kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第42节
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〃Was it magic?〃 Llewell managed to whisper around an almost tearful gulp。
〃No; but I haven't the time to explain the distinction just now。 Agree to cooperate; and I'll even have them bind your hands more fortably。 It's a long ride to Rhemuth with your hands tied behind you。〃
〃You'll pay for this;〃 Llewell muttered through clenched teeth。 〃May your Deryni soul rot in Hell!〃
〃You're about to try my patience too far;〃 Kelson warned。 〃Don't push me。 If you believe me damned already; then it follows that I have nothing to gain by personal restraint … though despite your belief; it is my intention to deal with you as honorably as possible。 Now; is this to be easy or difficult?〃
Llewell maintained his glare of tearful defiance for a few seconds; measuring it against Kelson's calm; passionless gaze; then broke the contact and bowed his head; shoulders slumping dejectedly。
〃I cannot stand against a demon;〃 he whispered。 〃I am not fool enough to seek my death deliberately。〃
〃Nor I;〃 Kelson replied。 〃Conall; see to his hands; but keep a close guard on him。〃 With another glance at the approaching Mearan force; he reined his horse around and raised a gloved fist in signal。
〃'Tis time we made a tactical withdrawal; my lords!〃 he shouted; to answering shouts of approval from his men。 〃We have acplished at least part of what we came for。 Now we return to Rhemuth!〃
Thus did they ride from the plain of Ratharkin; richer for two royal prisoners and a rescued earl; Dhugal not yet aware that he was poorer by a father。 Darkness and the increasingly heavy snowfall soon enabled them to elude the pursuing Mearan host; and when human and Deryni senses confirmed that they were out of danger。 Kelson allowed a brief stop to rest。 Only then did he draw Dhugal a little aside and tell him about old Caulay; giving what meager fort he could as he shared Dhugal's grief at the news of the old earl's death。
* * *
Grief and futile fort were served up in full measure that night in Ratharkin as well; when the desolate Sicard returned without daughter; forsworn nephew; or second son。 Caitrin and Judhael heard his halting report in stunned silence; Judhael lamely holding his aunt's hand but unable to give a word of reassurance。
〃How could the Haldane have known to be there just then?〃 Caitrin whispered when her husband had done。 〃'Tis foul; wicked sorcery! And he has my babes to hostage。〃
〃We were wrong to trust young Dhugal;〃 Judhael muttered。 〃To betray his own kin … but who could have guessed he would break his sworn word; given on holy relics? He is damned; damned。。。。〃
〃I should have struck him to the heart with my own dagger when first I saw him;〃 the miserable Sicard whispered。 〃I should have known my brother would poison him against us after all these years。 And my son。。。 my little girl。。。 in the hands of Deryni!〃
They sent for Loris and Creoda a little later; when they had recovered some of their posure and reviewed the terms of Kelson's demands。 By the time Sicard had repeated his account for their benefit; Loris was all but foaming at the mouth。
〃He offered you amnesty if you would abandon me?〃 he raged。 〃He dared to demand Istelyn's release? The insolence! The very cheek! How dare he think he can threaten us?〃
〃He does think he can;〃 Caitrin replied irritably。 〃What is more; he has done a very credible job of it。 I would be naive in the extreme if I thought he expected us to accept his offer; but he almost had to make the attempt。 Still; we are not without our own resources。 Nephew; please have Bishop Istelyn brought to us。〃
〃He is still my prisoner; not yours; Lady;〃 Loris warned。
〃I am quite aware of that。 I wish to question him。 See to it; Judhael。〃
Loris let him leave to do her bidding; but he continued to rant and mutter under his breath all the while Judhael was gone; hardly touching the wine which Ithel poured to bolster all their courage。
〃God curse the Deryni!〃 Loris spat; as Judhael brought Istelyn in a short time later。 〃Curse the Deryni king who pretends piety and honor and continues to consort with magic! And God curse doubly any bishop who would keep counsel with him!〃 he added; glaring at Istelyn。 〃You are no better than the Haldane you serve; Istelyn。 I should have you executed as the traitor you are!〃
〃There will be no executions in this city without my leave。 Archbishop;〃 Caitrin said mildly; as she signed for a stool to be brought for Istelyn。 〃A dead bishop is hardly a strong bargaining point。 The Haldane wants him back unharmed。 By the same token; he will not harm the children so long as he believes we are willing to negotiate。 Negotiations could drag on until the spring。〃
