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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第4节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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rion ever had; and more of the ways of people。
The eyes were the same; though … the grey Haldane eyes that could pierce all subterfuge and read a man's soul; even if the vigor of merely human potential were not enhanced by Haldane magic。 The silky black hair was Brion's; too; though Kelson wore it far longer of late than his father ever had … short across his forehead; but almost brushing his shoulders on the sides。 A golden circlet chased with an interlace design bound the long part off his face; but the back was rumpled where it had caught the high…standing collar of his formal court robe。 Kelson raked the fingers of one hand through the snarls and glanced aside at Morgan with a mischievous grin as he let the curtains fall back into place。
〃I've a mind to do something that I know will vex you;〃 he said; beginning to shrug out of his heavy outer robe。 〃Would you be terribly cross if I went off and left you here for a few days to supervise the bishops?〃
Adopting the bland expression as well as the stance of a valet; Morgan caught Kelson's robe before it could slip to the floor and laid it aside; gathering up the fur…lined cloak of scarlet that the king had worn earlier in the day。
〃I shan't deny that listening to a pack of bishops argue is among my least favorite occupations … or that I should prefer you didn't go too far afield; this close to Meara;〃 he said neutrally。 〃On the other hand; you generally have good reasons for the things you want to do。 Where; specifically; did you plan to go?〃
Still grinning; the king took off his circlet long enough to rub his forehead where the band had pressed; before turning to back into the cloak Morgan extended。 In the process; one long strand of hair caught on the wire of the great ruby winking in his right earlobe; and he tossed his head to free it as he settled the circlet back on his head。
〃Why; Morgan; you're beginning to sound like a true courtier;〃 he said; adjusting the cloak on his shoulders and snapping the clasp as Morgan freed his hair from the sable collar。 〃I need to go to Trurill; though。 I'd planned to include it in my progress this summer; but Carsten's death interrupted that; as you know。 It occurs to me that this might be my last chance to poke about before the rains start。〃
〃Why Trurill; in particular?〃 Morgan asked。 〃Do you have reason to suspect trouble there?〃
〃No。 But if Meara should go more sour than it already has; I'd like to be certain of my border barons。 Brice of Trurill says he's loyal … all of them do; when I'm nearby and they're this far from Rhemuth … but in another few weeks; he'll be beyond my reach until the spring。〃
Morgan grimaced; personal distaste for the job Kelson was leaving him giving way to very real concern for the royal safety。
〃Are you sure this isn't just an excuse to get out of an onerous job?〃 he murmured。 〃I hasten to remind you that the troops we brought from Rhemuth are not accustomed to the ways of the bordermen。 Up here; they fight an entirely different kind of skirmish。 If Brice isn't loyal … 〃
〃If he isn't loyal; then I need to know;〃 Kelson interrupted。 〃I'm taking Duncan's Jodrell as guide。 He's familiar with the area。〃 He paused to grin。 〃And of course it's an excuse to get out of an onerous job。 You don't think I'd be fool enough to go into the borderlands without you if I really thought Brice was vacillating; do you? You taught me better than that。〃
〃I should like to think so;〃 Morgan returned; little reassured。 〃I just hope you're as good a judge of character as you think you are。 I've met this Brice。 He's a tricky devil。〃
〃Tricky enough to lie to me and get away with it?〃
〃Probably not。 But he might not tell all the truth; either。 Half…truths can sometimes be more dangerous than outright lies … and Truth…Reading isn't much defense against that。〃
Kelson shrugged。 〃That's true。 But I fancy I know enough to ask the right questions。〃
Morgan said nothing; but he was thinking that sometimes Kelson did now know quite as much as he thought he did。 The boy was more experienced than many other young men of far more years; and mature for his age。 God knew … he could not have survived the past three years if he were not … but he sometimes tended to take his newly gained maturity for granted and to overestimate what could be done。 Age and further experience would pensate for that in time; but meanwhile; the king sometimes gave Morgan the odd; anxious moment。
