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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第69节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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years he and Dhugal had lost; intertwining them with Dhugal's own … sparser; for sheer number; but no less potent and treasured; for his part。 And Dhugal; once he sensed how it was done; entered joyously in the sharing。
Neither of them could later remember at what point Dhugal had lurched even closer to twine his arms around Duncan's waist; weeping; or when Duncan's own joyous tears began … only that; when the sharing at last began to ebb and normal consciousness gradually intruded; they found themselves huddled together for fort; Dhugal half in his father's lap; Duncan gently stroking his son's hair and soothing as he withdrew mental contact; the old barriers gone between them。
〃Are you all right?〃 Duncan whispered after a moment。
Sniffling contentedly; Dhugal drew away far enough to look at Duncan and nod; dragging a sleeve across his eyes。
〃My head hurts a little; right behind my eyes; but it's probably just my hangover。 It's all right。〃
〃Let's see if I can make it better than all right;〃 Duncan murmured; laying his hand over Dhugal's forehead and touching thumb and middle fingers to the quickly closed eyes。 〃Take a deep breath and let it out。。。 and feel the pain dissolving。 That's right。〃
Only the lightest of healing touches was required to ease the afterache。 Duncan could read it across the light rapport between them as easily as he could read Morgan; when they worked together。 As he withdrew his hand; Dhugal opened his eyes to stare at him in awe。 This time; all shadow of disfort was gone from behind the almond…amber eyes。
〃Was that your healing magic?〃 Dhugal asked。
〃Just a little;〃 Duncan smiled。 〃And if you don't get off my leg; I'm going to have to heal a terminal muscle cramp;〃 he added; shifting Dhugal's weight and wincing as circulation started to return。 〃I'm afraid we didn't plan this very well。 I should have made you more fortable。〃
Awkwardly; and almost a little embarrassed; Dhugal staggered to his feet; weaving a little until Duncan guided him back to the edge of the chair。
〃I'm only a little wobbly;〃 Dhugal protested。 〃I'll be fine。 Kelson must be waiting for us; though。 I can hardly wait to tell him。〃
〃I … think we'd better wait until after the ceremony for that;〃 Duncan said; steadying him by the shoulder。 〃Your first instinct was very good。 He has a few other things on his mind right now。 This will keep。〃
〃But; aren't we late?〃
Duncan shook his head。 〃What we did took far less time than you think。 You've got time to catch your breath。〃
〃Oh。〃 With a shy grin; Dhugal let himself relax a little; then impulsively snatched up Duncan's hand and pressed it to his lips。
〃Father;〃 he whispered wonderingly。 〃You really are my father … and that means I'm Deryni; too。〃 He paused to swallow。 〃Do you know that I wished about the Deryni part; that first time I saw Kelson use his powers? He put a man to sleep; so that I could sew up his arm。 I thought was just dreaming at the time; but was I starting to realize; even then?〃
〃Perhaps;〃 Duncan answered gently。 〃I expect your skill with horses probably es from that; too。 Bronwyn used to call the birds。 Maybe you'll even make a healer some day。〃
〃Me? A healer? Oh; but I could never learn it all。 It must take years。〃
〃We'll have the years now;〃 Duncan murmured。 〃We'll be given the time and the teachers。 You'll be amazed at how fast some of the skill es; once you know what you are。 And Alaric and I can teach you what we know …  and Richenda。〃
〃Lady Richenda is Deryni?〃
〃Aye; and trained in a far different tradition than Alaric and I were。 You'll enjoy getting to know her。〃
Dhugal blushed。 〃If she'll ever speak to me。 Do you think Duke Alaric told her what I said about her last night? I didn't mean it the way it sounded … honestly。〃
〃I know you didn't; son。 And if Alaric has told her; I'm sure she hasn't taken offense。 Speaking of Alaric; however; I think it probably is time to join him and Kelson now。〃
〃Aye; and see our king properly married!〃 Dhugal agreed。 He remembered the shiral as he stood; and touched it to his lips almost reverently as he held it out to Duncan。
〃Here。 You probably ought to have this back。〃
〃No; you keep it; in memory of your mother。〃
〃But … that leaves you with nothing of hers;〃 Dhugal began。
〃It leaves me with everything;〃 Duncan replied; touching a fingertip to Dhugal's cheek。 〃I have her son。〃

