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;How did you know that拭─he almost whispered。
;I found out。 Some I was told察some I researched察some I guessed。 I'll get to that later。 Now Vannier and his pal have made a doubloon and they want to try it out。 They wanted to know their merchandise would stand up under inspection by a man supposed to know rare coins。 So Vannier had the idea of hiring a sucker and getting him to try to sell the counterfeit to old Morningstar察cheap enough so the old guy would think it was stolen。 They picked George Phillips for their sucker察through a silly ad he was running in the paper for business。 I think Lois Morny was Vannier's contact with Phillips察at first anyway。 I don't think she was in the racket。 She was seen to give Phillips a small package。 This package may have contained the doubloon Phillips was to try to sell。 But when he showed it to old Morningstar he ran into a snag。 The old man knew his coin collections and his rare coins。 He probably thought the coin was genuine enoughit would take a lot of testing to show it wasn'tbut the way the maker's initials were stamped on the coin was unusual and suggested to him that the coin might be the Murdock Brasher。 He called up here and tried to find out。 That made your mother suspicious and the coin was found to be missing and she suspected Linda察whom she hates察and hired me to get it back and put the squeeze on Linda for a divorce察without alimony。;
;I don't want a divorce察─Murdock said hotly。 ;I never had any such idea。 She had no right; he stopped and made a despairing gesture and a kind of sobbing sound。
;Okay察I know that。 Well察old Morningstar threw a scare into Phillips察who wasn't crooked察just dumb。 He managed to get Phillips' phone number out of him。 I heard the old man call that number察eavesdropping in his office after he thought I had left。 I had just offered to buy the doubloon back for a thousand dollars and Morningstar had taken up the offer察thinking he could get the coin from Phillips察make himself some money and everything lovely。 Meantime Phillips was watching this house察perhaps to see if any cops were ing and going。 He saw me察saw my car察got my name off the registration and it just happened he knew who I was。
;He followed me around trying to make up his mind to ask me for help until I braced him in a downtown hotel and he mumbled about knowing me from a case in Ventura when he was a deputy up there察and about being in a spot he didn't like and about being followed around by a tall guy with a funny eye。 That was Eddie Prue察Morny's sidewinder。 Morny knew his wife was playing games with Vannier and had her shadowed。 Prue saw her make contact with Phillips near where he lived on Court Street察Bunker Hill察and then followed Phillips until he thought Phillips had spotted him察which he had。 And Prue察or somebody working for Morny察may have seen me go to Phillips' apartment on Court Street。 Because he tried to scare me over the phone and later asked me to e and see Morny。;
I got rid of my cigarette stub in the jade ashtray察looked at the bleak unhappy face of the man sitting opposite me察and plowed on。 It was heavy going察and the sound of my voice was beginning to sicken me。
;Now we e back to you。 When Merle told you your mother had hired a dick察that threw a scare into you。 You figured she had missed the doubloon and you came steaming up to my office and tried to pump me。 Very debonair察very sarcastic at first察very solicitous for your wife察but very worried。 I don't know what you think you found out察but you got in touch with Vannier。 You now had to get the coin back to your mother in a hurry察with some kind of story。 You met Vannier somewhere and he gave you a doubloon。 Chances are it's another counterfeit。 He would be likely to hang on to the real one。 Now Vannier sees his racket in danger of blowing up before it gets started。 Morningstar has called your mother and I have been hired。 Morningstar has spotted something。 Vannier goes down to Phillips' apartment察sneaks in the back way察and has it out with Phillips察trying to find out where he stands。
