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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第34节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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He did not say that Duncan would also be his Deryni link back to his capital; but Arilan seemed to sense it。
〃Shouldn't you take a bishop to represent the legitimate episcopal hierarchy。 Sire?〃 he asked; as prelude to including himself in the campaign。
〃The matter is best handled by secular authorities at this point。 Excellency;〃 Morgan answered for the king; before Kelson had to stumble over a reason not to include Arilan as that bishop。 〃Unless His Majesty particularly wants to risk one of his loyal bishops in this venture … ?〃
He glanced at Kelson; ready to back down if the king had strong reasons for wanting to include the disputed Arilan; but to his relief Kelson shook his head。
〃That won't be necessary。 If anyone holds Ratharkin besides Istelyn; my sworn man; it's out of ecclesiastical jurisdiction。 Now; does anyone have a major objection that hasn't already been stated?〃
No one had。
〃Then; I suggest we all set about making the necessary preparations。 I suspect Loris has agents here in Rhemuth; so I want to leave tonight; under cover of darkness; before anyone has a chance to send word ahead and warn him。 Morgan; let's get started。〃
As he rose and headed toward the great double doors leading from the chamber; the others stood and made their bows; Morgan exchanging a resigned glance with Duncan before falling into step behind the king。

Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time。
Amos 5:13
Two days later; as Kelson and his battle force rode toward Ratharkin in an icy rain; the Pretender of Meara entered the city gates with her husband and children。 Snow had been falling since before dawn; discouraging casual travel; so her party passed largely unnoticed through nearly deserted streets。 Only the guards keeping the gates at the bishop's palace recognized the old Mearan colors her captain carried; and hailed her as she passed。
She took their homage as her due; she rode like a queen。 The Lady Caitrin Quinnell of Meara had never been a beautiful woman; nor had the years been kind。 But at sixty…one; she was pelling in that cool self…possession that sometimes es of the promise of power and the unquenchable belief that one has been wronged by one's station in life but eventually will be vindicated。 The white palfrey she rode was not a large animal; but the top of Caitrin's immaculately coifed head barely reached its shoulder when the Baron of Trurill handed her down in the snow…covered palace yard。 When he kissed her hand; she acknowledged the salute like a queen receiving homage; polite but aloof as she waited for the rest of her entourage to dismount around her。
〃Wele to Ratharkin; Your Royal Highness;〃 Trurill murmured。 〃Or perhaps I shall be privileged to greet you as the Queen's Grace; ere long。 I am Brice; Baron of Trurill; your most humble servant。 Your hosts await you inside。〃
She favored him with a quick smile; distracted and distant as she tapped a riding crop gently against her gloved hand; nodding toward the bearded man in border tartan who joined her from behind。 He was plain of face and a little thickset; but robust and fit; his costly riding leathers cut to enhance muscular legs。
〃My husband; the Lord Sicard MacArdry;〃 she said; by way of introduction。 〃And these are my children: Prince Ithel; Prince Llewell; and the Princess Sidana。〃
Brice's jaw dropped a little as the three approached; for in addition to being far younger than he had been led to expect; Caitrin's offspring were strikingly handsome。 He had no idea where they had gotten their aristocratic looks … neither Caitrin nor Sicard could have been described as more than pleasant looking; even in their youth … but it seemed the couple had thrown three of the eliest offspring Brice had ever seen。 The two boys; only slightly younger than King Kelson; pared very favorably with the king himself for poise; bearing; and fairness of feature; and the young princess … 
Brice had to consciously remind himself that he was contentedly married; and such a lass not for the likes of him in any case。 Short but sapling…slender; with curling locks the color of chestnut burrs escaping from beneath her travel hood; Sidana seemed the embodiment of Brice's every feminine ideal; dark eyes holding the dreamy mystery of some creature from another realm: worldly yet innocent; wise but naive。 She inclined her head politely in his direction as she noticed his rapt interest; but she did not resort to the condescension so often shown by other girls of rank in similar circumstances。 Her kindness enabled him to shake off her spell without making too much of a spectacle of himself。
