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小说: rj.thepathofdaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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; Berelain。 And maybe Lord Gallenne。 Likely they'll take him for Annoura's Warder。〃
       Berelain chortled in delight; leaning to clasp his arm with both hands。 She did not leave it at that; of course。 Her fingers squeezed caressingly; and she flashed a heated smile of promise; then straightened before he could move; her face suddenly innocent as a babe's。 Expressionless; Faile focused on pulling her gray riding gloves snug。 By her scent; she had not noticed Berelain's smile。 She hid her disappointment well。
       〃I'm sorry; Faile;〃 he said; 〃but … 〃
       Outrage flared in the smell of her like thorns。 〃I am certain you have matters to discuss with the First before she goes; husband;〃 she said calmly。 Her tilted eyes were pure serenity; her scent sand burrs。 〃Best you see to her now。〃 Pulling Swallow around; Faile walked the mare over to a plainly fuming Seonid and the tight…faced Wise Ones; but she did not dismount or speak to them。 Instead she frowned down at Bethal; a falcon staring from her eyrie。
       Perrin realized he was feeling at his nose and pulled his hand down。 There was no blood; of course; his nose only felt as if there should be。
       Berelain needed no last…minute instructions … the First of Mayene and her Gray advisor were all impatience to be off; all certainty they knew what to say and do … yet Perrin stressed caution anyway; and emphasized that Berelain and only Berelain was to speak with Alliandre。 Annoura gave him one of those cool Aes Sedai looks and nodded。 Which might have been agreement or might not; he doubted he could get more out of her with a pry…bar。 Berelain's lips curled in amusement; though she agreed with everything he said。 Or said she did。 He suspected she would say anything to get what she wanted; and those smiles in all the wrong places bothered him。 Gallenne had put his looking glass away; but he was still playing with his reins; no doubt calculating how to carve a way out of Bethal for the two women。 Perrin wanted to growl。
       He watched them ride down to the road with worry。 The message Berelain carried was simple。 Rand understood Alliandre's caution; but if she wanted his protection she must be willing to announce support for him openly。 That protection would e; soldiers and Asha'man to make it plain to everyone; and even Rand himself if need be; once she agreed to make the announcement。 Berelain had no reason to change the message a hair; despite her smiles … he thought they might be another way of flirting … but Annoura。。。 Aes Sedai did what they did; and the Light alone knew why half the time。 He wished he knew some way to reach Alliandre without using a sister or rousing talk。 Or risking Faile。
       The three riders reached the gates with Annoura in the lead; and guards quickly raised pikes; lowered bows and crossbows; no doubt as soon as she named herself Aes Sedai。 Not many people had the nerve to challenge that particular claim。 There was barely a pause before she was leading the way into the town。 In fact; the soldiers seemed eager to hurry them through; out of sight of anyone watching from the hills。 Some peered at the distant heights; and Perrin did not need to smell them to sense their unease over who might be hidden up there; who might; improbably; have recognized a sister。
       Turning north; toward their camp; Perrin led the way along the ridge until they were out of sight from Bethal's towers; then slanted down to the hard…packed road。 Scattered farms lined the road; thatch…roofed houses and long narrow barns; withered pastures and stubbled fields and high…walled stone goatpens; but there was little livestock to be seen and fewer people。 Those few watched the riders warily; geese watching foxes; stopping chores where they stood until the horses passed on。 Aram kept as close an eye on them in return; sometimes fingering the sword hilt rising above his shoulder; perhaps wishing to find more than farmfolk。 Despite his green…striped coat; little Tinker remained in him。
       Edarra and Nevarin walked beside Stepper; seemingly out for a stroll yet keeping pace easily despite their bulky skirts。 Seonid heeled them on her gelding; Furen and Teryl at her own back。 The pale…cheeked Green pretended that she simply wanted to ride a careful two paces behind the Wise Ones; but the men scowled openly。 Warders often had a greater care for their Aes Sedai's dignity than the sister did herself; and Aes Sedai had enough for queens。
