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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第60节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Neither is anyone else;〃 Dhugal replied。
〃Then; why do we do it?〃
〃I suppose … because we have to。〃
〃We have to;〃 Kelson repeated。
Drawing a deep breath; he let it out explosively and looked up with a grin that was only a little strained。
〃Well; if you put it that way; I suppose it's time I finished putting on the badges of my rank; don't you think? Can't make you an earl without them; you know。〃
〃Certainly not!〃 Dhugal retorted; picking up the cue。
They continued to banter on that level all the while Kelson finished dressing; and even up to the very doors of the great hall。

And I shall even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness。
Hosea 2:20
Christmas Court: The tang of evergreen and cedar in Kelson's nostrils … more pungent scent of pine knots dipped in pitch; lighting his way through the packed; murmuring hall。 Silver trumpet voices; a flourish of drums。 Bright…clad forms giving him obeisance as he moved among them; rows of courtiers in holiday finery; some lightly armed; ladies bright and graceful as songbirds。
As on most great feast days; he wore the jewelled state crown of his coronation rather than the simpler circlet of gold he usually favored。 His black hair fell loose on his shoulders。 A belt of gilded leather girded his father's sword at his waist; a jewel…encrusted sceptre lay cradled in the crook of his left arm。 Before ascending the dais to the canopied chair of state; he passed to the left where the bishops waited and knelt briefly for Bradene's Christmas blessing; hoarding the brief peacefulness as he took his throne。
It was to be the only island of calm。 No sooner was he seated than the drums rolled to mand attention to a herald who proclaimed the opening of Christmas Court。 The loyal greetings of his vassals followed … mostly a rapid blur。 Head inclining to acknowledge their bows; hand extending to receive the brush of lips in homage; murmured words of thanks; of inquiry after their families and lands; each man replaced by the next in rapid succession。
He brightened at the unexpected approach of Derry … for he had not known the young lord was ing to Christmas Court … then rose to kiss the smiling Richenda's hand when Morgan brought her forward; suddenly understanding Derry's presence。 Still; one presentation ran into the next all too quickly; the pace slowing only when Dhugal came forward to be invested。 And even that sped by too fast to really savor。
Border plaids and braids and silver…mounted dirks; the skirl of pipes。 Dhugal kneeling before him。 Words of condolence for the death of the old earl; wele for the new。 The act of homage and oath of fealty; Dhugal's hands between his own。
Dubbing with the great sword; bright line of silver gleaming between them … and girding Dhugal with another sword; DhugaTs own; on the gilded belt of his earldom。。。。
〃With this sword defend the defenseless and punish evil; always remembering that honor; like the sword; has two edges: justice and mercy。。。。〃
The presentation of banner and cauldron: tokens of Dhugal's authority to lead in war and his duty to feed and support his vassals。。。 and the vesting with the ring and coronet。
〃Though its worth in precious metal is token of thy rank and dignity; let its weight also remind thee of thy duty; and of the responsibility which thou sharest now with us。 Arise; Dhugal MacArdry; Earl of Transha; and stand at our right hand; among our other well…beloved and trusty counsellors。〃
Pipers had skirled again in spirited interlude as Dhugal's clansmen paraded him around the hall on their shoulders; chanting a border salute; but all too soon the maelstorm began anew。
The Mearan herald ing forward; courteous in his own demeanor; but delivering words of defiance in behalf of his mistress … spurning the offer of clemancy; abandoning the royal hostages to their fate。
And Istelyn's bloody; waxen head displayed aloft by a handful of matted hair; stark declaration of the fate of any man who broke faith with Meara。
And even then it did not stop。 The hall erupted to howls of outrage and shouted threats of retribution。 Several women fainted。 More than one of Kelson's retainers had to be forcibly restrained from taking out his fury on the herald before the man was whisked away into protective custody。 When king and chief advisors had retired to the privacy of the council chamber; reaction exploded even more heatedly。 Too stunned and sick…at…heart even to think about what he was going to do next。 Kelson sat with his head in his hands and merely shut out everything for several minutes; letting the others get the anger out of their systems; only looking up when Bradene; close on his left; called him repeatedly。
