kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第63节
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he could get。 Hugging her arms across her breast; she stared blindly out the window for several seconds; her long hair cloaking her to her knees。 When first she tried to speak; her voice broke。 Embarrassed; she turned the strangled sound into a nervous cough。
〃Do I … correctly discern a proposal of marriage?〃 she managed to ask at last。
〃You do;〃 Kelson replied。
〃And does the king truly ask; or does he mand?〃 she whispered bitterly。 〃If I refuse; will he take me by force?〃
Kelson managed a mirthless smile; choosing to ignore the jibe。
〃Here; in front of witnesses; my lady?〃 he said lightly。 〃And a bishop; at that?〃
〃A Deryni bishop;〃 she countered; lifting her chin defiantly; 〃who has already bent my brother to your will。 Why should he not do the same to me; if you desire it? Or you could do it if you wished。 We have heard how you won your crown with black magic。〃
Duncan glanced at the king indignantly; but Kelson shook his head; his own denial already forming on his lips。
〃Do you truly believe I would force you into marriage?〃 he asked softly。 〃Or that a bishop would countenance it; much less be part of such coercion?〃
〃You are Deryni … both of you。 I do not know what you might do。〃
〃I would not use any power at my mand; whether physical or Deryni; to force you to an act against your conscience; Sidana。 Marriage is a sacrament。 That means something to me … something very important。 But also important is what our marriage might mean to our two lands: an end to the bloodshed over disputes of succession; peace in our time。 Is the thought of being a queen so abhorrent to you?〃
She bowed her head; her shoulders shaking silently for just a moment。
〃What of my parents?〃 she asked at last。 〃And my brothers?〃
Kelson glanced at the motionless Llewell and sighed。 〃I would offer Llewell the opportunity to renounce his rights to the Mearan titles your family claims。 Once I had his parole; I would honor him with all the estate appropriate to the brother of my queen。〃
〃And Ithel? My mother and father?〃
〃I know what you desire to hear;〃 he replied; 〃but I cannot offer you any false hopes。 One way or another; if there is to be a lasting peace; I must break the succession ahead of you so that there will be no question of the right of our heirs to rule both Gwynedd and Meara。 The fate of your parents and your brothers is dependent upon their further actions。 I do not seek their lives; but I shall not hesitate to take them if it will save hundreds; perhaps thousands of others。〃
〃I see。〃
Slowly she glanced at her brother and moved listlessly to the window itself; laying both hands flat against the glass as she gazed out at the freedom of the hills beyond Rhemuth; white…bronze in the dying sun。
〃I have no true options; then;〃 she said after a few seconds。 〃Whether or not I refuse you; my family is doomed; as is my country。 We posture grandly; but we are a small land pared to Gwynedd … and human。 We cannot stand against the might of a Deryni overlord。 I have known that all along; I suppose。 Our cause was lost before it began; even if my mother would not recognize it。 And regardless of what I do; I know the rest of my family will die。 They will not surrender。〃
〃Then; think of your people;〃 Kelson murmured; standing slowly to gaze at her and wishing he could offer further fort。 〃Is it so terrible to be the instrument of peace? Could you not find some contentment in being queen?〃
〃Queen of a land besides my own … 〃
〃Queen of a land which enpasses your own;〃 Kelson amended。 〃And wife to a man who would do his utmost to make you happy。〃
〃In a marriage of state and convenience; wed to the enemy of my people;〃 she replied; lowering her eyes。 〃A pawn in the game of dynasties and kings; as has ever been the fate of women。〃
〃As has ever been the fate of kings as well; my lady。〃
Trembling; Kelson removed his circlet and set it aside; sinking to one knee behind her。 He longed to reach out to her; to touch even one strand of the shimmering hair but he was too nervous; all too conscious of Duncan sitting silently to his right; with Llewell sprawled quiet but aware across his lap。
〃I am … as much a pawn in this as you; Sidana;〃 he continued softly。 〃Father Duncan will tell you that I always hoped to marry for love; or at least affection; but I have also always known that dynastic considerations must e before personal desires; when eventually I took a wife。〃
