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小说: alistairmaclean.nightwithoutend 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃No; no!〃 Mahler protested。 〃Thank you; Mr Corazzini; but I cannot permit…〃
 〃An excellent idea;〃 I interrupted。 〃I was thinking along the same lines myself。〃
 〃Good;〃 Corazzini grinned。 〃Carried unanimously。 I also suggest we'd get along farther and faster if; say; Mr Zagero and I were to spell you two on the tractor。〃 He held up a hand as if to forestall protest。 〃Either of us may be the man you want; in fact; we might be the two men you want…if it is two men。 But if I'm one of the killers; and I know nothing about the Arctic; navigation; the maintenance of this damned Citroen and wouldn't as much as recognise a crevasse if I fell down one; it's as plain as the nose on your face that I'm not going to make a break for it until I'm within shouting distance of the coast。 Agreed?〃
 〃Agreed;〃 I said。 Even as I spoke; there came a coughing clattering roar as Jackstraw coaxed the still…warm Citroen back into life; and I looked up at Corazzini。 〃All right;〃 I went on。 〃e on down。 You can have your first driving lesson now。〃
 We left at half…past seven that morning; in driving conditions that were just about perfect。 Not the slightest breath of air stirred。 across the ice…cap and the deep blue…black vault of the sky was unmarred by even the tiniest wisp of cloud。 The stars were strangely remote; pale and shimmering and unreal through the gossamer gauze of the glittering ice needles that filled the sky and sifted soundlessly down on the frozen snow; but even so visibility was all that could have been desired: the powerful headlights of the Citroen; striking a million sparkling diamond points of light off the ice spicules; reached a clear three hundred yards ahead into the darkness; leaving the ground to either side of the twin interlocking beams shrouded in impenetrable darkness。 The cold was intense; and deepening by the hour: but the Citroen seemed to thrive on it that morning。
 Luck was with us almost right away。 Within fifteen minutes of starting off; Balto; ranging free as always; appeared out of the darkness to the south…west and ran alongside the dog…sledge; barking to attract Jackstraw's attention。 Jackstraw gave us the signal to stop…a rapid flickering of the red and green lights on the tractor dashboard…and in two or three minutes appeared out of the darkness; grinning; to tell us that Balto had picked up a standing trail flag。 That was good news in itself; in that it meant that our navigation the previous night had been all that could have been wished for and that we were almost exactly on course: even more important; however; was the fact that if this flag was the first of a series we could dispense with the navigator on the dog…sledge and that Jackstraw and I could have some sleep…if sleep were possible in that miserably cold and lurching tractor body。 And; indeed; that flag proved to the first of an almost unbroken series that was to guide us all the length of that interminable day; so that from eight o'clock onwards Jackstraw; Zagero; Corazzini and I took it in turns to drive; with the Senator; the Reverend Smallwood or Solly Levin up front as lookout。 Theirs was probably the coldest; certainly the most unwele job of all: but all three bore up unplainingly; even to the extent of thawing out in silent agony at the end of their hour on duty。
 Shortly after eight o'clock I left an obviously petent Corazzini to his own devices; dropped back to the shelter of the tractor body and asked the Senator to go up front。 I then set about breaking the strictest rule of all; where these old tractors were concerned…that no fire should ever be lit inside when they were in motion。 But even the most stringent rules are to be observed only until such time as the need for breaking them is paramount: and now both the need and the time were here。 My concern was not for the warmth and fort of the passengers; or even for the cooking of the food…we had little enough of that; heaven knew; though a constant supply of warm water would e in useful for dealing with the inevitable cases of frostbite…but purely and simply for the life of Theodore Mahler。
