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Quite suddenly; he took notice of me standing and observing him; as if he hadn't seen me before; and he broke off the conference; dismissing the whole affair。 I thought nothing much about it。 But in the days that followed; some of the villagers from the lower slopes came up to live within the walls。 There were conferences in my father's chambers。 I heard arguments behind closed doors; and one night; at supper; all sat entirely too somber for our family; and finally my father rose from his massive chair; the Lord in the center of the table as always; and declared; as if he'd been silently accused:
〃I will not persecute some old women because they have stuck pins in wax dolls and burnt incense and read foolish incantations that mean nothing。 These old witches have been on our mountain forever。〃
My mother looked truly alarmed; and then gathering us all up … I was most unwilling … she took us away; Bartola; Matteo and me; and told us to go to bed early。 〃Don't stay up reading; Vittorio;〃 she said。 〃But what did Father mean?〃 asked Bartola。
〃Oh; it's the old village witches;〃 I said。 I used the Italian word strega。 〃Every now and then; one goes too far; there's a fight; but mostly it's just charms to cure a fever and such。〃
I thought my mother would hush me up; but she stood in the narrow stone stairs of the tower looking up at me with marked relief on her face; and she said:
〃Yes; yes; Vittorio; you are so right。 In Florence; people laugh at those old women。 You know Gattena yourself; she never really did more then sell love potions to the girls。〃
〃Surely we're not to drag her before a court!〃 I said; very happy that she was paying attention。 Bartola and Matteo were rapt。
〃No; no; not Gattena; certainly not。 Gattena's vanished。 Run off。〃
〃Gattena?〃 I asked; and then as my mother turned away; refusing; it seemed; to say another word; gesturing for me to escort my sister and brother safely to bed; I realized the gravity of this。
Gattena was the most feared and ical of the old witches; and if she had run off; if she was afraid of something; well; that was news; because she thought herself the one to be feared。
The following days were fresh and lovely and undisturbed by anything for me and my Bartola and Matteo; but when I looked back later; I recalled there was much going on。
One afternoon; I went up to the highest lookout window of the old tower where one guardsman; Tori; we called him; was falling asleep; and I looked down over all our land for as far as I could see。 〃Well; you won't find it;〃 he said。 〃What's that?〃 I remarked。
〃Smoke from a single hearth。 There is no more。〃 He yawned and leaned against the wall; heavily weighed down by his old boiled…leather jerkin; and sword。 〃All's well;〃 he said; and yawned again。 〃So they like city life; or to fight for Francesco Sforza over the Duchy of Milan; so let them go。 They didn't know how good they had it。〃
I turned away from him and looked over the woods again; and down into the valleys that I could see; and beyond to the slightly misty blue sky。 It was true; the little hamlets seemed frozen in time down there; but how could one be so sure? It was not such a clear day。 And besides; everything was fine within the household。
My father drew olive oil; vegetables; milk; butter and many such goods from these villages; but he didn't need them。 If it was time for them to pass away; so be it。
Two nights later; however; it was undeniably obvious to me that everyone at supper was perpetually under a strain of sorts; which went entirely unvoiced; and that an agitation had gripped my mother; so that she was no longer engaging in her endless courtly chatter。 Conversation was not impossible; but it had changed。
But for all the elders who seemed deeply and secretly conflicted; there were others who seemed relatively oblivious to such things; and the pages went about serving gaily; and a little group of musicians; who'd e up the preceding day; gave us a lovely series of songs with the viol and the lute。
My mother couldn't be persuaded to do her old slow dances; however。
It must have been very late when an unexpected visitor was announced。 No one had left the main hall; except Bartola and Matteo; who had been taken off to bed by me earlier and left in the care of our old nurse; Simonetta。
The Captain of my father's Guard came into the hall; clicked his heels and bowed to my father and said:
〃My Lord; it seems there is a man of great rank e to the house; and he will not be received in the light; or so he says; and demands that you e out to him。〃