And in another chamber not far away; another; spiritual son prepared for his nuptials; fretting and impatient as his dressers made final adjustments to his wedding finery。 The velvet of Kelson's full…length crimson cloak was powdered with scores of tiny Haldane lions worked in fine gold bullion; his tunic quartered in the same fabric for two panels and its reverse for the other two; silk…embroidered lions of scarlet on cloth of gold。 As a pliment to his bride's highland ancestry; he had bound his hair at the nape of his neck with a golden cord; though it was not braided; border…style。 A golden state crown of crosses and leaves intertwined had been brought out of the vaults of the castle treasury; said to have been worn by Malcolm Haldane at his wedding to another Mearan princess nearly a century before; and Kelson ran a careful finger along one of the leaves and glanced at Morgan as the dressers packed up the last of their accoutrements and left。 Some even said the crown had once belonged to Cinhil Haldane; perhaps even the infamous Festils before him。 If it had; perhaps Saint Camber had seen and even touched it。
〃Do you think I'm doing the right thing?〃 Kelson asked Morgan; when they were alone at last。 〃It isn't what I always dreamed of。 God knows … a marriage of state; with a girl I hardly know; much less love。〃
〃Are you asking for a reiteration of all the objective reasons why the marriage should take place?〃 Morgan countered。
〃God; no! We've gone over them so many times; I could recite them by rote; in voices appropriate to the councillors who made each particular point。〃 Kelson sighed。 〃I suppose I'm really asking whether you think there's any chance of real love creeping in amid all those reasons of state。 I know objections of the heart have to e second to duty when one is king; but I can't help envying what you and Richenda have。〃
Morgan smiled; remembering his own fears on his wedding day; even though he and Richenda had loved one another as only Deryni; who had shared minds and dreams and fears; could。 He doubted Kelson would ever find that perfect meshing of souls with the human Sidana; but who could say? Couples often fell in love after marriage; and grew to cherish one another。 If both Kelson and Sidana made an honest effort; their union should not be too oppressive。 And with peace as the potential prize … 
〃I won't try to tell you that I know you'll live happily ever after; as the bards would have us believe;〃 he said after a moment。 〃It won't be easy。 On the other hand; Richenda tells me that your princess does grow wistful about you on occasion。 Of course Sidana would never admit that she's at least a little excited about your ing marriage … she's far too proud for that。 But she is a beautiful; healthy young girl … and you are the most eligible; puissant; and attractive prince in all Christendom。 How could she not find you desirable?〃
Kelson blushed furiously。 〃Alaric; stop that! You're putting it on such a … a carnal level! If she can e to love me; I want our love to be … well; spiritual; like yours and Richenda's。〃
〃Spiritual?〃 Morgan snorted。 〃Kelson; do you think that Richenda and I spend all our time alone discussing the spiritual aspects of our relationship。〃
〃Well; I … 〃
〃That's a part of it; of course;〃 Morgan went on; 〃but I assure you that the 'carnal level;' as you put it; is very; very nice; as well。 Don't sell your body short。 It's a part of who and what you are。 Lofty love is well and good for monks; and a healthy measure of it gives marriage deeper dimension; but especially with a human wife; where you won't have the potential for such sharing of minds; you're going to find that the physical act of love is a very special means of munication and munion in itself。 And of course; on a very practical level; it's essential for begetting heirs。〃
〃Yes; well … 〃 Kelson turned and paced back and forth several times; hands clasped nervously before him; his cloak stirring around his heels。 When he finally stopped to glance aside at Morgan again; he was a little paler against his crimson raiment。
〃Alaric; I … never have; you know。〃
〃I know;〃 Morgan murmured sympathetically; but Kelson went on as if he had not heard。
〃There … just hasn't been time … not to do it the way I'd always dreamed;〃 the king whispered。 〃Oh; there could have been casual couplings with any number of serving wenches and maids and even ladies of the court … and one can hardly live in the close quarters of a castle; or on campaign; and not have seen and heard enough to know what that's all about。 If all we're talking about is the physical drive; then every page and peasant boy soon learns how to relieve that。 Princes are no exception。 But I am more than just my body; Alaric。 And even though I've never … been with a woman; I know there has to be more to making love than just the physical relief。〃
As Mo

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