kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第66节
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an snorted。 〃But … well; look who's still alive despite his hangover!〃 he added jovially; as Dhugal came around a er at the far end of the corridor; headed in their direction。
The boy wore formal border garb this morning: bright MacArdry tartan pleated around his body and caught at the shoulder of his doublet with silver; hair braided and knotted in customary border fashion and tied with black silk。 He sketched a half…hearted bow as they met; but the movement obviously distressed him。 Morgan laid a radely hand on his shoulder and leaned down to peer into the bloodshot eyes; giving him a speculative smile。
〃What's wrong; Dhugal?〃
〃That isn't funny; sir;〃 Dhugal whispered; grimacing。 〃It isn't fair; either。 Kelson acts like he didn't have a thing to drink last night。 I feel like the top of my head is going to e off。〃
Morgan raised one eyebrow and clucked his tongue sympathetically。 〃Well; when you learn to lower those shields of yours; we'll be able to cure your hangover; too; won't we; Duncan?〃 he quipped。
But Duncan's face was still and devoid of expression; his mind suddenly shut tight to Morgan's tentative and surprised probe。 Morgan could isolate no one thing which made him aware of something not quite right; but the shadow was there。 Duncan blinked as he felt their eyes on him; as if dragging himself up from contemplation of something grim and even soul…shaking。
〃I'm sorry。 I was thinking about something else。 What was it you asked?〃
〃I was just teasing Dhugal about his hangover;〃 Morgan said; trying to make light of Duncan's sudden change of mood。 〃Did you forget to do something?〃
〃Yes; I did;〃 Duncan replied; seizing gratefully on the excuse Morgan offered。 〃I need to go back to my quarters for a few minutes。 Could you give me a hand?〃
〃Of course。 Do you think it will take very long?〃
〃No。 Just something I need you for。〃 Duncan glanced back at Dhugal。 〃We're probably keeping you from your duties as well; Dhugal。 I must say that it's pleasant to see formal border garb at court again; however。 Is your cloak clasp a MacArdry design?〃
〃This?〃 Dhugal pulled the cloak clasp away from his body with a thumb and glanced down at it。 〃No; I don't think so。 My father had it when he was a boy。 I don't know where he got it。 He gave it to my mother the day they were married; and she left it to me when she died。 I don't wear it very often; but Kelson thought it was appropriate for a wedding。 It is rather striking; isn't it?〃
〃Yes it is。〃 Duncan glanced at Morgan even more urgently。 〃But; I really must take care of that errand。 Alaric; are you ing?〃
The Deryni bishop would say nothing else as he led Morgan not to his apartments but to the little study where they had met after his consecration。 Nor would he lower his shields。 Only when they were inside did he relax a little; though he still was like a tightly wound spring as he crossed to the little prie…dieu in the er by the window and dropped to his knees。 Morgan watched him curiously from the center of the chamber; not pressing a contact。 Finally; Duncan crossed himself and stood; turning a grave profile toward the amber glass of the window。
〃You're owed an explanation for the last little while;〃 he said softly; beckoning Morgan to e closer。 〃I can only say that this is something that never occurred to me in my wildest dreams。 It's … going to take some getting used to。〃
Morgan frowned as he stopped within arm's reach of Duncan; afraid to touch him。
〃Would you please tell me what you're talking about? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost。〃
〃In a way; I suppose I have。〃 Duncan chewed on his lower lip and sighed。 〃Alaric; I wasn't just being courteous when I plimented Dhugal on his border garb and asked about that cloak clasp。 And then; when he told me where he'd gotten it … 〃
He sighed again; dropping his gaze to the violet slippers showing at the hem of his cassock。
〃That clasp used to be mine; Alaric。 I gave it to Dhugal's sister many years ago; under exactly the circumstances he described。〃 He paused to swallow with difficulty。
〃Only … now I think the 'brother' born a little while later may not have been her brother at all。 I … think Dhugal may be her son … and mine。〃
Yet will I bring an heir unto thee。
Micah 1:15
As Duncan raised his eyes to Morgan's; he did not need Deryni abilities to read the shock and astonishment written there。 He knew that he must be projecting much the same feeling himself。 He; like Morgan; was finding it hard to believe; but the clasp spoke for itself … and Dhugal would be exactly the right age。