〃Sire? Sire; I beg of you! I am not a vengeful man; Sire; but this is an unforgivable affront;〃 Bradene was saying; twisting his pectoral cross in nervous; agitated hands。 〃Surely there is no longer any question of marrying a Mearan!〃
〃If I don't marry her; my only other choice is to kill her;〃 Kelson said wearily。 〃Would you have me vent my anger against an innocent hostage?〃
〃Innocent?〃 Jodrell snorted。 〃Since when did the guilt or innocence of hostages have anything to do with their fate? Beg pardon。 Sire; but Henry Istelyn was far more innocent than any Mearan princeling。 His fate cries out for vengeance!〃
〃Aye; and if I did allow vengeance to rule me; what kind of a king would I be?〃 Kelson countered。 〃I swore oaths; Jodrell! Oaths to uphold law…to temper justice with mercy…not to take vengeance!〃
〃I see no justice here;〃 Jodrell muttered almost inaudibly; as he shifted angrily in his chair。
〃What was that; Jodrell?〃
〃I said that it seems you intend to allow the offspring of traitors to go unpunished。 Sire!〃 Jodrell said in a louder voice; his handsome face distorted by a scowl; 〃and to reward one of them with the very crown her mother tries to seize so treacherously! Mercy is weakness in this case; Sire。 The Mearan bitch slew the hostage she took; it is our right to slay the ones we hold。〃
〃An eye for an eye?〃 Kelson said。 〃I think not。 And you yourself admit that it is Caitrin who has rebelled against me。〃
〃Aye; rebelled; Sire!〃 Bradene boomed。 〃And mitted sacrilegious murder! Shall the sins of the fathers not be visited upon the children? She had a bishop executed; Kelson! A man anointed of God! And before they took his life; Edmund Loris had the audacity not only to exmunicate him; but to degrade him from the priesthood…Henry Istelyn: one of the godliest men I have ever known!〃
As Kelson searched for a temperate reply; for this was getting quite out of hand; Cardiel shook his head and laid a restraining hand on Bradene's sleeve。
〃Peace; brother;〃 he said quietly。 〃No one will argue that Istelyn was not a godly man。 But given that he was a godly man; he will not have faltered when faced with his martyrdom in the cause of king and faith。 Loris' action was empty of substance。〃
〃Of course it was empty;〃 Bradene retorted。 〃That isn't at issue here。 Empty or not; Istelyn had to face an unjust death…alone; bereft of the outward solace of his office。 And to die so horribly;〃 he finished lamely; anger dissolving away to grief。
Cardiel sighed and looked down at the table; tears in his eyes。
〃Dear; dear brother; I beg you; do not torment yourself this way。 In all things。 Henry Istelyn was the king's and God's good servant。 We must believe that he died in the faith…that he did what any of us would pray we had the grace to do; were we in his place…and that his faith sustained him through…〃
〃No!〃 Bradene gasped; anger flaring again。 〃Let the faith of the Mearan brats sustain them; as they meet their justly deserved fate as traitor's kin! Sire; I cannot find it in my heart to let this pass。 One crushes a viper's brood… one does not marry it!〃
Morgan; seated at the king's right hand with Richenda close beside him; could not fail to catch the overflow of shock and stomach…churning grief that flared for just an instant as the two archbishops argued。 It was quickly damped; but he knew Richenda had sensed it; too。 He could feel her trembling; her hand clenched tight in his。 He knew also what it was costing Kelson not to lash out in his own anger and sense of helplessness。 No matter what the king did; some would not agree。
Hurting with Kelson; Morgan turned pleading eyes on the two archbishops; letting his glance include everyone around the table。
〃Let be; my lords!〃 he said; cutting off another heated exchange。 〃Do you think your railing makes his decision any easier? What are you trying to do to him? Do you think he does not know? How heavy must the crown be?〃
〃How heavy was Istelyn's burden?〃 Bradene muttered。
But any further outburst was forestalled by Arilan's withering glance and the pained; passionate shake of Cardiel's grey head。
〃Please; Bradene;〃 Cardiel murmured。 〃Duke Alaric is right。 However terrible and unjust may have been our brother Istelyn's fate; that is past。 He is beyond our ability to help or hinder him。 We must not let the wisdom of our future decision be clouded by our grief and outrage。〃
〃Archbishop Cardiel is correct;〃 Nigel agreed。 〃If we kill our hostages; we lose all hope of any peaceful resolution to the Mearan question。 Spite will only bre

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