kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第73节
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nda wept quietly in one another's arms; and even the three royal cousins looked subdued: Conall genuinely regretful and the two younger boys wide…eyed and still a little frightened at the violence they had witnessed。 Sighing; Morgan crouched down beside the silent king; where Duncan also knelt。 Dhugal stood white…faced and mute behind his father; helpless to offer fort。
〃Is there anything else you'd like me to do; my prince?〃 Morgan asked; resting a brief; sympathetic touch on the rigid shoulders。
Kelson only bowed his head and closed his eyes; mind tightly shuttered against intrusion。
〃Go to your wife; Alaric;〃 he whispered。 〃Please。 She needs you now; and I … need to be alone。〃
〃Very well。 Duncan; Dhugal; are you ing?〃
〃In a moment;〃 Duncan answered。 〃We'll meet you in the sacristy。〃
Sighing; Morgan rose and joined the others waiting for him; embracing Richenda for a few seconds; then simply letting his wife hold him before shepherding Nigel and his family out a side door。 Kelson opened his eyes as Dhugal eased down silently beside Duncan; but he did not look up。
〃Kelson; we have a lot to learn about a lot of things;〃 Duncan said softly。 〃We tried; Alaric and I; but there simply wasn't time。 If we were better trained … but who knows how to train healers; these days?〃
〃No one could have saved her;〃 Kelson whispered。 〃She wasn't meant to live。 It was all too easy。 The perfect solution: for the king to marry the fair princess and unite the two lands; bringing peace。。。。〃
Dhugal swallowed audibly; tears springing to his own eyes。 〃It's my fault;〃 he said。 〃I should have been watching Llewell more closely。 If I'd … 〃
〃It wasn't your fault;〃 Kelson dully。 〃No one could have known Llewell would kill his own sister; rather than see her wed his mortal enemy。 But when we'd gotten through the vows; I thought he'd accepted it。〃
〃Kelson is right; son;〃 Duncan said softly。 〃You couldn't have known。 I doubt even Llewell knew; before the actual instant。 One of us would have caught some hint。〃
Kelson shrugged and gave a heavy sigh。 〃It doesn't matter now; anyway。 We did our best; with the best of intentions … and it wasn't enough。 The Fates obviously have something else in store for us。〃
〃Perhaps;〃 Duncan said。
A taut silence fell between them; Dhugal unconsciously easing closer to his father for fort; but Kelson was oblivious to them。 After a moment; Duncan slowly rose; gathering his blood…caked surplice in his arms and motioning for Dhugal to join him。
〃We'll leave you alone for a few minutes; then。 Sire;〃 he said softly。 〃I'll be back when I've changed。 Dhugal; will you help me?〃
〃In a moment;〃 Dhugal whispered; not moving。
〃Very well。〃
Without further words; Duncan retreated slowly up the altar steps and through the sacristy door; leaving only Dhugal still kneeling beside the king。
〃Kelson; I'm so sorry;〃 Dhugal managed to whisper。
〃I know。 So am I。〃
〃Did … did you really fall in love with her?〃 Dhugal asked。
〃Fall in love?〃 Kelson shrugged dejectedly。 〃How should I know? I never had the time to find out。 I think I'd convinced myself that I could love her; and I was prepared to do everything within my power to make her a good husband。 Perhaps a king hasn't the right to expect more than that。〃
〃A man has the right;〃 Dhugal said indignantly。 〃Is a king any different?〃
〃Yes; damn you! A king is different。 He … 〃 Kelson lowered his eyes; fighting back tears。 〃I'm sorry;〃 he whispered。 〃I am a man as well as a king; and I grieve for both my brides today。 This girl; who I might have e to love as wife as well as queen … and the thwarted union of our two lands; which might have brought peace a little sooner。 I … 〃
His voice broke; threatening to sob; and he set aside his crown and buried his face in one bloodied hand。
〃Please leave me; Dhugal;〃 he managed to choke out。
He even managed to keep control until Dhugal had gotten up and left; shaking his head hopelessly as he let his eyes pass once more over the still; pitiful form before him。
O God; they mean well; but how could they possibly understand? he thought numbly。 It's over before it even had a chance to begin。
Vision starting to blur; he reached out one trembling forefinger to lightly touch a lock of her hair that was not slick with her blood。 He lifted it to his lips as the tears welled in his eyes; fighting back the sobs which threatened to reduce him to a weeping ruin。
Sidana。。。 he whispered only in his mind。 Sidana; my silken princess。 I would have tried to make you happy。 You might have been。。。
Tenderly he slid his arms under her shoulders and lifted her to rest against his chest; heedless of the blood; cradling her head against his shoulder and rocking her; whispering her name as the tears made him blind and the sobs shook both their bodies。
And thus; set apart by his blood and his crown; as he would always be。 Kelson of Gwynedd crouched in the ruin of shattered dreams and wept bitter tears; holding the dead hope of peace in his trembling arms。
Here ends Book I of The Histories of Kelson the King。 Book II; The King's Justice; will continue the struggle of Kelson against the conspiracy of Archbishop Loris and Caitrin of Meara; bring the return of Jehana; Kelson's Deryni mother; and develop new themes and problems for the young King and his counsellors。