       Faile kept Swallow on the far side of the Aiel women; riding in silence; apparently studying the drought…scarred landscape。 Slim and graceful; she made Perrin feel a little clumsy at the best of times。 She was quicksilver; and he loved it in her; usually; but。。。 A slight breath of air had begun to stir; enough to keep her scent mingled with the rest。 He knew he should be thinking about Alliandre and what her answer would be; or better still; the Prophet and how to find him once Alliandre replied; however she did; but he could not find room in his head。
       He had expected Faile to be angry when he chose Berelain; for all that Rand supposedly had sent her for the purpose。 Faile knew he did not want to send her into danger; into any risk of danger; a fact she disliked more than she did Berelain。 Yet her scent had been soft as a summer morning … until he tried to apologize! Well; apologies usually stoked her anger if she already was angry … except when they melted her temper; anyway … but she had not been angry! Without Berelain; everything ran smooth as silk satin between them。 Most of the time。 But explanations that he did nothing to encourage the woman … far from it! … earned only a curt 〃Of course you don't!〃 in tones that called him a fool for bringing it up。 But she still grew angry … with him! … every time Berelain smiled at him or found an excuse to touch him; no matter how brusquely he put her off; and the Light knew he did that。 Short of tying her up; he did not know what more he could do to discourage her。 Ginger attempts to find out from Faile what he was doing wrong received a light 〃Why do you think you've done anything?〃 or a not…so…light 〃What do you think you've done?〃 or a flat 〃I do not want to talk about it。〃 He was doing something wrong; but he could not puzzle out what! He had to; though。 Nothing was more important than Faile。 Nothing!
       〃Lord Perrin?〃
       Aram's excited voice cut into his brown study。 〃Don't call me that;〃 he muttered; following the direction of the man's pointing finger; to yet another abandoned farm some distance ahead; where fire had taken the roof from house and barn。 Only rough stone walls stood。 An abandoned farm; but not deserted。 Angry shouts rose up there。
       A dozen or more rough…clad fellows carrying spears and pitchforks were trying to force their way over the chest…high stone wall of a goatpen; while a handful of men within tried to keep them out。 Several horses ran loose inside; frightened at the noise and dodging about; and there were three women mounted。 They were not simply waiting to see how it would all turn out; though; one of the women appeared to be hurling rocks; and even as he looked; another dashed close to the wall to lash out with a long cudgel while the third reared her horse; and a tall fellow toppled back off the wall to get clear of flashing hooves。 But there were too many attackers; too much wall to defend。
       〃I advise you to ride wide;〃 Seonid said。 Edarra and Nevarin turned grim stares on her; but she plowed on; hurry overwhelming her matter…of…fact tone。 〃Those are surely the Prophet's men; and killing his people is a bad way to begin。 Tens of thousands; hundreds of thousands; may die if you fail with him。 Is it worth risking that to save a handful?〃
       Perrin did not intend to kill anyone if he could help it; but he did not intend to look the other way either。 He wasted no time in explanations; though。 〃Can you frighten them?〃 he asked Edarra。 〃Just frighten?〃 He remembered all too well what the Wise Ones had done at Dumai's Wells。 And the Asha'man。 Maybe as well Grady and Neald were not there。
       〃Perhaps;〃 Edarra replied; studying the crowd around the pen。 She half…shook her head; shrugged a fraction。 〃Perhaps。〃 That would have to be good enough。
       〃Aram; Furen; Teryl;〃 he snapped; 〃with me!〃 He dug in his heels; and as Stepper leaped forward; he was relieved to see the Warders following closely。 Four men charging made a better show than two。 He kept his hands on the reins; away from his axe。
       He was not so pleased when Faile galloped Swallow up alongside him。 He opened his mouth; and she arched an eyebrow at him。 Her black hair was beautiful; streaming in the wind of their rush。 She was beautiful。 An arched eyebrow; no more。 He changed what he had been about to say。 〃Guard my back;〃 he told her。 Smiling; she produced a dagger from somewhere。 With all the blades she carried hidden away; sometimes he wondered how he missed being stabbed just trying to hug her。
       As soon as she looked ahead again; he gestured frantically to Aram; trying to keep the motion where she could not see。 Aram nodded; but he was leaning forward; sword bared; ready to skewer the first of the Prophet's folk he reached。 Perrin hoped the ma

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