kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第8节
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e lost blood faster … but otherwise; he shouldn't stir until morning。〃
As the two of them stood; Dhugal gathering up his sword and plaid。 Kelson signalled one of his men to attend。 Dhugal gave brief instructions; but then he and Kelson moved off slowly toward the edge of the camp which had formed around them while they worked; Wordlessly; Kelson took the sword and plaid while Dhugal began adjusting his armor。
The two were nearly of a height; side by side。 Kelson perhaps a few fingers taller and a little heavier; though neither had yet e into their true man's growth。 Before; Kelson had thought Dhugal's copper…colored hair cut short; but now; as Dhugal pulled off his mail coif and ran fingers under the neck of his brigandine in the back to free his hair。 Kelson saw that it was even longer than his own; drawn to the nape of the neck in border fashion and plaited in a short braid tied with a leather thong。 He took the coif as the young borderman began buckling the front closures of the brigandine; leaning against a tree to watch indulgently until Dhugal; with a roguish grin; reached out to finger a strand of Kelson's shoulder…length hair。
〃So that's what es of having no wars for the past two years;〃 Dhugal said; dropping the lock and taking back the sword to loop its baldric over his shoulder。 〃Decadently long hair; like any mon borderer。 I wonder how you'd look in a border braid?〃
〃Why don't you invite me home to greet your father and sample highland hospitality; and perhaps you'll see;〃 Kelson returned with a smile; giving him back his plaid and coif。 〃If I haven't already scandalized my men simply by being Deryni; then playing at being a wild border chieftain will surely turn the trick。 You've changed; Dhugal。〃
〃So have you。〃
〃Because I've acquired … magic?〃
〃No; because you've acquired a crown。〃 Dhugal lowered his eyes; fingering the leather…lined mail of the coif。 〃Despite what you said before; you are the king now。〃
〃And does that make a difference?〃
〃You know it does。〃
〃Then; let it be a positive difference;〃 Kelson said。 〃You yourself admitted that with the power I've been given; both temporal and … other … I now have the power to do greater good。 Perhaps some of the things that we only dreamed about when we were boys。 God knows; I loved my father; and I miss him terribly; but there are things I'd have done differently; if I'd been faced with some of the things he had to face。 Now I have that chance。〃
〃And does that make a difference?〃 Dhugal asked。
Kelson shrugged。 〃I'm alive … and my father is dead。 I've kept the peace for two years now。〃
〃And the peace is being threatened in Meara。 That's part of what this was all about; you know。〃 Dhugal gestured around him at the resting men and the knot surrounding the prisoners across the glade。 〃We've always had a raiding problem in the highlands … it's part of our way of life … but some of these men; on both sides; are at least sympathetic to the Lady Caitrin's cause。〃 He made a face。 〃She's my aunt; you know。〃
Kelson raised an eyebrow。 〃Is she?〃
〃Aye。 My Uncle Sicard's wife。 Sicard and my father haven't spoken for years; but border blood runs thick; as you know。 Some wonder that we don't support them; being so far from central Gwynedd and all。 I'm surprised you didn't catch some inkling of that during your progress this summer。 Isn't that the sort of thing you're supposed to be able to do now; with your new powers?〃
The question was not at all hostile; but it was clear that Dhugal was fishing for reassurance; as uncertain as any of his men about just what a Deryni king could and could not do。
〃I'm not omnipotent; Dhugal;〃 Kelson said quietly; looking the other in the eyes。 〃I can tell whether a man is lying; with very little effort … it's called Truth…Reading … but to actually learn the truth; I need to ask the right questions。〃
〃I … thought that Deryni could read minds;〃 Dhugal whispered。 And though he did not break eye contact; Kelson needed no Deryni senses to know what courage that took; operating from ignorance as Dhugal was。 That Dhugal trusted him; there was no question; but despite his earlier protestations that he was not afraid of what Kelson had bee; certain fears could only be allayed by experience … and that; Dhugal did not have yet。
〃We can;〃 Kelson murmured。 〃But we don't; among our friends; unless we're invited。 And the first time; even among Deryni; it almost requires some kind of physical contact。〃
〃Like the way you touched Bertie's forehead?〃
