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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第6节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Gendon; eh?〃 he said neutrally。 〃Tell me; Master Gendon; what brought about this little set to? Actually; I'm not sure you needed our help at all。 They weren't very well armed。〃
〃They're outlaws; my lord;〃 came the surprised reply; as if that explained everything。 〃They raid across the borders for livestock … sometimes even women and children。〃
〃Well; we try to stop it; of course; my lord;〃 the man went on a little defensively。 〃The baron posts a regular patrol; as is his duty; but a man can slip off into these hills with half a dozen sheep and never be seen again。 The young Laird MacArdry says this particular lot have been plaguing Transha as well。〃
〃The young laird … you mean Dhugal; the chief's son?〃 Kelson asked; his more personal interest suddenly piqued。
Gendon raised one eyebrow in surprise。 〃You know young Dhugal; my lord?〃
〃You might say that;〃 Kelson replied with a grin。 〃I don't suppose you've seen him lately?〃
〃Lately? Aye; my lord。 Every blessed day。〃
But as Gendon gestured toward his men and twisted in his saddle to look; clearly taken aback at this lowland king's apparent recognition of highland relationships; Kelson had already spotted the object of his inquiry: a slight; ramrod…straight rider wrapped in a grey; black; and yellow plaid which only partially hid the russet leather of a neat Connaiti brigandine。 He was talking to a Trurill man balancing on one leg beside his horse; gesturing for someone else to e and assist the man。 A mail coif partially obscured the hair which would have made a beacon of his presence out of war harness; but the shaggy brown…and…white spotted border horse he rode was well known to Kelson; though its markings were mon enough not to be remarked during the heat of battle …  doubtless the reason Kelson had not noticed them earlier。
The MacArdry heir became aware of the royal scrutiny at about the same moment Kelson first saw him。 One look at the riders sitting beneath the royal standard was enough to make him break away and urge his mount into a trot toward the king; grinning hugely。
〃Dhugal MacArdry; what the devil is that?〃 Kelson shouted; pointing a gauntleted finger at the other's steed and grinning almost as widely as he。 〃Surely; 'tis no horse that looks so strange!〃
The young MacArdry drew rein and almost flung him self from the saddle; pushing his coif back from bright copper…bronze hair as he thumped to both knees before the king's horse。
〃Why; 'tis the beast who threw Your Grace the first half…dozen times you tried to ride her!〃 Dhugal replied。 His sword hung from a baldric over his left shoulder; rigged to be drawn from the left; but he half…drew it with his right hand and offered the pommel in salute; face glowing with pride。
〃Wele to the borders … my King! It's been too many years。〃
〃Aye; and I shall trounce you for a knave if you don't get off your knees at once!〃 Kelson said happily; signalling the other to rise。 〃I was your brother before I was your king。 Conall; look how he's grown! Ewan; you remember my foster brother; don't you?〃
〃Aye; Sire … and the mischief with which both of you used to terrorize my pages' school! 'Tis good to see you; Master Dhugal。〃
〃And you。 Your Grace。〃
As Dhugal let his sword slip back into its scabbard and stood; and Kelson jumped down from his tall R'Kassan stallion; Conall also nodded in tight…lipped response to Dhugal's slight bow in his direction; the two had been rivals in those earlier days。 Though nearly as tall as Kelson; the young border lord looked hardly older than when he had left court four years before; a sprinkling of freckles across his nose and cheeks only adding to the childlike first impression。 Large; square front teeth flashed bright white as his face creased in a pleased; open grin; the smudge of reddish mustache across his upper lip hardly more than adolescent down。 But the eyes which met Kelson's were no longer those of a child。
The two young men embraced exuberantly; thumping each other on the back and then drawing apart to study the other more soberly。 Kelson did not resist as Dhugal took his hand and pressed fervent lips to the back of the gauntlet in homage before looking back at him。
〃How are you; Dhugal?〃 he murmured。
〃I am well; my prince; now that you are here;〃 Dhugal replied softly; in the cultured court accents he had learned so many years before。 〃We have heard stories here in the west; of course; but … 〃 He shrugged and grinned broadly。 〃Well; frankly; I did not think to see Your Grace in person until the day I came to claim my earldom。 The borders and highlands have never been a favorite haunt of Haldane kings。〃
