kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第9节
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Duncan raised an eyebrow。 〃No? But then; no one asked me。 Carsten's health had been frail for some time。 Everyone in Kierney and Cassan knew that。 Still; there was no real trouble in Meara while he was alive。 Now that he's gone; most of the Mearan clergy are suddenly talking about Judhael for his replacement。 Now; that's one I certainly don't fancy being appointed to the See of Meara。〃
〃Judhael?〃 Morgan toyed with one of the links of his captain…general's chain; tapping the engraved gold against a front tooth as he nodded。 〃Nor do I。 It's entirely too much like a real throne。 Even by separatist standards; he's too far down the succession to press his own claim to the Mearan coronet; but as Bishop of Meara; he could certainly exert a great deal of influence for his aunt and her sons。〃
〃Those sons … 〃 Duncan snorted。 〃Sometimes I think we'd be better off if old Malcolm had killed off all the other Mearan heirs when he took the coronet and married Roisian。 Perhaps that sounds cold and unpriestly; but it might have prevented a lot more bloodshed later on。〃
〃Aye。 And our Mearan princelings are only a little younger than Kelson: just old enough to be ambitious about asserting their mother's claim。 And Judhael on a bishop's throne could be the foot in the door。 The very thought gives me the shakes。〃
〃You'll get no argument from me on that;〃 Duncan replied。 'The sad thing is; he's well qualified for the job。 His record as a priest is spotless; and he has all the right administrative abilities to make a very good bishop。〃
〃Or the focus for a separatist revolt;〃 Morgan said。 〃Still; credentials like his will make it very difficult to ignore his candidacy。 And let's face it: the man had no more say about being born into a cadet royal house than you and I did about being born Deryni。〃
〃More's the pity。〃
With a sigh; Duncan turned away from the window and sat down in a high…backed chair whose shadows nearly swallowed his black cassock; stretching out his legs toward the fire。 Morgan followed him; lifting mulled wine in wordless question and only refilling his own cup when Duncan shook his head。 As Morgan sat in another chair beside him; Duncan rolled his head in Morgan's direction and looked at him searchingly; folding his hands and tapping joined forefingers against his cheek as he rested his elbows on the chair arms。
〃I'm beginning to be really concerned; Alaric;〃 the priest said softly。 〃We've interviewed a lot of candidates; but none of them match up to Judhael。 Oh; some are better in one area or another; but none of them average out as well。〃
〃What about that one they interviewed this morning?〃 Morgan asked。 〃What was his name … Father Benoit? He seemed well qualified to me。〃
Duncan shook his head。 〃A fine priest; but far too naive to cope with the Mearan situation。 He's someone to keep ID mind for the future; and he can be groomed for the episcopate in some subsidary post; but that doesn't help us now。 No; what we need is a good promise candidate … and I'm not sure he exists。 He needs to be the king's man; but he also ought to have at least some familiarity with Mearan politics。 The only men who seem to fill both。 requirements are either too young or too inexperienced。 They can't all be like Arilan; I suppose: auxiliary bishop at thirty…five; and with his own see before he was forty。〃
〃No; I suppose not;〃 Morgan said。 He took a thought…fill pull at his wine; then cocked his head at Duncan。 〃Has it occurred to you that perhaps the bishops have expanded the episcopal structure a little too quickly? … reviving three old sees and only abolishing one … that you've used up your reserve of men qualified to promote? Plus; you've; lost … what? … four bishops in the past two years? Five; if you count Loris。〃
Duncan grimaced。 〃Count that a blessing; not a loss; cousin。 Anyway; he's safely locked away at Saint Iveagh's; so I don't think we need to worry。〃
〃Let's hope not。 Wouldn't that muddy the waters; if he got out?〃
〃Don't even think it。 They say he hasn't changed a bit; you know;〃 Duncan went on; in a more confidential tone。 1 hear he nearly had apoplexy when he heard Arilan had been made Bishop of Dhassa。〃
〃Did he; now?〃
〃Oh; you needn't pretend to be surprised;〃 Duncan replied with a droll grin。 〃Who; of all the so…called rebel bishops; was largely responsible for his fall; after all? And even if Loris doesn't know for sure that Arilan's Deryni; think about it。 A suspected Deryni in one of the oldest sees in Gwynedd? It would have been bad enough if he'd only stayed the assistant in Rhemuth。〃
