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弌傍 raymondchandler.thehighwindow 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

  ;I didn't question him。 He questioned me。 Or tried to。;
  ;We'll go into that later察─she said harshly。 ;What about this man you found shot拭You are involved with the police on account of him拭
  ;Naturally。 They want to know why he followed me察what I was working on察why he spoke to me察why he asked me to e to his apartment and why I went。 But that is only the half of it。;
  She finished her port and poured herself another glass。
  ;How's your asthma拭─I asked。
  ;Bad察─she said。 ;Get on with your story。;
  ;I saw Morningstar。 I told you about that over the phone。 He pretended not to have the Brasher Doubloon察but admitted it had been offered to him and said he could get it。 As I told you。 Then you told me it had been returned to you察so that was that。;
  I waited察thinking she would tell me some story about how the coin had been returned察but she just stared at me bleakly over the wine glass。
  ;So察as I had made a sort of arrangement with Mr。 Morningstar to pay him a thousand dollars for the coin;
  ;You had no authority to do anything like that察─she barked。
  I nodded察agreeing with her。
  ;Maybe I was kidding him a little察─I said。 ;And I know I was kidding myself。 Anyway after what you told me over the phone I tried to get in touch with him to tell him the deal was off。 He's not in the phone book except at his office。 I went to his office。 This was quite late。 The elevator man said he was still in his office。 He was lying on his back on the floor察dead。 Killed by a blow on the head and shock察apparently。 Old men die easily。 The blow might not have been intended to kill him。 I called the Receiving Hospital察but didn't give my name。;
  ;That was wise of you察─she said。
  ;Was it拭It was considerate of me察but I don't think I'd call it wise。 I want to be nice察Mrs。 Murdock。 You understand that in your rough way察I hope。 But two murders happened in a matter of hours and both the bodies were found by me。 And both the victims were connectedin some mannerwith your Brasher Doubloon。;
  ;I don't understand。 This other察younger man also拭
  ;Yes。 Didn't I tell you over the phone拭I thought I did。; I wrinkled my brow察thinking back。 I knew I had。
  She said calmly此 It's possible。 I wasn't paying a great deal of attention to what you said。 You see察the doubloon had already been returned。 And you sounded a little drunk。;
  ;I wasn't drunk。 I might have felt a little shock察but I wasn't drunk。 You take all this very calmly。;
  ;What do you want me to do拭
  I took a deep breath。 ;I'm connected with one murder already察by having found the body and reported it。 I may presently be connected with another察by having found the body and not reported it。 Which is much more serious for me。 Even as far as it goes察I have until noon today to disclose the name of my client。;
  ;That察─she said察still much too calm for my taste察 would be a breach of confidence。 You are not going to do that察I'm sure。;
  ;I wish you'd leave that damn port alone and make some effort to understand the position察─I snapped at her。
  She looked vaguely surprised and pushed her glass awayabout four inches away。
  ;This fellow Phillips察─I said察 had a license as a private detective。 How did I happen to find him dead拭Because he followed me and I spoke to him and he asked me to e to his apartment。 And when I got there he was dead。 The police know all this。 They may even believe it。 But they don't believe the connection between Phillips and me is quite that much of a coincidence。 They think there is a deeper connection between Phillips and me and they insist on knowing what I am doing察who I am working for。 Is that clear拭
  ;You'll find a way out of all that察─she said。 ;I expect it to cost me a little more money察of course。;
  I felt myself getting pinched around the nose。 My mouth felt dry。 I needed air。 I took another deep breath and another dive into the tub of blubber that was sitting across the room from me on the reed chaise´longue察looking as unperturbed as a bank president refusing a loan。
  ;I'm working for you察─I said察 now察this week察today。 Next week I'll be working for somebody else察I hope。 And the week after that for still somebody else。 In order to do that I have to be on reasonably good terms with the police。 They don't have to love me察but they have to be fairly sure I am not cheating on them。 Assume Phillips knew nothing about the Brasher Doubloon。 Assume察even察that he knew about it察but that his death had nothing to do with it。 I still have to tell the cops what I know about him。 And they have to question anybody they want to question。 Can't you understand that拭
