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小说: alistairmaclean.nightwithoutend 字数: 每页4000字

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evitably must: no person could hope to survive for any great length of time; without shelter of some kind; in the deadly cold of that arctic night。
 But it wasn't too late yet。 The wind had been blowing almost directly in my face as I had been running: all I had to do was walk back; keeping it on my left cheek; and I would be bound to hit the line of bamboos at right angles; and the chances of my passing unwittingly between two of them; with the light of my torch to help me; did not exist。 I turned; took one step; then two; then halted in my tracks。
 Why had I been lured out here away from the bamboo line? Not so that she could thereby escape me…she couldn't do it that way。 As long as we both lived; we were both utterly dependent on the cabin and would have to meet there sooner or later。
 As long as we both lived! God; what a fool I was; what a veriest amateur at this game。 The only way she could escape me; really and permanently escape me; was if I no longer lived。 I could be shot down here and no one would ever know。 And as she had stopped running before I had and been first to switch out her torch; she must have a much better idea of my position than I of hers。 And these two rash; incautious steps I had taken had given her a new and even more accurate bearing on my position。 Perhaps she was only feet away now; lining her gun up for the kill。
 I switched on my torch and whirled round in a plete circle。 Nobody there; nothing to be seen at all。 Only the frozen feathers of the snow brushing my cheeks in the blackness of the night; the low moaning lament of the soughing south wind and the faint rustle of ice spicules brushing their blind way across the iron…hard surface of the ice…cap。
 Swiftly; softly; I moved half a dozen long steps to my left。 My torch was out now; and I'd been crazy ever to switch it on in the first place。 Nothing could have been better calculated to betray my position…the light of a torch; seen head on; can be seen at twenty times the farthest distance that its beam will reach。 I prayed that a flurry of snow had hidden it。
 Where would the attack e from…downwind; so that I could see nothing in that blinding snow; or upwind; so that I could hear nothing? Downwind; I decided…on the ice…cap one could move as silently as on a tar…macadam road。 The better to hear; I pulled the parka hood off my head: the better to see; I slipped up my goggles and stared out unwinkingly under my visored hands。
 Five minutes passed; and nothing happened…if; that is; the freezing of my ears and forehead could be called nothing。 Still no sound; still no sight of anything: the strain; the nerve…racking expectancy could not be borne for much longer。 Slowly; with infinite care; I moved off in a circle of about twenty yards diameter; but I saw nothing; heard nothing; and so well adjusted now were my eyes to the darkness; so well attuned my ears to the ice…cap's mournful symphony of sound; that I would have sworn that had there been anyone there to be seen or heard; I would have seen or heard them。 It was as if I were alone on the ice…cap。
 And then the appalling truth struck me…I was alone。 I was alone; I realised in a belated and chilling flash of understanding; because shooting me would have been a stupid way of disposing of both myself and my dangerous knowledge…the discovery of a bullet…riddled body on the ice…cap during the brief hours of daylight would have provoked a hundred questions and suspicions。 Much more desirable; from the killer's point of view; would be my dead body without a trace of violence。 Even the most experienced man can get lost in a snow…storm on the ice…cap。
 And I was lost。 I knew I was lost; I was convinced of it even before I got the wind on my left and walked back to the line of bamboo poles。 The bamboos were no longer there。 I made a wide circle; but still found nothing。 For at least twenty yards back in the direction of the plane; and probably all the way towards the cabin; the poles had been removed; that slender series of markers which alone meant all the difference between safety and being irrecoverably lost on the ice…cap; were no longer there。 I was lost; really and truly lost。
 For once; that night; I didn't panic。 It wasn't just that I knew that panic would be the end of me。 I was consumed by a cold fury that I should have been so ignominiously tricked; so callously left to die。 But I wasn't going to die。 I couldn't even begin to guess what the tremendously high stakes must be in the murderous game that this incredibly ruthless; wickedly…deceptive gentle…faced stewardess was playing; but I swore to myself that I wasn't going to be one of the pawns that were going to be brushed off the table。 I stood still; and took stock。
 The snow was increasing now; thickening by the minute; building up into a blizzard with visibility cut down to a few feet: the yearly precipitation of the ice…cap was no more than seven or eight inches; and it was just my evil luck that it should fall so heavily that night。 The wind was southerly; or had been; but in that fickle Greenland climate there was no knowing what minute it might back or veer。 My torch was failing: continual use plus the cold had left it with a pale yellowish beam that reached not much more than a few yards: but that was the limit of visibility; anyway; even downwind。 The plane; I calculated; was not much more than a hundred yards away; the cabin six hundred。 My chances of stumbling upon the latter; flush as it almost was with the surface of the ice…cap; were no better than one in a hundred。 But my chances of finding the plane; or what came to the same thing; the great quarter…mile trench that it had gouged out in the frozen snow when it had crash…landed; were far better than even: it was impossible that it could have already been filled in with drift。 I turned until I had the wind over my left shoulder and started walking。
 I reached the deep furrow in the snow inside a minute…I'd switched off my torch to conserve the battery but my stumble and heavy fall as I went over the edge was intimation enough…turned right and reached the plane in thirty seconds。 I suppose I might possibly have lasted out the night inside the wrecked fuselage; but such was my singleness of purpose at the moment that the thought never occurred to me。 I walked round the wing; picked up the first of the bamboos in the dim beam of my torch and started to follow them。
 There were only five altogether。 After that; nothing。 Every one of the others had been removed。 These five; I knew; pointed straight towards the cabin and all I had to do was to keep shifting the last of the five to the front; lining it up straight with the others in the light of my torch; and it would be bound to bring out to the cabin。 Or so I thought; for perhaps ten seconds。 But it was a task that really required two people to achieve anything like accuracy: what with that; the feebleness of my rapidly dying torch and the hopeless visibility; I couldn't be accurate within two or three degrees at the least。 That seemed a trifle; but when I stopped and worked it out I discovered that; over the distance; even one degree out would have put me almost forty feet off course。 On a night like that; I could pass by the cabin ten feet away and never see it。 There were less laborious means of mitting suicide。
 I picked up the five sticks; returned to the plane and walked along the furrowed trench till I came to the depression where the plane had touched down。 The 250…foot line of the antenna; I knew; was roughly four hundred yards away; just a little bit south of west…slightly to my left; that was; as I stood with my back to the plane。 I didn't hesitate。 I strode out into the darkness; counting my steps; concentrating on keeping the wind a little more than on my left cheek but not quite full face。 After four hundred long paces I stopped and pulled out my torch。
 It was quite dead…the dull red glow from the filament didn't even register on my glove six inches away; and the darkness was as absolute as it would ever bee on the ice…cap。 I was a blind man moving in a blind world; and all I had left to me was the sense of touch。 For the first time fear came to me; and I all but gave way to an almost overpowering instinct to run。 But there was no place to run to。
 I pulled the drawstring from my hood and with numbed and clumsy hands lashed together two of the bamboos to give me a stick seven feet in length。 A third bamboo I thrust into the snow; then lay down flat; the sole of my boot touching it while I described a plete circle; flailing out with my long stick into the darkness。 Nothing。 At the full stretch of my body and the stick I stuck the last two bamboos into the snow; one upwind; the other downwind from the central bamboo; and described horizontal flailing circles round both of these。 Again; nothing。
 I gathered up the bamboos; walked ten paces more; and repeated the performance。 I had the same luck again…and again and again。 Five minutes and seventy paces after I had stopped for the first time I knew I had pletely missed the antenna line and was utterly lost。 The wind must have backed or veered; and I had wandered far off my course: and t

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