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 perhaps three。〃 That brought heads up and sparked interest。 She hoped Siuan was in the listening crowd。 She did try to hold to the Oaths。 〃The horses need rest; too; and many of the wagons badly need repairs。 The Keeper will see to the necessary arrangements。〃 It truly was begun; now。
       She expected neither argument nor discussion; and there was none。 What she had told Siuan was no exaggeration。 Too many sisters hoped for a miracle; so they would not have to march on Tar Valon with the world watching。 Even among those convinced in their souls that Elaida must be ousted for the good of the Tower; despite everything they had done; too many would grasp any chance of delay; any chance for that miracle to appear。
       One of those last; Romanda; did not wait for Sheriam to speak the closing lines。 As soon as Egwene finished speaking; Romanda; looking quite youthful with her tight gray bun hidden by her hood; simply strode away。 Cloaks flapping; Magla; Saroiya; and Varilin scurried after her。 As well as anyone could scurry; when every other step sank ankle…deep。 They did a good job of it anyway; Sitters or no; they hardly seemed to breathe without Romanda's permission。 When Lelaine saw Romanda leaving; she gathered up Faiselle; Takima; and Lyrelle from the semicircle with a gesture and went without a backward glance; like a swan with three anxious goslings。 If they were not so firmly in Lelaine's grasp as the other three were in Romanda's; they did not fall far short。 For that matter; the rest of the Sitters barely waited on the final 〃Depart now in the Light〃 to leave Sheriam's lips。 Egwene turned to go with her Hall of the Tower already scattering in every direction。 That tingle was stronger。 And very like being queasy。
       〃Three days;〃 Sheriam murmured; offering Egwene a hand to help her down into one of the rutted paths。 The corners of her tilted green eyes crinkled quizzically。 〃I'm surprised; Mother。 Forgive me; but you dug in your heels nearly every time I wanted; to stop for more than one。〃
       〃Speak to me again after you've talked to the wheelwrights and farriers;〃 Egwene told her。 〃We'll not go far with horses dropping dead and wagons falling apart。〃
       〃As you say; Mother;〃 the other woman replied; not precisely meekly; but in perfect acceptance。
       The footing was no better now than it had been the night before; and their steps sometimes slid。 Linking arms; they walked on slowly。 Sheriam offered more support than Egwene required; but she did so almost surreptitiously。 The Amyrlin Seat should not fall on her bottom in the full view of fifty sisters and a hundred servants; but neither should she seem propped up like an invalid。
       Most of the Sitters who had sworn to Egwene; Sheriam included; had done so out of simple fear; really; and self…preservation。 If the Hall learned they had sent sisters to sway the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon; and worse; kept the fact from the Hall for fear of Darkfriends among the Sitters; they surely and certainly would spend the rest of their lives in penance and exile。 So the women who had believed they could somehow twitch Egwene about like a puppet; after the greater part of their influence with the Hall melted; instead found themselves sworn to obey her。 That was rare even in the secret histories; sisters were expected to obey the Amyrlin; but swearing fealty was something else again。 Most still seemed unsettled by it; though they did obey。 Few were as bad as Carlinya; but Egwene had actually heard Beonin's teeth chatter the first time she saw Egwene with Sitters after swearing。 Morvrin looked astonished anew whenever her eyes fell on Egwene; as if she still did not quite believe; and Nisao hardly seemed to stop frowning。 Anaiya clicked her tongue over the secrecy; and Myrelle often flinched; though for more reason than taking an oath。 But Sheriam simply had settled into the role of Egwene's Keeper of the Chronicles in truth; not just name。
       〃May I suggest using this opportunity to see what the surrounding country offers in way of food and fodder; Mother? Our stocks are low。〃 Sheriam frowned anxiously。 〃Especially tea and salt; though I doubt we'll find those。〃
       〃Do what you can;〃 Egwene said in a soothing tone。 Odd now; to think that once she had gone in awe of Sheriam; and in no little fear of her displeasure。 Strange as it seemed; now that she was no longer Mistress of Novices; no longer trying to tug and push Egwene to do as she wished; Sheriam actually seemed happier。 〃I have every confidence in you; Sheriam。〃 The woman positively beamed at the pliment。
