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 'How good of you to drop by; Major。 Jeremy wrote us that you might Do e in。 It's such a pleasure to see you again。'
 'It's good to see you again; too;' replied Webb; stepping into the tasteful foyer; finishing his statement when the door was closed; 'but I'm not sure where it was we met before。'
 The woman laughed。 'Oh; we've had dinner ever so many times。'
 'With Jeremy?'
 'Of course。'
 'Who's Jeremy?'
 'A devoted nephew who's also your devoted friend。 Such a nice young man; it's a pity he doesn't exist。' She took his elbow as they walked down a long hallway。 'It's all for the benefit of neighbours who might be strolling by。。。 e along now; they're waiting。'
 They passed an archway that led to a large living…room; the major looked inside。 There was a grand piano by the front windows; harp beside it; and everywhere … on the piano and on polished tables glistening under the spill of subdued lamps were silver…framed photographs; mementos of a past filled with wealth and grace。 Sailing boats; men and women on the decks of ocean liners; several military portraits。。。 and yes; two candid shots of someone mounted for a polo match。 It was a room that belonged in a brownstone on this street。
 They reached the end of the hallway; there was a large mahogany door; bas…relief and iron ornamentation part of its design; part of its security。 If there was an infra…red camera; Webb could not detect the whereabouts of the lens。 The grey…haired woman pressed an unseen bell; the major could hear a slight hum。
 'Your friend is here; gentlemen。 Stop playing poker and go to work。 Snap to; Jesuit。'
 'Jesuit?' asked Webb; bewildered。
 'An old joke;' replied the woman。 'It goes back to when you were probably playing marbles and snarling at little girls。'
 The door opened and the aged but still erect figure of David Abbott was revealed。 'Glad to see you; Major;' said the one…time Silent Monk of Clandestine Services; extending his hand。
 'Good to be here; sir。' Webb shook hands。 Another elderly; imposing…looking man came up beside Abbott。
 'A friend of Jeremy's; no doubt;' said the man; his deep voice edged with humour。 'Dreadfully sorry time precludes proper introductions; young fellow。 e along; Margaret。 There's a lovely fire upstairs。' He turned to Abbott 'You'll let me know when you're leaving; David?'
 'Usual time for me; I expect;' replied the Monk。 I'll show these two how to ring you。'
 It was then that Webb realized there was a third man in the room; he was standing in the shadows at the far end; and the major recognized him …instantly。 He was Elliot Stevens; senior aide to the President of the United States … some said his alter ego。 He was in his early forties; slender; wore glasses and had the bearing of unpretentious authority about him。
 '。。。 it'll be fine。' The imposing older man who had not found time to introduce himself had been speaking; Webb had not heard him; his attention on the White House aide。 I'll be waiting。〃
 Till next time;' continued Abbott; shifting his eyes kindly to the grey…haired woman。 Thanks; Sister Meg。 Keep your habit pressed down。' 'You're still wicked; Jesuit。'
 The couple left; closing the door behind them。 Webb stood for a moment; shaking his head and smiling。 The man and woman of One…four…zero; Seven…one East belonged to the room down the hall just as that room belonged in the brownstone; all a part of the quiet; monied; tree…lined street。 'You've known them a long time; haven't you?'
 'A lifetime; you might say;' replied Abbott。 'He was a yachtsman we put to good use in the Adriatic runs for Donovan's operations in Yugoslavia。 Mikhailovich once said he sailed on sheer nerve; bending the worst weather to his will。。。 and don't let Sister Meg's graciousness fool you。 She was one of Intrepid's girls; a piranha with very sharp teeth。〃 'They're quite a story。'
 〃It'll never be told;' said Abbott; closing the subject。 'I want you to meet Elliot Stevens。 I don't think I have to tell you who he is。 Webb; Stevens。 Stevens; Webb。' …
 'That sounds like a law firm;〃 said Stevens amiably walking across the room; hand extended。 'Nice to know you; Webb; Have a good trip?'
