kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第43节
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〃Thank you。〃
Ithel came to stand beside his mother's empty chair; one hand on its back as he gazed at Loris。
〃Archbishop; as my mother's heir; I stand to gain a great deal if we are successful against the Haldane; but I hope you will understand that I would prefer that my brother and sister were still alive to share our victory when it eventually es。 To that end; I should like to point out a few practical considerations of tactics and politics which may have escaped your notice。〃
〃Don't lecture me; boy!〃
〃I'm not a boy。 Archbishop … any more than Kelson is a boy;〃 Ithel retorted; but coolly; and without raising his voice。 〃I'm a prince and I'll thank you to address me as such。 Hasn't it occurred to you that even if it isn't possible for Kelson to mount an actual campaign during the winter; he could still harass the lowland regions enough to interfere with the raising of our levies? But he'll not take drastic action so long as we're negotiating。〃
〃You have a lot to learn about politics; boy;〃 Loris replied coldly。 〃And about Deryni。 How can you even contemplate giving him the satisfaction … 〃
Sicard cleared his throat dangerously。 〃My son is a realist。 Archbishop。 His mother and I have brought him up that way。 And speaking as a realist; I know that there is nothing we can do to protect Sidana and Llewell if the Haldane decides not to keep his word。 But by the first of the year; only a short time past the Haldane's Christmas deadline; even the lowlands will be all but inaccessible to large bodies of troops from outside Meara。 As long as we pretend to be considering his terms; they will be safe … and so will our borderlands。〃
〃Neither the children nor the land will ever be safe while Kelson lives;〃 Loris said stubbornly。 〃He regards the land as his … and he must eventually kill you and your heirs or else keep you in perpetual imprisonment; as he tried to do to me。 He would be a fool to let you live; lest potential rebellion always hang above his head。 He will use the children as bait to lure you to your destruction。〃
〃Then let him think he will succeed;〃 Caitrin retorted。 〃Talk is cheap。 Perhaps we can tantalize him with the hope of Istelyn's return; since he seems to care for the man's safety。 Now that Judhael has been consecrated; Istelyn is of little use to us here。〃
Loris raised an eyebrow disdainfully in Istelyn's direction。 〃Aye。 Any worthy priest would have informed his superiors that one under his charge intended to break a sacred oath。 Istelyn; I hold you personally responsible for young Dhugal's escape。〃
Istelyn; notably grim and silent until then; shook his head。
〃I honestly regret that I cannot take credit for that;〃 he said softly。 〃As for his oath…breaking; I suspect there are far worse offenses before God than the breaking of an oath taken under duress。 Perhaps you have knowledge of a few of them。〃
Loris' eyes lit dangerously。
〃As for my worthiness as a priest;〃 Istelyn went on; 〃you have no authority to judge that … and have had none since the bishops removed you from office and sent you into confinement。〃
As much from reflex as volition; Loris was on his feet and raising his hand to strike the defiant Istelyn; a wordless growl rumbling in his throat; careless of the goblet which toppled from his chair arm to smash on the stone flags。
〃Don't!〃 Caitrin gasped; as Sicard simultaneously launched himself between the two to block the intended blow。
The word and the sound of shattering pottery served to deflate Loris' blind fury; and he drew himself up indignantly before Sicard could touch him; pointedly dropping his hands to his sides and inclining his head in a grudging bow to Caitrin as he seated himself once more。 Sicard; with an explosive sigh; tugged his tunic into place and also sat。 Ithel; who had moved to his father's defense; warily resumed his place behind his mother's chair。 Judhael clasped his hands tightly before him and tried not to look torn between loyalty to his aunt and obedience to the man who had made him a bishop。 Istelyn had never moved from his stool or flinched throughout the interchange。
〃Please accept my apologies。 Your Highness;〃 Loris murmured contritely。 〃I don't know what came over me。 His insolence is … unbeing in a priest。〃
〃Indeed; it is;〃 Caitrin replied coldly。 〃However; I doubt he sees his behavior in quite that light。 Be that as it may; the Haldane will need some reassurance of Istelyn's well…being。 His ring; I think … and perhaps a letter from his hand; which you shall dictate。 Archbishop。〃
〃I will not write it;〃 Istelyn said quietly。