 Even following Corazzini's suggestion we couldn't give him enough food; and what we could didn't; and wouldn't; even begin to resemble a balanced diet。 His best chance of survival; and that was slender enough; lay in conserving his body reserves and his energy as far as lay within our power。 To achieve that; work; or exercise of even the lightest kind; was out: he had to remain as immobile as possible; which was why I had him climb into a sleeping…bag and lie down on one of the bunks; wrapped in a pair of heavy blankets; as soon as I entered。 But without work or exercise he would have no means to bat that numbing cold except by a constant shivering which would deplete his reserves just as quickly as the most violent exercise would。 So he had to have heat: heat from the stove; heat from the warm fluids which I told Margaret Ross that he was to have at least every two hours。 Mahler protested strongly against all these arrangements being made on his behalf; but at the same time he was sensible enough to realise that his only chance of survival depended on doing what I said: but I believe that the main factor which finally made him yield was not so much my medical explanations as the pressure of public opinion。
 That all the passengers should suddenly; and so vehemently; be concerned with Theodore Mahler's welfare seemed; on the face of it; inexplicable。 But only on the face of it。 It did not require a great deal of thought or probing beneath the surface to discover that the true motivating factor was not selflessness…though there may have been some of that; too…but selfishness。 Mahler represented not so much a sufferer as a most wele diversion from their own thoughts and suspicions; from the tension; from the never…ending constraint that had laid its chilling hand over the entire pany for the past twelve hours。
 This constraint; apart from its awkwardness and sheer unpleasantness; had the further effect of splitting up the passengers into tiny groups。 munal speech had ceased entirely; except where necessity and the barest demands of mon politeness made it inevitable。
 Marie LeGarde and Margaret Ross; each of whom knew that the other was not under suspicion; kept very much to themselves and talked only between themselves。 So; too; did Zagero and Solly Levin; and also…though this would have seemed ridiculously improbable only twenty…four hours ago…Mrs Dansby…Gregg and her maid; Helene。 Improbable then; but inevitable now: whether guilty or not; both knew exactly where the other stood; and; of all the passengers; each could only fully trust the other。 They could; of course; as could all the others; trust Marie LeGarde and Margaret Ross: but the fact that they knew that Marie LeGarde and Margaret Ross couldn't trust them was enough to prohibit any attempts to establish an easier relationship。 As for Corazzini; the Rev。 Small wood; the Senator and Mahler; they kept very much to themselves。
 In the circumstances; then; it was inevitable that they should wele the introduction of an absolutely innocuous subject of interest and conversation; something that would ease; however slightly; the coldness and disfort of the social atmosphere; something that would divert their unwele and suspicious thoughts into some more tolerable channel。 Theodore Mahler promised to be the best looked after patient I had ever had。
 I had just got the oil stove going to my satisfaction when Zagero called to me from his seat by the rear canvas screen。
 〃There's somethin' funny goin' on outside; Doc。 e and have a look。〃
 I had a look。 Far off to the right…the north…west; that was…and high above the horizon a great diffuse formless volume of luminosity; spreading over almost a quarter of the dark dome of the sky; was beginning to pulse and fade; pulse and fade; strengthening; deepening; climbing with the passing of every moment。 At first it was no more than a lightening in the sky; but already it was beginning to take form; and faint colours beginning to establish themselves in definite patterns。
 〃The Aurora; Mr Zagero;〃 I said。 〃The Northern Lights。 First time you've seen it?〃
 He nodded。 〃Yeah。 Amazin' spectacle; ain't it?〃
 〃This? This is nothing。 It's just starting up。 It's going to be a curtain…you get all sorts; rays; bands; coronas; arcs and what have you; but this is a curtain。 Best of the lot。〃
 〃Get this sort of thing often; Doc?*
 〃Every day; for days on end; when the weather is like this…you know; cold and clear and still。 Believe it or not; you can even get so used to it that you won't bother looking。〃
 〃I don't believe it。 It's amazin';〃 he repeated; 〃just amazin'。 Tired of it; you say …1 hope we see it every day。〃 He grinned。 〃You don't have to look; Doc。〃
 〃For your own sake you'd better hope for something else;〃 I said grimly。
 〃Meaning that radio reception is hopeless when the aurora is on。〃
 〃Radio reception?〃 He crinkled his brows。 〃What we gotta lose; with the radio set in the cabin smashed and your friends in the trail party gettin' further away every minute? You couldn

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