  ;Doesn't the law give you the right to protect a client拭─she snapped。 ;If it doesn't察what is the use of anyone's hiring a detective拭
  I got up and walked around my chair and sat down again。 I leaned forward and took hold of my kneecaps and squeezed them until my knuckles glistened。
  ;The law察whatever it is察is a matter of give and take察Mrs。 Murdock。 Like most other things。 Even if I had the legal right to stay clammed uprefuse to talkand got away with it once察that would be the end of my business。 I'd be a guy marked for trouble。 One way or another they would get me。 I value your business察Mrs。 Murdock察but not enough to cut my throat for you and bleed in your lap。;
  She reached for her glass and emptied it。
  ;You seem to have made a nice mess of the whole thing察─she said。 ;You didn't find my daughter´in´law and you didn't find my Brasher Doubloon。 But you found a couple of dead men that I have nothing to do with and you have neatly arranged matters so that I must tell the police all my private and personal business in order to protect you from your own inpetence。 That's what I see。 If I am wrong察pray correct me。;
  She poured some more wine and gulped it too fast and went into a paroxysm of coughing。 Her shaking hand slid the glass on to the table察slopping the wine。 She threw herself forward in her seat and got purple in the face。
  I jumped up and went over and landed one on her beefy back that would have shaken the City Hall。
  She let out a long strangled wail and drew her breath in rackingly and stopped coughing。 I pressed one of the keys on her dictaphone box and when somebody answered察metallic and loud察through the metal disk I said此 Bring Mrs。 Murdock a glass of water察quick ─and then let the key up again。
  I sat down again and watched her pull herself together。 When her breath was ing evenly and without effort察I said此 You're not tough。 You just think you're tough。 You been living too long with people that are scared of you。 Wait'll you meet up with some law。 Those boys are professionals。 You're just a spoiled amateur。;
  The door opened and the maid came in with a pitcher of ice water and a glass。 She put them down on the table and went out。
  I poured Mrs。 Murdock a glass of water and put it in her hand。
  ;Sip it察don't drink it。 You won't like the taste of it察but it won't hurt you。;
  She sipped察then drank half of the glass察then put the glass down and wiped her lips。
  ;To think察─she said raspingly察 that out of all the snoopers for hire I could have employed察I had to pick out a man who would bully me in my own home。;
  ;That's not getting you anywhere either察─I said。 ;We don't have a lot of time。 What's our story to the police going to be拭
  ;The police mean nothing to me。 Absolutely nothing。 And if you give them my name察I shall regard it as a thoroughly disgusting breach of faith。;
  That put me back where we started。
  ;Murder changes everything察Mrs。 Murdock。 You can't dummy up on a murder case。 We'll have to tell them why you employed me and what to do。 They won't publish it in the papers察you know。 That is察they won't if they believe it。 They certainly won't believe you hired me to investigate Elisha Morningstar just because he called up and wanted to buy the doubloon。 They may not find out that you couldn't have sold the coin察if you wanted to察because they might not think of that angle。 But they won't believe you hired a private detective just to investigate a possible purchaser。 Why should you拭
  ;That's my business察isn't it拭
  ;No。 You can't fob the cops off that way。 You have to satisfy them that you are being frank and open and have nothing to hide。 As long as they think you are hiding something they never let up。 Give them a reasonable and plausible story and they go away cheerful。 And the most reasonable and plausible story is always the truth。 Any objection to telling it拭
  ;Every possible objection察─she said。 ;But it doesn't seem to make much difference。 Do we have to tell them that I suspected my daughter´in´law of stealing the coin and that I was wrong拭
  ;It would be better。;
  ;And that it has been returned and how拭
  ;It would be better。;
  ;That is going to humiliate me very much。;
  I shrugged。
  ;You're a callous brute察─she said。 ;You're a cold´blooded fish。 I don't like you。 I deeply regret ever having met you。;
  ;Mutual察─I said。
  She reached a thick finger to a key and barked into the talking box。 ;Merle。 Ask my son to e in here at once。 And I think you may as well e in with him。;
  She released the key察press

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