Still; Morgan supposed that Kelson could not get into too much trouble this close to Culdi; and with the local barons aware that the king's champion was not far away and expecting a prompt return。 In all ages; fledglings must be permitted to try their wings … even if the trying sometimes turned their mentors prematurely grey。 Morgan was suddenly grateful that his hair was already light; so Kelson would never know the extent of the anxiety he caused。
〃You aren't really worried; are you?〃 Kelson asked after a few seconds; when Morgan did not speak; apparently sensing the other's reservations。 〃Nothing is going to happen。 Ewan is dying to get away to the mountains for a few days … I think he dislikes being cooped up at court even more than you do … and I thought I'd take Conall along; as well。 Maybe a little patrol work will teach him patience。 It's a courtesy call; Alaric … that's all。 I want to see how Brice operates when he isn't expecting me to see。〃
〃Do as you wish; then;〃 Morgan muttered。 〃You will; anyway。 I don't know why I bother worrying。〃
Kelson grinned; a boyish quirk of a smile which was quite at odds with his regal attire and bearing。
〃I think you do。 I do; if you don't。 And the day you stop worrying is the day I'll start。〃 He touched Morgan lightly on the shoulder。
〃Just keep our wayward bishops in line for me; Alaric。 I'll be back in a few days。〃

By the following afternoon。 Kelson was beginning to wonder whether he had truly gotten the better end of the bargain。 He had expected the weather to hold for at least another week; but as he and his warband rode west along the river toward Trurill … a full two dozen knights and men…at…arms; in addition to squires and servants … the air grew increasingly still and oppressive。 An annoying drizzle set in just before noon; dampening dispositions as well as armor and equipment。 Conall; riding beside his royal cousin; spent nearly all of their brief meal…break plaining about the weather; but at least the more important grumbling of the men was mostly good…natured。 The road was still good; the rain only settling the dust as they resumed travel。 At midafternoon they entered an area of sparse forest; where the drizzle subsided to a less irritating drip as it filtered through the trees。
They heard the sound of fighting long before they came upon it。 The shrill whinnies of horses in distress warned them first; setting their own blooded warhorses to prancing and snorting with anticipation。 As shouts and the clash of steel began to reach them。 Duke Ewan signalled a halt and sent two advance riders spurring on ahead to investigate。 Kelson; who had been chatting with several of'his younger knights halfway back along the column; eased his mount forward at once; tugging distractedlyat a gauntlet cuff。
〃Jodrell; were you expecting any activity along here?〃 the king called softly; as he drew rein beside their guide。
The young Kierney baron only shook his head; still poised in a listening attitude。 When the outriders did not return within a few minutes。 Kelson silently signalled Saer de Traheme to begin stripping the waterproof cover off the Haldane battle standard。
〃What are we waiting for; Ewan?〃 Conall fretted; standing in his stirrups to peer ahead into the forest gloom。 〃If there's trouble; we should try to stop it!〃
Old Ewan; sitting his horse ahead of the two Haldanes and at right angles to them; squeezed his eyes to calculating slits as he glanced in their direction; armored hand already fingering his sword hilt。 His bushy red beard protruded beneath his helmet quite without discipline of razor or scissors。
〃Their trouble; not ours。 Your Highness … unless; of course; we insist upon charging into things without knowing what we're about。 Hush ye; now; so I can listen。〃
Still the silence was broken only by the continuing sounds of the distant fighting and the closer noises of the Haldane greathorses held in check; bits and chains jingling; leather creaking; mail clinking softly as the knights strained to hear。 Kelson surveyed the two dozen mounted knights settling helmets on heads and taking up shields behind him; then shifted his attention back to Ewan。
〃What do you think?〃 he whispered。
Ewan slowly shook his head。 〃I dinnae know yet; Sire。 We're on the edge of Trurill holdings; eh; Jodrell? That means that Trurill levies are likely on one side of whatever's dusting up。〃
The border baron nodded。 〃Aye; Your Grace … though it's God's good guess who's on the other side。 I'd wait for Macaire and Robard; if I were you。 Sire。〃
〃I fully intend to。〃
〃But; can't we … 〃 Conall began。
〃No; we can't;〃 Kelson murmured; giving Conall a warning look as he twisted to take the shield that his squire had brought forward。 〃Jodrell; check the men; please。〃
Conall started to object again as Jodrell 

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