Everyone at the table was at once alert; and my mother went white with anger and umbrage。
No one ever used the word 〃demand〃 to my father。
Also it was plain to me that our Captain of the Guard; a rather prepossessing old soldier who'd seen many battles with the wandering mercenaries; was himself overvigilant and a little shaken。
My father rose to his feet。 He did not speak or move; however。
〃Would you do that; my Lord; or should I send this Signore away?〃 the Captain asked。
〃Tell him that he is most wele to e into my house as my guest;〃 said my father; 〃that we extend to him in the name of Christ Our Lord our full hospitality。〃
His very voice seemed to have a calming effect on the whole table; except perhaps for my mother; who seemed not to know what to do。
The Captain looked almost slyly at my father; as if to convey the secret message that this would never do; but he went off to deliver the invitation。
My father did not sit down。 He stood staring off; and then he cocked his head; as though listening。 He turned and snapped his fingers; drawing to attention the two guards slumbering at the ends of the hall。
〃Go through the house; see to everything;〃 he said in a soft voice。 〃I think I hear birds which have entered the house。 It's the warm air; and there are many open windows。〃
These two went off; and immediately two other soldiers appeared to take their place。 That in itself was not usual; for it meant that there were many men on duty。
The Captain came back alone; and once more bowed。
〃My Lord; he will not e into the light; he says; but that you must e out to him; and he has little time to wait on you。〃
This was the first time I had ever seen my father really angry。 Even when he whipped me or a peasant boy; he was rather lazy about it。 Now the fine lineaments of his face; so given to reassurance by their very proportions; became absolutely wrathful。 〃How dare he?〃 he whispered。
Yet he strode around the table; came in front of it and marched off with the Captain of the Guard hastening behind him。
I was out of my chair at once and after him。 I heard my mother cry out softly; 〃Vittorio; e back。〃
But I stole down the stairs after my father; and into the courtyard; and only when he himself turned around and pressed my chest hard with his hand did I halt。
〃Stay there; my son;〃 he said with his old kindly warmth。 〃I shall see to it。〃
I had a good vantage point; right at the door of the tower; and there across the courtyard; at the gates in the full light of the torches; I saw this strange Signore who would not e into the light of the hall; for he did not seem to mind this outdoor illumination。 The huge gates of the arched entrance were locked and bolted for the night。 Only the small man…sized gate was opened; and it was there that he stood; with the blazing crackling fire on either side of him; glorying in it; it seemed to me; in his splendid raiment of dark; wine…red velvet。
From head to toe he was dressed in this rich color; hardly the current style; but every detail of him; from his bejeweled doublet and blown…up sleeves of satin and velvet stripes; was this same hue; as though carefully dyed in the best fullers in Florence。
Even the gems sewn into his collar and hanging about his neck on a heavy golden chain were wine red … most likely rubies or even sapphires。
His hair was thick and black; hanging sleekly onto his shoulders; but I couldn't see his face; no; not at all; for the velvet hat he wore overshadowed it; and I caught but a glimpse of very white skin; the line of his jaw and a bit of his neck; for nothing else was visible。 He wore a broadsword of immense size; with an antique scabbard; and casually over one shoulder was a cloak of the same wine…dark velvet trimmed in what seemed to my distant eyes to be ornate gilt symbols。
I strained; trying to make them out; this border of signs; and I thought I could see a star and crescent moon worked into his fancy adornments; but I was really too far away。 The man's height was impressive。
My father stopped quite far short of him; yet when he spoke his voice was soft and I couldn't hear it; and out of the mysterious man; who still revealed nothing now of his face but his smiling mouth and white teeth; there came a silky utterance that seemed both surly and charming。
〃Get away from my house in the name of God and Our Holy Redeemer!〃 my father cried out suddenly。 And with a quick gesture; he stepped forward and powerfully thrust this splendid figure right out of the gate。 I was amazed。
But from the hollow mouth of darkness beyond the opening there came only a low satin laughter; a mocking lau