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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第37节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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d on his horse behind and to Kelson's left; nodding in the saddle。
〃He has to be alive;〃 Kelson murmured; so low that even Morgan barely could hear him。 〃He has to be。 If he were dead; I'd know … wouldn't I?〃
〃I honestly don't know; my prince。〃
〃But we're closer now!〃 Kelson protested。 〃If he's still alive; shouldn't I have been able to touch something during the night? We were so close that night in Transha。〃
〃Until you triggered the shutdown of his shields;〃 Morgan reminded him gently。 〃You also had physical contact that time … and you know how much more difficult it is to establish rapport without it。 A deliberate shielding …〃
〃It isn't deliberate。 Not from me。〃
〃Very well … not from you。 But if he is shielded。。。 ?〃
〃Are you saying he isn't?〃
Morgan sighed patiently。 〃Touchy this morning; aren't you? Kelson; I haven't even seen the boy since he was …  what? … nine or ten? How would I know?〃
Shaking his head。 Kelson shrugged again dispiritedly。 〃That long ago; how would either of us have known? He has shields now; though。〃
〃Very well。 And that's undoubtedly the reason you haven't been able to reach him。〃 Morgan reached across to clap the king's shoulder in reassurance。 〃In any case; we should know something soon。 We'll be at Ratharkin before dark。〃
〃Before dark … yes。 But will it be in time?〃 Kelson wondered。

They fall into many actions and businesses; and are void of sense; and when they think of things
 pertaining unto God; they understand nothing at all。
II Hermas 10:12
The sparse noonday sun turned the stained glass of Saint Uriel's to darkly glowing jewels; but the cathedral's glory brought little fort to Dhugal; kneeling meekly in the choir with the Mearan royal family。 The consecration of Judhael as Bishop of Ratharkin was about to begin …  and there was nothing Dhugal could do to stop it。
Nor could Henry Istelyn。 He had spoken not a word on his awakening; to Dhugal or to the priest sent to inquire a final time whether he would assist with Judhael's consecration。 Later he still stood mute as two deacons vested him; not resisting their ministrations or the cup which a cold…eyed Gorony manded him to drink when they had done。 Dhugal could see the drug's effect in Istelyn's eyes even as the two deacons walked him out of the room between them; Gorony following; and thought he knew what they had given him。 He could expect no help from Istelyn for many hours; if then。
Dhugal was alone; then。 He could depend on no one's resources but his own。 Those kneeling around him claimed to have accepted him as family; and promised much in return for his support; but he knew they did not trust him yet; he had given them no cause to trust him other than the face value of his apparent opportunism。 His very position in the seating; between Sicard and Llewell; the younger prince; placed him where he could be easily and quietly subdued; should he attempt a disruption despite his word。 Dressed in the princely raiment they had brought him that morning … Ithel's; by the length of the richly embroidered cloak … he did look like one of them。 Even his borderman's braid did not set him much apart; for Sicard and several of his personal attendants wore them as well; even if the two princes did not。
Far at the back of the cathedral; the choir began to chant the entrance antiphon。 The nave was packed。 Great liturgies of state were always popular with the mon folk; with their chance to at least glimpse the rich and the highborn; and the appetites of Ratharkin's citizenry had been whetted not a fortnight before; when Istelyn had been installed。 Dhugal wondered whether they had flocked in such numbers for their rightful lord as they did for a usurper's kin。 But perhaps they did not know。
As the procession entered the church and headed down the aisle; those around Dhugal stood; so he did likewise。 Slowly the clergy approached them; led by a thurifer; incense bearer; servers with candles; and then a processional cross and the choir。 A second thurifer came after them; followed by the entourages of the various bishops assisting in the ceremony; each preceded by his crozier bearer and followed by two boys with candles。 Dhugal could not identify any of the bishops preceding Judhael by sight; but he had been told that one of them was Bishop Calder … brother of his mother and; therefore; another uncle。 He had not expected that。
