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or Cole; Dod; Merry and Ley。
It would be in keeping with the twisted logic of the entities to call attention to a West Virginia ley system by staging their landings at specific points along the grid and adopting names like Cold。 Apparently this is exactly what they did in 1966…67。
So far as I know; Cold and his mischievous panions never presented themselves to other contactees 。。。 or they changed their names to suit each occasion。 This; too; is a break with tradition。 Ashtar; Orthon; and several others with names that sound like synthetic fabrics have contacted thousands of people all over the world in the past twenty years。
In September 1973; just before the great October UFO wave; posters sprang up all over Atlanta; Georgia; proclaiming the eminent arrival of the space people。 A Georgia psychic was in mental munication with Zandark; who identified himself as 〃a member of the United Cosmic Council; a mander in Chief in Charge of Directing Technical Transmissions Via Mental Telepathy or the bination of Mediumistic Telepathy Under the Direction of the Confederation of Cosmic Space Beings。〃 Zandark delivered the usual 〃We e to bring peace〃 message; claimed credit for building the Sphinx; the Pyramids; 〃and other structural phenomenas;〃 and plained that contactees were not being taken seriously enough; but were being 〃branded fools; fanatics; and personal publicity seekers。〃 We were advised to shape up。
Bach of Zandark's munications began with the salutation; 〃Adonai Vassu。〃 When the sitters at the Atlanta seances asked for a translation they were told it meant; 〃Peace be with you; and love forever。〃
Unknown to the Georgia Group; a contactee in Italy; Eugenio Siragusa; has been in touch with the space people for years and his contactor always signs off with; 〃May the light of the universal peace be with you 。。。 'signed Adoniesis。〃
Adoniesis is a manufactured word; a sort of Romanization of Adonai; an ancient Hebrew word for God; Vassu stems from the Latin vassus; meaning servant。 So Adonai Vassu really means 〃servant of God。〃 Old Zandark is just another angel in disguise! Adoniesis and Adonai are not so far removed from each other。 It is interesting that the same terms would turn up at seances an ocean apart。
Even more interesting is the fact that the messages received by psychics everywhere bear remarkable similarities in content; even in phrasing。 I have researched obscure contactee…type books written two and three hundred years ago and have found the same identical messages and phraseology were prevalent then。 Since much of this literature is very obscure and hard to find; and since many of our psychics and contactees are poorly read; it is doubtful if this is a question of fakers repeating the earlier material。 Rather; it seems as if there is a phonograph in the sky endlessly repeating the same material generation after generation as if there were a crack in the record。
Author Brad Steiger interviewed scores of psychics; prophets; and contactees for his study of this phenomenon; Revelation: The Divine Fire。 He found that people claiming to be in munication with God; angels; spirits of the dead; and spacemen from other planets were all receiving essentially the same information。 All spoke of an impending disaster; just as Zandark warned; 'The time for your planet is crucial。〃 But the prophets and seers of the last century were getting the same spiel。
William Miller (1782…1849) founded the Seventh…Day Adventists in the belief that the world was ing to an end in 1843。 Interestingly; prophets all over the world and tribes of Hopi and Navaho Indians in the Southwest picked that same year。 Clearly; they were all tuned in to the same 〃static。〃 Jehovah's Witnesses were founded in 1872 on a similar premise。
The messages delivered to the children in Fatima; Portugal; in 1917; also discussed the ing disaster; but phrased in obscure theological terms。
Again and again; psychics and contactees have gathered their family and friends together to sit on a hilltop and wait for the predicted end of the world。 This charade has been repeated many times in the past twenty…five years with UFO contactees preparing for the wonderful space people to descend in their flying saucers and evacuate a chosen few from our doomed planet
The world was supposed to end on December 24; 1967。 Occult and UFO groups around the world got the message in every language。 A Danish cult actually built a lead…lined bomb shelter and spent the holidays cringing in it; waiting for the big blast。
In 1973; a UFO contactee in Wisconsin soberly announced that the et Kahotek was going to wreck the earth that Christmas。 He was recruiting people to be evacuated by his space friends。
Zandark; Orthon; Ashtar; Xeno; Cold; and all their cronies have been leading many of us around by the noses for centuries。 First they convince us of their honesty; reliability; the accuracy of their predictions; and their well…meant intentions。 Then they leave us sitting on a hilltop waiting for the world to blow up。
When the world was sparsely populated and the signals from the superspectrum were not smothered in so much static from the lower spectrum; men learned to place great faith in these entities and their prophecies。 Priests; scholars; and magicians achieved a marvelous understanding of the cosmos and the cosmic forces through astrology; alchemy; and the magical manipulation of matter。 But as man followed the angelic dictate; 〃Multiply and replenish the earth;〃 our planet began to suffer from psychic pollution。 The record on that great phonograph in the sky cracked and stuck in a single groove 。。。 single groove 。。。 single groove 。。。 single。。。。
The contactee syndrome is a fundamental reprograming process。 No matter what frame of reference is being used; the experience usually begins with either the sudden flash of light or a sound…a humming; buzzing; or beeping。 The subject's attention is riveted to a pulsing; flickering light of dazzling intensity。 He finds he is unable to move a muscle and is rooted to the spot。
Next the flickering light goes through a series of color changes and a seemingly physical object begins to take form。 The light diminishes revealing a boat (if the event occurs on a lake or river); a flying machine of unusual configuration; or an entity of some sort。
What's really happening?
The percipient is first entranced by the flickering light。 From the moment he feels paralyzed he loses touch with reality and begins to hallucinate。 The light remains a light; but his or her mind constructs something else。 This can be pared with normal hypnosis。 (I have been an amateur hypnotist for many years。) A hypnotized subject very often thinks he is fully conscious; that the hypnosis isn't working and he is just going along with the hypnotist; but when he tries to move or disobey a mand he is surprised to find he can't。 The paralysis reported in so many UFO cases is really a form of hypnosis。
In the 1940s medical science discovered the flicker phenomenon; that some human brains are extremely responsive to a flickering light; that such a light can produce an epileptic…type trance acpanied by elaborate hallucinations。 In Battle for the Mind; William; Sargant pointed out:
It should be more widely known that electrical recordings of the human brain show that it is particularly sensitive to rhythmic stimulation by percussion and bright light among other things and certain rates of rhythm can build up recordable abnormalities of brain function and explosive states of tension sufficient even to produce convulsive fits in predisposed subjects。 Some people can be persuaded to dance in time with such rhythms until they collapse in exhaustion。 Furthermore; it is easier to disorganize the normal function of the brain by attacking it simultaneously with several strong rhythms played in different tempos。 This leads to protective inhibition; either rapidly in the weak inhibitory temperament or after a prolonged period of excitement in the strong excitatory one。
When the flicker…or pulsing sound…happens to be synchronized with the alpha rhythm of a particular brain; the brain is short…circuited。 There are cases in which some people were triggered by the flickering of a motion…picture image and overe by an urge to strangle the persons sitting next to them。 Dr。 Grey Walter of the Burden Nemo…logical Institute at Bristol; England; had a patient who passed out while riding a bicycle along an avenue of trees。 The trees produced the flicker phenomenon as he sped past them。
〃A few subjects yielded epileptic patterns;〃 Dr。 Walter noted in his book The Living Brain。 〃Auditory experiences were rare; but there may be organized hallucinations; that is; plete scenes; as in dreams; involving more〃 than one sense。 All sorts of emotion are experienced; fatigue; confusion; fear; disgust; anger; pleasure。 Sometimes the sense of time is lost or disturbed。 One subject said that he had been 'pushed sideways in time'…yesterday was at one side; instead of behind; and tomorrow was