〃The borders are loved by this Haldane;〃 Kelson said; flashing with fond remembrance on the image of Dhugal's elderly father; who had fostered Dhugal to court when he was seven and Kelson nine。 〃And praise God it did not take your father's death to bring us back together after all。 How is old Caulay?〃
〃He does as well as one might hope;〃 Dhugal replied; a trifle more subdued。 〃He's not travelled since your coronation; though。 I've spent the past three years standing in for him; learning a proper border soldier's trade。 I …  don't suppose my apprenticeship can last much longer now。〃
〃His illness is worse; then。 Dhugal; I'm sorry;〃 Kelson murmured。 But before he could continue; Gendon; the Trurill sergeant; cleared his throat。
〃Your pardon; Lord King; but young MacArdry does have duties。 Dhugal; there are wounded。〃
〃Aye; Sergeant; I'll see to them directly。〃 Dhugal gave Kelson a short bow of apology。 〃By your leave。 Sire。〃
〃Of course。 My men will assist。〃
Most of the injuries were slight … the minor cuts and bruises expected of any rough and tumble altercation …  but a few of the men; Trurill and prisoners alike; sported more serious wounds。 One man was dead; despite the apparent restraint shown by all。 Kelson detailed his battle surgeon and the squires to work with the bordermen and; when it became clear that Gendon did not intend to return to Trurill that night; gave orders for camp to be made。 Conall he assigned to Ewan's supervision; to observe how the old duke integrated his mand with Gendon's。
Kelson himself wandered in the forming Trurill camp with only Jodrell for escort; saying little but watching everything with interest。 Recalling Dhugal's ment about the 〃stories〃 which had e westward in the past three years; he wondered what preconceptions these highland men might have about him as a result。 In the eyes of men such as these; that Kelson was a Haldane was reason enough to suspect him。 What further suspicion might have been generated by tales of his magic?
But when he tried chatting with a few of them; he sensed that their reticence had as much to do with his lowland origins as with his rank or any vague uneasiness they might have because he was part Deryni。 They were respectful enough; in their rough; border way; but they offered no more than was asked for; never volunteering information。
The prisoners volunteered no information either; though that was hardly surprising。 Nor was the information which was extracted; sometimes forcefully; of anything but local interest。 Kelson Truth…Read a few of them while others asked the questions; but there seemed no point in flaunting his Deryni abilities when the interrogators were getting exactly the same answers he was。 The distance between these men and himself had little to do with magic; but the loneliness was just as real。 Eventually he found himself 。watching Dhugal from behind and signalled Jodrell not to speak。
Dhugal was kneeling beside the most seriously wounded of his own men。 Kelson's squire Jatham assisting him; unaware of the royal scrutiny。 His plaid lay discarded in a heap beside him; sword and baldric atop it; and Kelson could see that he had unbuckled the front of his brigandine for greater ease of movement as he bent to his surgeoning duties。
Dhugal's patient was a sturdy mountain lad hardly older than himself but half again as large; sporting a gash from wrist to elbow which would probably render him useless as a swordsman in the future; if he even kept the arm。 His other brawny arm was pressed across his eyes; the bearded face beneath it drained of color。 As the squire poured water over the wound and Dhugal loosened the tourniquet above it just slightly; bright blood pumped from deep within。 Even from where he stood。 Kelson could see that the cut had severed deep muscles and probably arteries。
〃Damn!〃 Dhugal muttered under his breath; tightening file tourniquet again and muttering an apology as his patient sucked in breath between his teeth in pain。 Neither he; his assistant; nor his patient seemed to notice Kelson's presence as he picked up a needle trailing a length of gut threat。
〃Ye must n?? move now; Bertie; if we're tae save yer arm;〃 Dhugal said; his earlier court accents blurred with the lilt of the highlands now; as he positioned the bloody arm to his liking and shifted Jatham's grip。 〃Hold him steady as ye can; lad。〃
As Bertie braced himself and young Jatham clamped down at wrist and bicep。 Kelson touched the squire's shoulder and nodded as he looked up; startled。 Dhugal; too; blinked as he suddenly became aware of Kelson's presence。
〃Why don't you le

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