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t she's laughing at the rest of us。〃
〃If that's not madness; in her situation; then I don't know what is。〃
Mitspieler had gone below; just a moment ago; with one of his many reports。 And now Doon stepped up on deck; his Sword in his hands; looking as if he wanted to try an observation for himself。 When the girl had first told him her story; he had heard it patiently; and nodded as if he might accept it; mad as it sounded。 Mark thought that princess; beggar…girl; or queen would be all one to the Baron; provided only that she served in some way to advance his schemes。
From the hour when Ariane had first e into their hands; Doon had grimly warned his men that she was under his personal protection。 One of the ship's two small cabins was inviolately hers。 Doon himself slept in the passage athwart her door; leaving the other cabin to the magicians。
Now; as Doon was sighting carefully along his Sword; trying to frown his vision through the fog ahead; Ariane herself came up on deck; and talk ceased momentarily among the men。 She was dressed now in man's clothing; a clean and sturdy shirt and trousers from the rich store of resources that Indosuaros had provided for the expedition; and a large…size pair of sandals on her feet。
At once she sprang up into the bow; and poised there; gripping a line for balance。 She looked for a moment like a model for some extravagant figurehead as she tried to peer into the fog ahead。 Since she had been away from litters and cells her fair skin was growing sunburnt。 Her hair; washed in her cabin's privacy; blew free in a soft red cloud。
〃Cliffs ahead now;〃 she called out gaily。 Her voice was almost that of a child; very unlike that in which she had called out abuse to the men entering her cell。 And she turned now; ignoring Doon for the moment; to drop to the deck beside Mark and Ben。 She was smiling at them as if this were all some pleasant picnic outing。 As far as Mark knew; she had never yet asked where they were going。
Neither Ben nor the Baron seemed to know quite what to say。 So it was Mark who spoke to her first。 〃Who is your mother … really?〃
Ariane sat back cross…legged on the deck; and became abruptly serious。 〃I suppose it is hard to believe。 But I really am the daughter of the Silver Queen。 I must have been still dazed when I first told you that; but it's the truth。〃 She shot a glance at Doon。 〃If you have any ideas of getting ransom from her; though; you may as well forget it。 She is my deadly enemy。〃
Doon made a gesture of indifference。 〃Well; girl … Princess; if you'd rather … I care very little if your story be true or not。 Just out of curiosity; though; who's your father? Yambu reigns without any regular male consort; as far as I'm aware。 I think she always has。〃
Ariane tossed a magnificence of red hair。 〃I wouldn't count on getting any ransom from my father; either。〃
Doon repeated his gesture。 〃I tell you that I don't count on any ransom。。。 you'd better bind up that hair; or braid it; or get it out of the way somehow。 It might be a problem where we're going。。。 and why is your mother so bitterly your enemy? Was it she who sold you into slavery?〃
〃Indeed it was。〃 Ariane seemed to accept the dictum about her hair without argument; for her fingers began working at it as if testing which mode of treatment would be best。 〃Certain people in the palace; I am told; had the idea of disposing of my mother and putting me on the throne instead。 The heads of those people are now prominently in view above the battlements。 Maybe they were even guilty; I don't know。 They never consulted me。 And I've seen very little of my mother in my lifetime。 I don't know。。。 〃
〃You don't know what?〃 asked Mark; fascinated。
〃It doesn't matter。 Also; I sometimes have powers。。。〃
〃I know you do;〃 Doon cut in。 〃I count on them; in fact。〃
She looked at him again。 〃Do you? I wish I could count on them to help me; but as I say I only sometimes have them; and they are unreliable。 I am told; again; that they depend somewhat on the fact that no man has ever known me。 The Red Temple set great store on my virginity; when their magicians were satisfied that it was intact。 They would have sold me for a fortune; I suppose to someone who had other than magical concerns about it。 And where are we going; anyway; that I must bind up my hair?〃
But Doon had another question of his own to put。 〃And why did not your mother simply have you killed; instead of selling you?〃