As if the mere mention of Arilan's name had conjured his presence; the door opened at that moment to admit Bishop Denis Arilan; closely followed by Cardiel。 The two looked inordinately pleased with themselves as Duncan and Morgan divested them of their soggy cloaks; Cardiel shaking rain from his steel grey hair and smoothing back little wings of it over his ears with both palms as he sat in the chair which Morgan held for him。 As the darker…haired Arilan also sat; leaning forward lazily to poke at the fire with a piece of kindling; Cardiel glanced at Duncan; who was setting new cups on the hearth by the pot of mulled wine。
〃Duncan; a messenger's just arrived for you in the inner courtyard;〃 he said。 〃A lad wearing your ducal livery。 He's taken an amazing number of dispatches off a packhorse。〃
Grinning; Duncan turned over his hosting duties to Morgan and rose。
〃Ah; well; I suppose they've found me。 I was rather afraid the correspondence would catch up with me; if I stayed too long in Culdi。 Will you excuse me for a moment; sir? I suppose I really ought to see what he's got。〃
Cardiel said nothing as he waved permission; but as Duncan left the room; Morgan was once again struck by an undercurrent of something brewing beneath the surface; another hint of the self…satisfaction he had sensed when the two first entered。 He wondered about it as he handed Cardiel a steaming cup; aware; as their fingers brushed; that Cardiel was the source of most of it; but he did not even consider probing deeper with Arilan present。 The Deryni bishop had a knack for knowing when he or Duncan were using their powers in ways of which he did not approve … in almost any way; it sometimes seemed。 Of late; it often made Morgan ill…at…ease even to be around Arilan; though that was not the case today。
〃Well; I'm glad Duncan's messenger arrived when he did;〃 Cardiel said; as Morgan passed Arilan a second brimming cup。 〃We wanted to discuss something with you privately; very quickly before he es back。 What would you think of Duncan being consecrated bishop a little sooner than we'd planned?〃
Morgan nearly dropped the cup he was refilling for himself。
〃You're not thinking of making him Bishop of Meara lifter all; are you?〃
〃No; no … not of Meara;〃 Cardiel reassured him quickly。 〃Just my assistant; as we'd already decided。 We have found a candidate for Meara; however。 If we take him; I'm going to need Duncan's help more than ever。〃
Morgan made no attempt to hide his sigh of relief。 Still shaking his head slightly; he hooked a three…legged stool closer to the two and sat; his back to the fire。
〃Sweet Jesu; I confess I thought you'd taken leave of your senses for a moment there。 Are you really going to pass over Judhael?〃
〃Not … exactly;〃 Cardiel replied。 〃That is; we're not going to consecrate someone else bishop instead of him。 We've been aware from the beginning that any bishop not to the Mearans' liking was going to have his hands full; trying to learn his job and cope with Mearan hostility both at once。 But suppose we were to put someone in Meara who's already experienced? That would eliminate half the problem from the start。〃
〃You'd transfer an existing bishop; then;〃 Morgan guessed; running swiftly down the list of prelates in his mind。
Arilan lowered his cup to nod。 〃That's correct。 And there can be no question about passing over Judhael in favor of a man who already knows how to run a diocese。〃
〃Except that all your diocesan bishops are already occupied;〃 Morgan said; even more mystified。 〃Where are you going to find this paragon?〃
Cardiel smiled。 〃Henry Istelyn; Bradene's assistant。〃
〃He's already been handling a great deal of work behind the scenes for Bradene for the past two years;〃 Arilan said。 〃Furthermore; when he was first made an itinerant bishop; several years ago; he spent a great deal of time in Kierney and the border areas。 He probably knows the people better than anyone besides Judhael himself … or Duncan; of course。 But we've already agreed that he's to be otherwise occupied。〃
Morgan nodded thoughtfully。 From Gwynedd's point of view; the selection of Istelyn made perfect sense … but simply choosing a logically qualified candidate did not eliminate the very practical political repercussions which were likely to result if anyone besides Judhael were posted to Meara。
〃You're saddling Istelyn with a heavy responsibility;〃 he said。 〃What makes you think the Mearans will accept him? They have their minds set on Judhael。〃
〃That's true;〃 Arilan agreed。 〃However; even if they object … 〃
〃Which you know they're going to do; if it's anyone else … 〃
〃Even if they object;〃 Arilan continued; 〃it's too late i