;Phillips doesn't tell him he has already sent the counterfeit doubloon to me察addressing it in a kind of printing afterwards found in a diary in his office。 I infer that from the fact Vannier didn't try to get it back from me。 I don't know what Phillips told Vannier察of course察but the chances are he told him the job was crooked察that he knew where the coin came from察and that he was going to the police or to Mrs。 Murdock。 And Vannier pulled a gun察knocked him on the head and shot him。 He searched him and the apartment and didn't find the doubloon。 So he went to Morningstar。 Morningstar didn't have the counterfeit doubloon either察but Vannier probably thought he had。 He cracked the old man's skull with a gun butt and went through his safe察perhaps found some money察perhaps found nothing察at any rate left the appearance of a stickup behind him。 Then Mr。 Vannier breezed on home察still rather annoyed because he hadn't found the doubloon察but with the satisfaction of a good afternoon's work under his vest。 A couple of nice neat murders。 That left you。;
Murdock flicked a strained look at me察then his eyes went to the black cigarette holder he still had clenched in his hand。 He tucked it in his shirt pocket察stood up suddenly察ground the heels of his hands together and sat down again。 He got a handkerchief out and mopped his face。
;Why me拭─he asked in a thick strained voice。
;You knew too much。 Perhaps you knew about Phillips察perhaps not。 Depends how deep you were in it。 But you knew about Morningstar。 The scheme had gone wrong and Morningstar had been murdered。 Vannier couldn't just sit back and hope you wouldn't hear about that。 He had to shut your mouth察very察very tight。 But he didn't have to kill you to do it。 In fact killing you would be a bad move。 It would break his hold on your mother。 She's a cold ruthless grasping woman察but hurting you would make a wildcat of her。 She wouldn't care what happened。;
Murdock lifted his eyes。 He tried to make them blank with astonishment。 He only made them dull and shocked。
;My motherwhat拭
;Don't kid me any more than you have to察─I said。 ;I'm tired to death of being kidded by the Murdock family。 Merle came to my apartment this evening。 She's there now。 She had been over to Vannier's house to bring him some money。 Blackmail money。 Money that had been paid to him off and on for eight years。 I know why。;
He didn't move。 His hands were rigid with strain on his knees。 His eyes had almost disappeared into the back of his head。 They were doomed eyes。
;Merle found Vannier dead。 She came to me and said she had killed him。 Let's not go into why she thinks she ought to confess to other people's murders。 I went over there and he had been dead since last night。 He was as stiff as a wax dummy。 There was a gun lying on the floor by his right hand。 It was a gun I had heard described察a gun that belonged to a man named Hench察in an apartment across the hall from Phillips' apartment。 Somebody ditched the gun that killed Phillips and took Hench's gun。 Hench and his girl were drunk and left their apartment open。 It's not proved that it was Hench's gun察but it will be。 If it is Hench's gun察and Vannier mitted suicide察it ties Vannier to the death of Phillips。 Lois Morny also ties him to Phillips察in another way。 If Vannier didn't mit suicideand I don't believe he didit might still tie him to Phillips。 Or it might tie somebody else to Phillips察somebody who also killed Vannier。 There are reasons why I don't like that idea。;
Murdock's head came up。 He said此 No拭─in a suddenly clear voice。 There was a new expression on his face察something bright and shining and at the same time just a little silly。 The expression of a weak man being proud。
I said此 I think you killed Vannier。;
He didn't move and the bright shining expression stayed on his face。
;You went over there last night。 He sent for you。 He told you he was in a jam and that if the law caught up with him察he would see that you were in the jam with him。 Didn't he say something like that拭
;Yes察─Murdock said quietly。 ;Something exactly like that。 He was drunk and a bit high and he seemed to have a sense of power。 He gloated察almost。 He said if they got him in the gas chamber察I would be sitting right beside him。 But that wasn't all he said。;
;No。 He didn't want to sit in the gas chamber and he didn't at the time see any very good reason why he should察if you kept your mouth good and tight。 So he played his trump card。 His first hold on you察what made you take the doubloon and give it to him察even if he did promise you money as well察was something about Merle and your father。 I know about it。 Your mother told me what little I hadn't put together already。 That was his first hold and it was pretty strong。 Because it would let you justify yourself。 But last night he wanted something still stronger。 So he told you the truth and said he had proof。;
He shivered察but the light clear proud look managed to stay on his face。
;I pulled a gun on him察─he said察almost in a happy voice。 ;After all she is my mother。;
;Nobody can take that away from you。;
He stoo