       The sun still did not show above the tents and wagons to the east; but the camp was already bustling。 In a manner of speaking。 Breakfast done; the cooks were cleaning up; helped by a horde of novices。 From the vigor they put into it; the young women seemed to find some warmth in scrubbing kettles with snow; but the cooks moved laboriously; knuckling their backs; stopping to sigh and sometimes to pull their cloaks close and stare bleakly at the snow。 Shivering serving men; wearing most of the clothes they owned; had begun striking tents and loading wagons automatically as soon as they finished their hasty meal; and were now stumbling about to raise the tents and haul chests out of the wagons。 Animals that had been being harnessed were now being led away by weary horse…handlers who walked with heads down。 Egwene heard a few grumbles from men who failed to notice there were sisters nearby; but the greater number seemed too tired to voice a plaint。
       Most of the Aes Sedai whose tents were up had vanished inside; but a good many still directed workers; and others hurried along the sunken paths on errands of their own。 Unlike everyone else; they showed as little outward weariness as the Warders; who somehow managed to appear as if they had had all the sleep they needed for this fine spring day。 Egwene suspected that was a real part of how a sister drew strength from her Warder; quite aside from what she could do with the bond。 When your Warder would not admit to himself that he was cold or tired or hungry; you just had to bear up as well。
       On one of the crossing paths; Morvrin appeared; clutching Takima's arm。 Perhaps it was for support; though Morvrin was wide enough to make the shorter woman seem more diminutive than she actually was。 Perhaps it was to keep Takima from escaping; Morvrin was dogged once she set a goal。 Egwene frowned。 Morvrin might well be expected to seek out a Sitter for her Ajah; the Brown; yet Egwene would have thought Janya or Escaralde more likely。 The two passed out of sight behind a canvas…topped wagon on runners; Morvrin bending to talk in her panion's ear。 There was no way to tell whether Takima was paying any mind。
       〃Is something the matter; Mother?〃
       Egwene put on a smile that felt tight。 〃No more than usual; Sheriam。 No more than usual。〃
       At the Amyrlin's Study; Sheriam departed to see to the tasks Egwene had given her; and Egwene went in to find everything in readiness。 She would have been surprised at anything else。 Selame was just setting a tea tray on the writing table。 Brightly colored beadwork ran across the rail…thin woman's bodice and down her sleeves; and with her long nose carried high; she hardly seemed a servant at first glance; but she had seen to what needed doing。 Two braziers full of glowing coals had taken some of the chill off the air; though most of the heat rushed out through the smoke hole。 Dried herbs sprinkled on the coals gave a pleasant scent to the smoke that did not escape; the tray from the night before was gone; and the lantern and tallow candles had been trimmed and lit。 No one was about to leave a tent open enough to let in light from outside。
       Siuan was already there; too; with a stack of papers in her hands; a harried expression on her face; and a smudge of ink on her nose。 The post of secretary provided the two of them another reason to be seen talking; and Sheriam had not minded at all giving up the work。 Siuan herself grumbled frequently; however。 For a woman who had seldom left the Tower since entering as a novice; she had a remarkable dislike for staying inside。 At the moment she was the picture of a woman being patient and wanting everyone to know it。
       For all her high nose; Selame simpered and bobbed so many curtsies that taking Egwene's cloak and mittens turned into an elaborate little ceremony。 The woman nattered on about the Mother putting her feet up; and perhaps she should fetch the Mother a lap robe; and maybe she should stay in case the Mother wanted anything else; until Egwene practically chased her out。 The tea tasted of mint。 In this weather! Selame was a trial; and she could hardly be called loyal; but she did try。
       There was no time for lounging and sipping tea; though。 Egwene straightened her stole and took her place behind the writing desk; absentmindedly giving a yank to the leg of her chair so it would not fold beneath her as it often did; Siuan perched atop a rickety stool on the other side of the table; and the tea cooled。 They did not speak of plans; or Gareth Bryne; or hopes; what could be done there for now; had been。 Reports and problems piled up when they w

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