The memories of those long…ago years started to well into consciousness; but Duncan pushed them down for just another moment as he gestured toward the two chairs facing the fireplace。 He tried to keep his shields closed and not to think much at all as he made his feet move in that direction and Morgan followed; and could not quite decide whether it was elation or stark terror threatening to overwhelm him when he unleashed the memories at last。 He sat; eyes unfocused through the fire on the hearth; and was only dimly aware of Morgan sitting down beside him; moving his chair closer to face him almost head…on; so that their knees were nearly touching。
〃Suppose you tell me about it;〃 Morgan said softly。 〃I'm not a priest; but I think you know that my word of confidence is just as binding to me as any sacramental seal。〃
Duncan allowed himself a wry smile。 〃If it's true; I doubt I'm going to be able to keep it secret very long;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃If I could have chosen a son; he would have been very much like Dhugal。 And if he is my son; then he has a right to know。〃
〃Sometimes it's better not to know;〃 Morgan said tentatively。 〃If he's illegitimate … 〃
〃My son is not a bastard!〃 Duncan said emphatically。 〃His mother and I were free to marry at the time; and we exchanged vows which we considered binding。 In our eyes and in the eyes of God; she was my wife。〃
〃And in the eyes of the law?〃
Duncan shook his head and sighed。 〃That I don't know。 It's going to be a tricky point of canon law; at very least。 It's called … 〃 He dug for the term; forcing calm on his mind by the discipline。 〃I think it's called per verba de praesenti … a vow in front of witnesses; rather than a ceremony performed by a priest。 At least in theory; it's as binding as a betrothal; which is as binding as a marriage。〃
〃You can produce the witnesses?〃 Morgan asked。
Duncan hung his head; remembering that night so very long ago; shrouded in that twilight land of memory between childhood and maturity … he and Maryse kneeling in the chapel at midnight; fearful of interruption at any time; making their prayers before the only witness whose understanding they could count on; with her father's men preparing to move out of his father's courtyard at the break of dawn。
〃Before Thee as the Supreme Witness; my Lord and my God; I make this solemn vow;〃 Duncan had said; eyes turned toward the Presence Lamp burning brightly above the altar。 〃That I take this woman; Maryse; as my lawful wedded wife; forsaking all others until death do us part。〃
The pin of the clasp at his throat was stiff; and he had fumbled as he unfastened it and laid it in her hand; gazing down at her with all the desperation of love soon to be parted。
〃I give thee this token of my love and take thee for my wife; and hereto I plight thee my troth。〃
〃The witnesses;〃 came Morgan's soft prompting。 〃Can you produce them?〃
Duncan's shoulders slumped and he shook his head。 〃We spoke our vows before the Blessed Sacrament; Alaric;〃 he said softly。 〃There was none other we could trust。 As I said; the strict legality will be considered to be hazy。〃
〃I see。〃 Morgan sighed。 〃Very well; let's not worry about that for the moment。 How do you know that the clasp Dhugal is wearing is the one you gave…what was her name? Maryse?〃
〃Yes。〃 Duncan swallowed painfully。 〃The…clasp that I gave as pledge was unique。 The artisan who'd made it put a sort of locket partment in the back。 Unless one knew what to look for; it would never even be noticed。 If that is my clasp; then in that partment there will be one of my hairs intertwined with one of hers。 She had very fair hair…almost white。〃
Morgan sighed again; even more heavily than before。
〃Very well。 What do you intend to do about this? Do you want to confront Dhugal now; or can it wait until after the wedding?〃
〃I don't think I can wait; Alaric;〃 Duncan replied; looking up at his cousin's face for the first time since his confession。 〃I know it may sound strange; after all these years; but I have to know。 I don't think I could stand up there; across from him; and celebrate Kelson's marriage; and not know whether my brief marriage bore fruit or not。〃
Morgan nodded slowly。 〃Being a father myself now; I can understand that;〃 he said softly; then quirked an odd; lopsided grin back at him。 〃If Dhugal is your son; though; won't that throw consternation into the Mearan ranks? You'd have an heir of your body to succeed to the Cassan and Kierney titles…and so much for the hopes of reuniting those lands with Meara for an independent kingdom again。〃
Duncan snorted。 〃That honestly hadn't occurred to me; but you're right。