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ked to Maegwin。 〃Why have you been a fool?〃
〃Because I thought I knew all。 Because I thought even the gods waited to see what I would do。〃
〃I don't understand。〃
For a long time she did not reply。 He felt her sorrow flow through him in great gusts; angry and mournful in turn。 〃I will explain…but first tell me who you are; how you came to be in this place。 Oh; the gods; the gods!〃 Her sorrow threatened to sweep her away again。 〃I have made too many assumptions。 Far; far too many。〃
Simon did as she asked; starting slowly and hesitantly at first; then gaining confidence as bit by bit his past returned to him。 He was surprised to find that he could remember names which only a little while before had been misty holes in his memory。
Maegwin did not interrupt; but as his recitation went on she became slightly more substantial。 He could see her clearly again; her bright; wounded eyes; her lips pressed together tightly as though to keep them from trembling。 He wondered who had loved her; for certainly she was a woman someone could love。 Who mourned for her?
When he spoke of Sesuad'ra; and of Count Eolair's mission from Hernysadharc; she broke her silence for the first time; asking him to tell more of the count and what he had said。
As Simon described Aditu; and what the Sitha…woman had said about the Dawn Children riding to Hernystir; Maegwin again began to weep。
〃Mircha clothed in rain! It is as I feared。 I have almost destroyed my people with my madness。 I did not die!〃
〃I don't understand。〃 Simon leaned a little closer; basking in the warmth of her glow。 It made the strange ghostly landscape a little less empty。 〃You didn't die?〃
The shadow…woman began to speak of her own life。 Simon realized with dawning amazement that he did indeed know of her; although they had never met: she was Lluth's daughter; sister of Gwythinn the Hernystirman Simon had seen at Josua's councils in Naglimund。
The story she told; and then the further tale of dreams and misunderstandings and accidents that she and Simon pieced together from fragments and guesses; was terrible indeed。 Simon; who had spent much of his time on the wheel in a fury of self…pity; found himself sickened by Magwin's losses…her father; her brother; her very home and country taken from her in a way that even he; for all his sorrows; had not experienced。 And the cruel tricks that fate; with Simon's unwitting help; had played on her!
No wonder she had lost her wits and imagined herself dead。 He ached for her。
When Maegwin had finished; the phantom valley again fell into total silence。
〃But why are you here?〃 Simon finally asked。
〃I do not know。 I was not led here; like you。 But after I touched the mind of the thing in what I thought was Scadach…in Naglimund; if that is where it was…I was nowhere at all for a time。 Then I awoke to this place; this land; and knew I was waiting。〃 She paused。 〃Perhaps it was you I was meant to wait for。〃
〃But why?〃
〃I do not know。 But it seems we fight the same fight…or rather we did fight it; since I see no way that either of us will leave this place。〃
Simon waited and thought。 〃That thing 。。。 that thing at Naglimund。 What was it like? What did 。。。 what did you feel when you touched its thoughts?〃
Maegwin struggled to find a way to explain。 〃It 。。。 it burned。 Being so near to it was like putting my face in the door of a kiln…I feared it would scorch away my very being。 I did not sense words; as I do from you; but 。。。 ideas。 Hatred; as I told you…a hatred of the living。 And a longing for death; for release; which was almost as strong as the longing for revenge。〃 She made a sad noise。 For a moment her light dimmed。 〃That was when I was first troubled about my own thoughts; for I felt that longing for death; too…and if I was already dead; how could I desire to be released from life?〃 She laughed; a bittersweet sensation that pricked at Simon's being。 〃Mircha shelter me! Listen to us! Even after all that has passed; this is a madness beyond all understanding; dear stranger。 That you and I should be in this place; this moiheneg〃 she used a Hernystiri word or thought that Simon did not understand; 〃talking of our lives; although we do not even know whether we still live。〃
〃We have stepped out of the world;〃 Simon told her; and suddenly everything seemed different。 He felt a sort of calm descend upon him。 〃Perhaps we've been given a gift。 For a time; we've been allowed to step outside the world。 A time to rest。〃 Indeed; he felt more like himself than he had since he had fallen through the earth of John's barrow。 Meeting Maegwin had done much to make him feel like a living thing again。