〃Perhaps … she thought that going into slavery would be worse。 Perhaps some seer or oracle warned her against it。 Who knows why great queens do the things they do?〃 Mark had heard the same tone of bitterness; exactly; in the voice of the peasant woman whose eyes had been put out by soldiers。
The Baron had sheathed his Sword now; and was standing with arms folded; eyes probing at his captive … if that was really the right word; Mark thought; for her status。 〃You say your mother is your enemy;〃 Doon demanded。 〃Then you are hers?〃
Ariane's blue eyes were suddenly those of an angry child。 〃Give me the chance to prove it and I will。〃
〃I intend to do just that。 Now; the Silver Queen has a deep interest in the Blue Temple; does she not?〃
As if she had been expecting to hear something else; the girl had to pause for thought。 But then she agreed。 〃Aye; I am sure she must have。 Why?〃
〃Because we are going to enter the central storehouse of the Blue Temple; and rob it of its wealth。 My Sword here informs me that you … your powers … are going to be very useful in the execution of this plan。 Cooperate with me willingly; and I promise you that when the time es for sharing out the treasure; you will not be forgotten。 And I promise also that in the meantime you'll take no harm from any man。〃 And he cast a meaningful look at the two members of his crew who were immediately present。
And she is so beautiful; Mark was thinking; that there are a lot of men who'd fight to have her。 But there was something almost too impressive in her beauty; so that it served as a warning as well as an invitation。 And Mark could not forget that moment in which Ariane had hailed him as her brother。 Whenever he had asked her about it later; she had said that she could not remember; that she had been drugged when she called him that。 He told himself that there was no way he could actually be her brother。 Still。。。
Doon was speaking to the girl again; 〃And how would you like to find yourself; when we part pany; with a purse full of Blue Temple jewels and gold as dowry? Or for any other purpose。 You need be dependent upon no prince or potentate then; if you don't want to be。〃
Ariane mused。 〃Her gold and jewels; in my hands。 I think I would like that。〃 She seemed to be accepting without difficulty the prospect of getting into the Blue Temple vaults and robbing them。 Mark and Ben exchanged a glance; and Ben nodded slightly; the girl must be at least a little out of touch with reality。
Mitspieler had e up on deck again; and was hovering in the background trying to get Doon's attention。 As soon as he had done so; Doon went below again; to consult with the magicians。
The moment the Baron was out of sight; Hubert; with Golok trailing behind him; came forward from the stern。 Mark had noticed before now that Hubert was fascinated by Ariane; and could not keep from approaching her when he had the opportunity。
But something that the soldier saw in the sea or fog ahead of the ship appeared to distract him; and when he came up to the others he was frowning。 The first thing he said was: 〃I hope we'll not go near those Cliffs。〃
Ben; still sitting on the deck; leaning back against the rail; looked up at him curiously。 〃Why not?〃
〃'Why not?' the big man asks。 〃Because of who might be up there; that's why not。 I've heard our masters talking … all right; if you don't like to call 'em that; our leaders; then。 And I know a thing or two about this part of the world myself; without asking them。〃
〃And who is so important; up on the cliffs?〃 asked Ariane。 Suddenly she appeared to be intensely interested; though she usually care nothing for Hubert's talk。
Hubert chuckled; pleased at having made an impression for once。 〃That's the Emperor's land up there; young lady。 Those cliffs ahead of us; beyond the fog。〃
Ariane almost gasped to hear this。 〃No; not really!〃 Though Mark was observing her as keenly as he could; he still could not tell if she was really impressed; frightened; or subtly mocking Hubert。
The short man; at least; had no doubt about what kind of an impression he was making。 He seemed to swell a little。 〃Oh aye。。。 did you think that the Emperor was only a story? That's what most people think。 A few bright ones know better。 I've heard about this place。 Down below those cliffs there's a grotto; and in that grotto the Emperor keeps a horde of his pet demons。 Oh; he owns other lands too; scattered about the world; but this place is special。 I've heard about it from those who've seen it。
〃Maybe you thought he was only a story; or only a joke? Ah no; lass; he's real; and no joke。 He likes to sit up there