〃And if he will not cooperate;〃 Caitrin continued; her face hardening; 〃I shall leave it to you。 Archbishop; to decide what measures should be taken to assure the king that we have his bishop and will deal with him as he intends to deal with my children; if agreement cannot be reached。〃 She smiled grimly at Loris。 〃I shall ask my nephew to assist you; and rely on your joint good offices to see that our intention is carried out。〃
Loris nodded slowly; a grim smile ing across his face。
〃Very well; Madame。 I will be quite pleased to carry out your wishes。 I think you will not be disappointed。〃
Yet was she carried away; she went into captivity。
Nahum 3:10
A weary but satisfied Kelson led his warband back through the gates of Rhemuth less than a week after his departure; none of his men with so much as a scratch; Dhugal's presence at his side proclaiming at least the partial success of his mission。 As the column clattered across the bridge and into the castle yard; several elated Transha bordermen darted out to greet their new young chief with raucous highland yells。 Dhugal's previous injuries had been aggravated by his escape and the enforced march of the past three days; but he managed a grin and a few words for each man before sliding painfully from his horse。
Nor was Dhugal the only addition to Kelson's pany。 Six glum prisoners rode with the warband; the youngest; a dark…haired; aristocratic…looking boy; was doing his best to put up a brave front; his wrists bound before him and his horse's lead secured to Conall's saddle。 His cheeks flamed with embarrassment under the stares of the curious; but he kept his eyes pointedly ahead; disdaining assistance as he climbed down from his horse。 The most intriguing addition of all sat limply in the circle of Morgan's arms; apparently asleep … a heavily cloaked female form with tangled chestnut hair escaping from beneath her hood。
〃They're the pretender's younger children;〃 Kelson told Nigel; as he dismounted in the snowy courtyard and helped Morgan hand the sleeping girl into Duncan's arms。 〃Now all we need are Caitrin; Sicard; and the remaining son。 And Loris; of course。 The girl's name is Sidana。 Dhugal stole her out from under their noses。〃
〃She isn't hurt; is she?〃 Nigel asked。
Morgan; relieved of his burden; swung one leg over his horse's neck and vaulted to the ground; shaking his head。
〃She'll be fine by morning。 I … ah … had to put her to sleep。 She started to get hysterical when she realized she wasn't going to be rescued。 I doubt she'll even remember most of the trip。〃
Nigel nodded slowly; accepting Morgan's use of his powers without batting an eye。
〃Aye; that was probably kindest。 Duncan; why don't you take her to my wife? Unless you wish otherwise; of course。 Kelson。 She'll want the fort of another woman's pany when she wakes … and a lady's bower seems a more fitting setting for this Mearan rose than a cell。〃
〃A briar rose; I think;〃 Kelson said; smiling; 〃with proper thorns; I'll warrant。 But no matter。 Aunt Meraude will be a suitable panion; I'm sure。 Father Duncan; would you take her; please?〃
〃Of course。〃
〃And as for our other unexpected guest;〃 Kelson went on; with a glance back at the sullen Llewell as Duncan withdrew; 〃you'll be proud to learn that it was your son Conall; who captured him。 Uncle。 His name is Llewell。 He's been a little belligerent from the start; so I think he'll want closer guard。 No cell; though。 He's a noble hostage; not a criminal。〃
Kelson took a few more minutes seeing to the disposition of his other prisoners and to the provisioning of his men and horses; then went with Dhugal and Morgan into the hall。 While all three of them washed down mouthfuls of venison pasties with mulled ale; he gave a hastily gathered privy council his impromptu account of the venture。 Dhugal was beginning to nod over his food by the time they finished; and even Morgan was beginning to slow down as food filled empty stomachs and ale lulled aching muscles。 Within the hour; after scheduling a formal meeting of the full council for the following afternoon。 Kelson dismissed the court and retired for the night。 The torches in Rhemuth hall burned late that night as Nigel and the others tried to digest what the king had told them。
Kelson woke with the dawn; however … not yet fully refreshed; but unable to sleep longer。 He felt the need to do something; but there was nothing he could do until Caitrin replied to his demands。 He sat in a window and watched the snow fall for a while; hoping he might ease himself back into drowsiness; but he only grew more restless。 After a while he gave up the notion of sleep and got dressed;