He cleared his throat nervously。 〃Still; even a marriage of state can be one of at least contentment。 I cannot promise that you will be happy if you marry me。 I do give you my word as a king and as a man that I will deal fairly with you; and try with all my might to be a kind and gentle husband … and pray that love might grow between us in time。 Perhaps it is not all you would have wished for … it is not all I would have wished for … but it is all I have to offer。 Will you at least consider my proposal?〃
For a long moment she did not move; and he was sure she would refuse。 Against all prudence; he reached out with his mind and read a little of her turmoil: helpless anger mixed with duty and honor and just a hint of passion; which gave him cause to hope。
Withdrawing; for her emotions were too intense to bear for long; read unbidden and without her knowledge; he raised a hand to brush one errant chestnut lock caught in a fold of her gown; intending to beseech her further。 Its touch was like captive lightning; jarring him so profoundly that he nearly gasped。 As if stung; he jerked back his hand and stared up at her face set in profile against the darkening glass; swaying a little on his knees。 He dared not allow the thoughts which went coursing through his mind; but he could not stop them。 If she continued to refuse; he knew the possibility of force was not wholly ruled out; regardless of what he had said before。
He was saved from himself by Sidana's own action; however。 After a few seconds; though she still did not look at him; her right hand dropped to her side and opened。
〃I will marry you;〃 she whispered; a tear at last trickling down her cheek。
Reverently; not daring to speak for fear of changing her mind。 Kelson took her hand and kissed it; damping the surge of relief and pleasure which coursed through him anew at her touch。 Even so; she felt some of it。 As he turned her hand to press his Ups against her palm; he felt her shudder。 He rose with new confidence; keeping her hand in his as he turned awkwardly toward Duncan。
〃Will you witness the lady's consent; Father?〃
Nodding; Duncan shifted Llewell to a sitting position and stood; laying his priestly hands on their joined ones。 Llewell stirred slightly and opened his eyes; but could not seem to summon sufficient will to do more。
〃Have you a date in mind。 Sire?〃
〃Twelve days hence; at Epiphany。〃
〃A fitting day to crown a queen;〃 Duncan said gently; with a passionate smile for the trembling princess。 〃Sidana of Meara; do you promise and covenant; of your own free will and desire; to contract honorable marriage with Kelson of Gwynedd twelve days hence; according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?〃
Her eyes brimmed with tears; but she swallowed and gave a quick dip with her chin。
〃I do promise and covenant it; so help me God。〃
〃Kelson of Gwynedd; do you promise and covenant; of your own free will and desire; to contract honorable marriage with Sidana of Meara twelve days hence; according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?〃
〃I do promise and convenant it; so help me God;〃 Kelson said steadily。
〃Then I do witness and affirm that a contract to marry has been solemnized between Sidana of Meara and Kelson of Gwynedd; to be joined in holy matrimony twelve days hence; according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church。 The banns shall be published on the morrow。 And this covenant shall be as binding as the vows of matrimony; and shall not be put asunder。〃 He made the sign of the Cross over their joined hands。 〃In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; Amen。〃
''' She drew her hand away at that; to turn and sink sob…〃mg to the cushions by the window。 Kelson would have tried to fort her; but Duncan shook his head and summoned Meraude and Richenda instead; telling them briefly what had happened before leading Llewell and Kelson out of the room。 The dazed Llewell he placed in the custody of a guard; to be returned to his own quarters。
Kelson he led back to the royal apartments; where Morgan; Dhugal; and Nigel waited。 There he and Kelson told them what had been decided; and the king manded preparations to go forward。
I merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones。
Proverbs 17:22
During the week and a half that followed。 Kelson avoided all further contact with his bride…to…be; hopeful that time for reflection would win her to less tearful acceptance of both their duties。 Richenda's continued presense proved a godsend; for Sidana soon preferred her pany over that of any other lady at court; despite the undisguisable fact that Richenda was wife to a Deryni。 Kelson did not ask whether Richenda had helped the relationship along in any extraordinary way; the knowledge that his own wooing had been acplished wit