white hair。 〃I have nothing to do with the Harkonnens。〃 He flashed a glance at the Lady Helena; but she refused to meet his gaze。
 〃Don't interrupt my Mentat;〃 Leto warned。
 Thufir Hawat studied Lady Helena; whose icy stare was leveled at him。 Then his gaze slid to her son; where it remained as he continued to lay out his projection: 〃Summary: The marriage of Paulus Atreides to Helena of House Richese was dangerous; even at the time。 The Landsraad saw it as a way to weaken Richese/Harkonnen ties; while Count Ilban Richese accepted the marriage as a last…ditch effort to salvage some of his family fortune at the time they were losing Arrakis。 As for House Atreides; Duke Paulus received a formal CHOAM directorship and became a voting member of the Council  something this family might never otherwise have achieved。
 〃When the wedding party came here with Lady Helena; however; perhaps not all of her retainers granted their full loyalty to Atreides。 Contact could have been made between Harkonnen agents and Stablemaster Yresk。。。without Lady Helena's knowledge; of course。〃
 〃That's wild conjecture; especially for a Mentat;〃 Yresk said。 He looked for support from anyone in the room; Leto noticed  with the exception of Helena; whose eyes he now seemed to avoid。 On his thin throat; his Adam's apple bobbed up and down。
 Leto stared at his mother sitting

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