〃You credit him with too much honor; Madame;〃 Loris said。 〃These Deryni are treacherous。 Kelson is most treacherous of all。〃
〃He is still hardly more than a boy;〃 Sicard said contemptuously。 〃Children do not kill children。〃
〃Do not underestimate him; my lord;〃 Loris replied。 〃I did so before; but I shall not make that mistake again。 He is a man; with all a man's cunning and treachery increased because he is Deryni。〃 He paused a beat。 〃And given that he is a man; has it not occurred to you that he may have a man's appetites … he who now has your daughter in his power?〃
Caitrin pursed her lips tightly together; saying nothing; but Sicard's knuckles whitened on the arms of his chair。
〃If he touches her … 〃
〃Of course; he might marry her;〃 Loris continued; watching Sicard's reaction especially and choosing his words。 〃That would confirm his claim to the Mearan throne after he eliminated the rest of you。 Union of the two crowns … the same logic that his great…grandfather used with your great…grandmother。 Your Highness。 Then again; he might simply use her and cast her aside … or let his men have her; once he had done。 Such things … 〃
〃I don't want to hear it!〃 Sicard cried。
〃And then there is Llewell;〃 Loris went on relentlessly。 〃He's a pretty boy。 Soldiers sometimes … 〃
〃Stop it!〃
Uncurling his fingers from their deathgrip on his chair arms; Sicard took his wife's near hand blindly in his while he lifted his cup and drained it with a single…minded deliberation。 Caitrin winced at the pressure of his hand; but she kept stony silence。 When Sicard had done; he set the cup aside and drew deep breath before looking back at Loris accusingly。
〃That last was a low blow。 Archbishop。〃
Loris shrugged。 〃Then I apologize for it。 The danger to Sidana; however … 〃
〃I am her father。 Archbishop!〃 Sicard snapped。 〃Can you imagine that particular fear has been far from my thoughts these many hours? When I saw the cursed Haldane sitting his great white horse; young and hot…blooded and proud; and his Deryni henchman with his arms around … 〃
〃Sicard … no!〃 Caitrin said。 〃Don't do this to yourself。 Sidana will be safe; you'll see。 We'll find a way。〃
〃Then; we must show the Haldane whelp that we mean business。 Highness … and that we do not intend to be intimidated;〃 Loris purred。
Jerkily Sicard took up his cup again and held it out for Ithel to pour him more wine; letting Caitrin soothe him with little caresses stroked along his shoulder。 She was looking at Istelyn rather then her husband; however。 The bishop had done his best to be invisible while his captors argued; but now he could not escape her scrutiny。 Dark circles smudged the fine…drawn skin beneath his eyes; but he appeared to have recovered from the drug given him earlier in the day。 As Sicard tossed off half his new cup of wine; Caitrin returned her attention to Loris。 A new determination appeared to have stamped itself on her plain features。
〃Indeed; we are not intimidated。 Archbishop;〃 she said quietly。 〃My love for my children is no less than my husband's; but the brutal fact of the matter is that they are of age and were fully aware of the possible consequences of supporting our claim to the throne。 If God wills that they should die at a tyrant's hands; then I must pray that they be granted the grace to endure it with all the dignity of their royal blood。 It is as a queen as well as a mother that I speak these harsh words。 With God's help; none of us shall have to make the sacrifice。〃
She rose to begin slowly pacing the space between her chair and the room's fireplace; playing with the rings on her slender hands。
〃As a queen; however; it occurs to me that our young Deryni king may have made a great tactical error when he let us know he wants Bishop Istelyn back。 He threatens reprisals if we do not submit by Christmas; but so long as he thinks we are considering his terms; I doubt he will actually do the children harm。 For all that he is Deryni; he seems to prefer not to shed blood if there is another way。 Negotiations could take a long time … all winter; as I said before。 Long enough to ensure that we have all the support we need to meet and defeat him in the spring。〃
〃Winter itself will give us the time we need to build our strength for the spring campaign;〃 Loris said stubbornly。 〃We do not need to bargain with Deryni; Madame。〃
〃Mother; may I speak?〃 Ithel interjected。
Regally Caitrin inclined her head。
〃Thank you。〃
Ithel came to stand beside his mother's empty chair; one hand on its back as he gazed at Loris。
〃Archbishop; as my mother's heir; I