The prelates escorting the new bishop…elect were quite unmistakable; however: the forsworn Creoda; whom Kelson had trusted; and Belden of Erne; the youngish Bishop of Cashien; e up from the south。 Dhugal knew him by the arms emblazoned on the back of his white cope; and wondered whether Kelson had suspected his betrayal any more than he had Creoda's; or the others。
And Judhael himself; yet another of Dhugal's hitherto only legendary Mearan cousins。 The young bishop…elect glanced neither right nor left as he approached the high altar; but a tiny smile of satisfaction played about his lips … unseemly even in a righteous man on his way to his sacring; Dhugal thought。 Bishop's purple showed slightly at throat and hem; but he was vested with a priest's alb and stole beneath his white cope; hands joined piously before his breast。 Dhugal wondered how he had the courage to e before the altar thus; knowing that his election was against the will of the rightful primate and the king。 Perhaps God would smite him for his insolence。 Dhugal wished He would。
And if not Judhael; then certainly the despised Loris; following in the full habiliments of his usurped office; precious mitre sparkling like a crown above his costly golden cope。 Servers bearing candles and his crozier preceded him; and close behind came Istelyn; leaning heavily on the arms of the two deacons Dhugal had seen before。 Istelyn appeared still to be moving under his own power; but his eyes were heavy…lidded and vague; Dhugal suspected he would nod off despite any other intentions; once they sat him on his throne。 The treacherous Monsignor Gorony brought up the rear。
Dhugal had never seen a bishop made before; so he was not sure when the ceremony departed from the form of the simple Mass he knew。 It was difficult to follow the actions of half a dozen priests when he was accustomed to watching only one; and once…familiar words took on odd accents and emphasis when chanted by a full choir。 Taking his cues from those around him; he stood and knelt when they did; swallowing his disgust and outrage when the traitorous bishops gathered before the throne Loris had no right to occupy and the chiefest traitor of them all delivered a short instruction on the responsibilities of a bishop。 Judhael was then brought before Loris to respond to formal questions。
〃Dearly beloved brother;〃 Loris intoned solemnly; 〃ancient custom dictates that bishops…elect are to be questioned before the people on their resolve to keep the faith and discharge their duties justly。 I therefore ask thee; Judhael of Meara; whether thou art resolved by the grace of the Holy Spirit to discharge to the end of thy life the office entrusted to us by the apostles which is about to be passed on to thee by the imposition of our hands?〃
〃I am;〃 Judhael answered。
〃And art thou resolved to be faithful and constant in proclaiming the gospel of Our Lord?〃
〃I am。〃
The ritual dialogue went on; but Dhugal had no stomach to listen closely。 Whatever promises Judhael made under these circumstances; and however pious a man he might have been before the advent of Loris' plotting; Dhugal was as certain as he was of his own simple faith that Judhael of Meara was damned for participating in this mockery of holy rite。 Why did God not strike him dead? Was there no justice; even in the very House of God?
He feared greatly for Istelyn; too; though it was the man's body which gave him greater concern than the man's soul。 He could not but admire the man's courage … forced to condone the affair by the presence of his body but unyielding in his resolve that he would not support it in his heart … but Dhugal was made of more practical stuff。 He did wonder whether he himself had taken the easier way; by pretending to go along with those he knew to be wrong … and whether Istelyn was right: that Dhugal was dishonored by going as far as he had gone already。 And as for how far he intended to go; if there were opportunity … 
〃Beloved brothers and sisters;〃 Loris chanted; standing to face the congregation; 〃let us pray for this man chosen to provide for the needs of God's Holy Church。 Let us pray that Almighty God in His goodness will fill him with abundant grace。〃
Dhugal knelt with the others at that; watching the forsworn Judhael prostrate himself before the altar while the rest of the bishops knelt around him; even Istelyn being propped kneeling at his faldstool to the side。 The choir sang a Kyrie; familiar to Dhugal even in its embellished form; then shifted deftly into a litany of angels and saints invoked to bless the man being consecrated。
〃Sancta Maria。。。〃
〃Ora pro nobis〃
〃Sancte Michael。。。〃
〃Ora pro nobis。〃
〃Sancte Gabriel。。。〃
〃Ora pro nobis。〃
〃'Sancte Raphael。。。〃
〃Ora pro nobis。〃
〃Sancte Uriel。。。〃
〃Ora pro nobis。〃
〃Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli。。。〃
〃Orate pro nobis

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