〃A time to rest? Perhaps for you; Simon…and if that is so; I am happy for you。 But I can only look on the foolishness I made of my life and mourn。〃
〃Was there anything else you learned from 。。。 from the burning thing?〃 He was anxious to distract her。 Her sorrow over her mistakes seemed only barely contained; and he feared that if it overwhelmed her he would find himself alone again。
Maegwin shimmered slightly。 An unfelt wind seemed to toss her cloudy hair。 〃There were thoughts for which I have no words。 Pictures I cannot quite explain。 Very strong; very bright; as though they were close to the center of the flames that give that spirit life。〃
〃What were they?〃 If the burning presence Maegwin described was what he thought it was; any clue to its plans…and by extension to the designs of its undead master…might help avert an endless age of blackness。
If I can even get back; he reminded himself。 If I can escape this place。 He pushed the disturbing thought away。 Binabik had taught him to do only what he could at any given time。 'You cannot catch three fish with two hands;' the little man often said。
Maegwin hesitated; then the glow began to spread。 〃I will try to show you。〃
In the valley of glass and shadows before them; something moved。 It was another light; but where the one that Maegwin held against her breast was soft and warm; this one blazed with a fierce intensity; as Simon watched; four more points of radiance sprang up around it。 A moment later the central light grew into a licking flame; stretching upward…but even as the flame grew; it changed color; being paler and paler until it was white as frost; the licking tendrils of fire stiffened into immobility even as they reached up and outward。 Simon gaped at what they had bee。 At the center of the four…cornered ring of flames now loomed a tall white tree; beautiful and unearthly。 It was the thing that had haunted him so long。 The white tree。 The blazing tower。
〃It's Green Angel Tower;〃 he murmured。
〃This is where all the thoughts of the spirit in Naglimund are bent。〃 Maegwin's voice was suddenly weary; as though showing Simon the tree had taken nearly all her strength。 〃That idea burns inside it; just as those flames burn around the tree。〃 The vision wavered and fell away; leaving only the shadowy; insubstantial landscape。
Green Angel Tower; Simon thought。 Something is going to happen there。
〃One other thing。〃 Maegwin had grown markedly fainter。 〃Somehow it thought of Naglimund as 。。。 the Fourth House。 Does that mean something?〃
Simon had a dim recollection of hearing something similar from the Fire Dancers on the hilltop over Hasu Vale; but at this moment it meant little to him。 He was consumed by the thought of Green Angel Tower。 The tower; and its mirror…phantom the White Tree; had haunted his dreams for almost a year。 It was the last Sithi building in the Hayholt; the place where Ineluki had spoken the dreadful words that had slain a thousand mortal soldiers and had barred him forever from the living world of Osten Ard。 If the Storm King desired some ultimate revenge; perhaps by giving some dread power to his mortal ally Elias; what more likely place for it to happen than the tower?
Simon felt a frustrated rage sweep over him。 To know this; to see at last the outlines of the Enemy's ultimate plan; but to be helpless to do anything…it was maddenng! More than ever he needed to be able to act; yet instead he was condemned to wander as an unhomed spirit while his body hung useless and unihabited。
〃Maegwin; I have to find a way out of this。。。 this place。 I must go back; somehow。 Everything we have both fought for is there。 Green Angel Tower in the Hayholt… that is the White Tree。 I must go back!〃
The shadowy figure beside him took a long time to respond。 〃You wish to go back to that pain? To all your suffering?〃
Simon thought of all that had happened and still might happen; of his tormented body on the wheel and the agony he had fled in ing here; but it did not change his resolve。 〃Aedon save me; I have to。 Don't you want to go back; too?〃
〃No。〃 Maegwin's dim form shuddered。 〃No。 I have no strength left; Simon。 If something was not keeping me here; I would already have let go of everything that held me。〃 She took what seemed to be a deep breath; when she spoke again; her voice trembled on the edge of weeping。 〃There are some I have loved; and I know now that many of them are still among the living。 One in particular。〃 She steadied herself。 〃I l