 'I would have preferred military transport。 I hate those damned mercial airlines。 I thought a customs agent at Kennedy was going to slice the lining of my suitcase。'
 'You look too respectable in that uniform;' laughed the Monk。 'You're obviously a smuggler。'
 'I'm still not sure I understand the uniform;' said the major; carrying his briefcase to a long hatch table against the wall and unclipping the nylon cord from his belt。
 'I shouldn't have to tell you;' answered Abbott; 'that the tightest security is often found in being quite obvious on the surface。 An army intelligence officer; prowling around undercover in Zurich at this particular time could raise alarms。'
 'Then I don't understand; either;' said the White House aide; ing up beside Webb at the table; watching the major's manipulations with the nylon cord and the lock。 'Wouldn't an obvious presence raise even more shrill alarms? I thought the assumption of undercover was that discovery was less probable。'
 'Webb's trip to Zurich was a routine consulate check; predated on the G…Two schedules。 No one fools anybody about those trips; they're what they are and nothing else。 Ascertaining new sources; paying off informants。 The Soviets do it all the time; they don't even bother to hide it。 Neither do we。 frankly。'
 'But that wasn't the purpose of his trip; said Stevens; beginning to understand。 'So the obvious conceals the unobvious。'
 〃That's it。'
 'Can I help?' The presidential aide seemed fascinated by the briefcase。
 'Thanks;' said Webb。 'Just pull the cord through。'
 Stevens did so。 'I always thought it was chains around the wrist;' he said。
 Too many hands cut off;' explained the major; smiling at the White House man's reaction。 'There's a steel wire running through the nylon。' He freed the briefcase and opened it on the table; looking around at the elegance of the furnished library…den。 At the rear of the room was a pair of French windows that apparently led to an outside garden; the outline of a high stone wall seen dimly through the panes of thick glass。 'So this is Treadstone Seventy…one。 It isn't the way I pictured it。'
 'Pull the curtains again; will you please; Elliot?' Abbott said。 The presidential aide walked to the French windows and did so。 Abbott crossed to a bookcase; opened the cabinet beneath it; and reached inside。 There was a quiet whirr; the entire bookcase came out of the wall and slowly revolved to the left。 On the other side was an electronic radio console; one of the most sophisticated Gordon Webb had seen。 'Is this more what you had in mind?' asked the Monk。
 'Jesus。。。' The major whistled as he studied the dials; calibrations; cable patches and scanning devices built into the panel。 The Pentagon war rooms had far more elaborate equipment; but this was the miniaturized equal of most well…structured intelligence stations。
 I'd whistle; too;' said Stevens; standing in front of the dense curtain。 'But Mr Abbott already gave me my personal sideshow。 That's only the beginning。 Five more buttons and this place looks like a Strategic Air mand base in Omaha。'
 'Those same buttons also transform this room back into a graceful East Side library。' The old man reached inside the cabinet; in seconds the enormous console was replaced by bookshelves。 He then walked to the adjacent bookcase; opened the cabinet beneath and once again put his hand inside。 The whirring began; the bookcase slid out; and shortly in its place were three tall filing cabinets。 The。 Monk took out a key and pulled out a file drawer。 'I'm not showing off; Gordon。 When we're finished; I want you to look through these。 I'll show you the switch that'll send them back。 If you have any problems; our host will take care of everything。' 'What am I to look for?'
 'We'll get to it; right now I want to hear about Zurich。 What have you learned?'
 'Excuse me; Mr。 Abbott;〃 interrupted Stevens。 'If I'm slow; it's because all this is new to me。 But I was thinking about something you said a minute ago about Major Webb's trip。' 'What is it?' 'You said the trip was predated on the G…Two schedules。'
 That's right'
 'Why? The major's obvious presence was to confuse Zurich; not Washington。 Or was it?'
 The Monk smiled。 'I can see why the President keeps you around。 We've never doubted that Carlos has bought his way into a circle or two … or ten … in Washington。 He finds the discontented men and offers them what they do not have。 A Carlos could not exist without such people。 You must remember; he doesn't merely sell death; he sells a nation's secrets。 All too frequently to the Soviets; if only to prove to them how rash they were to expel him。'
 'The President would want to know that;' said the aide。 'It would explain several things。'
 'It's why you're here; isn't it?' said Abbott。
 'I guess it is。'
 'And it's a good place to begin for Zurich;' said Webb; taking his briefcase to an armchair in front of the filing cabinets。 He sat down; spreading the folders inside the case at his feet; and took out several sheets of paper。 'You may not doubt Carlos is in Washing

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