Dhugal let out an audible sigh and lowered his eyes; self…consciously wrapping his plaid around his shoulders like a mantle and fussing with a brooch to secure it。 When he had adjusted it to his satisfaction; he gave Kelson a brief; bright smile。
〃Well; then。 I suppose we ought to see whether the others have gotten anything else out of the prisoners。 You won't forget what I said about highland loyalties; will you?〃
Kelson smiled。 〃I told you how I go about learning whether a man is lying。 How do you do it?〃
〃Why; we highland folk have the Second Sight; don't you know?〃 Dhugal quipped。 〃Ask anyone in my father's hall about Meara; and her greedy would…be princess。〃
〃Well; then; if it's Meara; I suppose I'd better be back there; e spring;〃 Kelson replied。 〃And with men beside me who understand what's happening。 Maybe even men who have this … Second Sight。 Would your father let you e to court; do you think?〃
〃If you asked it as king; he'd have no choice。〃
〃And what is your choice?〃 Kelson asked。
Dhugal grinned。 〃We were like brothers once。 Kelson。 We still make a good team。〃 He glanced over his shoulder at the sleeping Bertie and back again。 〃What do you think?〃
〃I think;〃 said Kelson; 〃that we should ride up to Transha in the morning and find out what he'll say。〃
And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head。。。
Exodus 29:6
The rain which had been only an annoyance to Kelson; in Transha; had turned to storm by the time it reached Culdi the following afternoon。 Stamping mud from the soles of thigh…high riding boots; Morgan paused just inside the doorway to the guest apartments at Culdi Abbey to shake more water from his streaming leather cloak。 He and Duncan had intended to ride in the hills nearby as soon as the afternoon session of the consistory adjourned; but the unexpected storm had neatly stymied that plan。 Now the iron grey R'Kassan stud moping down in the bishop's barn would have to wait another day; and perhaps longer; he and his master both growing surly and restless from the forced inactivity。 It hardly seemed fair; especially with Kelson out enjoying himself。
Blowing on gloved fingers to warm them; Morgan stalked on along the corridor toward Duncan's temporary quarters and indulged a brief fantasy about a rainstorm in Transha; too。 The notion brought a smile to his lips。 None of the servants were about when he let himself into the mon room Duncan shared with his master; Archbishop Cardiel; so he built up the fire himself and set wine to mull; spreading his sodden cloak on a stool to dry and shedding cap and gloves。 Half an hour later; Duncan found his friend ensconced in a deeply recessed window seat which overlooked the cloister garth; boots propped indolently on the stone bench opposite and a steaming cup all but forgotten in one hand。 His nose was pressed to the rain…streaked window glass; free hand shading his eyes against glare。
〃I see I was right;〃 Duncan said; casting off his black cloak and rubbing his hands briskly before the fire。 〃When I saw how hard it was raining; I guessed that even you wouldn't choose to ride in this kind of weather。 What are you looking at?〃
〃The ambitious Father Judhael;〃 Morgan replied; not moving from his vantage point。 〃e and see。〃
Duncan needed no second invitation; for Judhael of Meara was probably the single most controversial candidate being evaluated by the bishops。 Though unimpeachable on ecclesiastical grounds; and personable enough as an individual; his family connections inspired more suspicion than confidence among those aware of the politics which went with the Mearan See; for Judhael was nephew to the Pretender Caitrin。 Just now; he was standing outside the door to the chapter house; deep in conversation with old Creoda of Carbury; Bishop of the new See of Culdi since last winter and host for this convocation。 Only when the two had moved off down another corridor and disappeared from sight did Duncan draw back from the window。
〃I don't like that;〃 the priest said softly; glancing at Morgan with tight…lipped disapproval。 〃Old Creoda can change with the wind。 You remember how he stayed by Loris almost to the end; two summers ago。 When the bishops decided to phase out his old see; I thought for sure they'd retire him。 Who would have guessed they'd give him Culdi instead?〃
〃Hmmm; I shan't argue that;〃 Morgan agreed。 〃He certainly wouldn't have been my choice for a see so closely associated with a Deryni saint。 But perhaps they thought Carsten would balance him; with Culdi being so close to Meara。 I doubt anyone expected that Carsten wouldn't last out the ? ear。〃
Duncan raised an eyebrow。 〃No? But then; no one asked me。 Carsten's health had been frail for some time。 Everyone in Kierney