〃Ah; you find my daughter attractive; my lord baron?〃 he heard Sicard saying; the border lord's face creased with faint amusement as he extended his hand in greeting。
Brice looked the girl's father in the eyes and blurted out the truth。
〃I' faith; my lord; she is exquisite。 I had no idea。 She will bring great honor to the man fortunate enough to win her hand。〃
〃Aye; she will that;〃 Caitrin said a little impatiently; 〃though she is not for just any lord; as I am sure you can appreciate。〃 She took her elder son's arm and peered past Brice toward the doors。 〃But may we go inside now? Our attendants will see to the horses and baggage。 It has been hours since our last warmth and refreshment。〃
A short time later; when an embarrassed Brice had shown the royal guests into the bishop's receiving room and the usual amenities had been exchanged; refreshment taken; royal and episcopal conspirators settled down to serious discussion。 Sidana had made her apologies and retired to rest with her ladies; but her two brothers sat expectantly to either side of their parents; keen to be included in the exchange of recent happenings。
〃I like not this news of the Duke of Cassan;〃 Caitrin said grimly; as Loris took a chair directly opposite her; with Creoda; Judhael; and Brice flanking him。 〃Cassan is to be Ithel's; when McLain is dead。 With McLain a bishop; it's conceivable he would try to leave it to the Church。〃
〃And Kierney as well;〃 Ithel said; from his mother's right。 Brice thought the boy's dark eyes made him look a little like a vulture in that instant。
Sipping delicately at a cup of mulled wine; Creoda shook his head。
〃Not to the Church; Highness。 To the Crown。 McLain is the king's man。 We did try to eliminate him; however。〃
Caitrin shrugged。 〃A poor try; I hear。 He was fit enough to attend Mass the next day。〃
〃The archfiend Morgan came to his aid;〃 Loris muttered。 〃He used his Deryni sorcery to heal him。〃
〃That was after the fact;〃 said Sicard; with a disparaging wave of his hand。 〃 'Tis said that McLain himself warded off the attack。 Did you send a child to do a man's work?〃
Anger flared briefly in Loris' face; but his response was temperate and controlled。
〃The boy was young; yes; but he had been trained in McLain's own household。 He knew what he was doing。 A man could not have gained access as readily。 McLain was wounded … 〃
〃But to no avail; it seems … 〃
〃My Lord Sicard; the drug on the blade should have rendered anyone with Deryni blood quite incapable of effective defense。〃 Loris explained patiently。 〃And for a priest; conditioned not to kill if it can be avoided; the added hesitation should have been fatal。〃
〃No matter now;〃 Caitrin murmured; toying with her goblet。 〃It wasn't fatal; so we shall have to eliminate McLain some other way。 Before that; however; there is the matter of my nephew。〃 She favored Judhael with a fond smile; which he returned。 〃How soon are you prepared to proceed with his consecration as bishop; my Lord Loris?〃
Loris inclined his head。 〃Tomorrow; if you wish。 Highness。 It is regrettable that Bishop Istelyn continues to resist the inevitable; but Bishop Creoda and several others will be honored to assist me in that happy task。〃
〃So you said in your letter;〃 Caitrin replied; glancing at her husband。 〃You said also that the Master of Transha is in your custody。 Would you care to explain that?〃
Blinking in surprise; Loris glanced from one to the other of them; husband and wife; then at Creoda; who shrugged。
〃I landed near Transha; Highness; as I am certain I informed you;〃 Loris said cautiously。 〃The boy led a patrol which tried to intercept me。 My Lord Brice took him hostage to insure our escape; and we kept him because Transha's support could be valuable in the future。 The boy's young; he might be won over。 If you don't agree; it isn't too late to kill him。〃
〃Kill him?〃 Sicard gasped; half…rising from his chair。
As Loris jerked back in surprise and Brice and Creoda poised to intervene; Caitrin caught at her husband's hand。
〃Peace; Sicard。 He obviously does not know。 Peace; my lords … please。〃
As all of them subsided; Caitrin returned her attention to Loris; at the same time gently stroking her husband's hand。
〃In all the intensity of your own escape; you obviously have forgotten my husband's clan。 Archbishop;〃 she said carefully。 〃The young Master of Transha is my husband's nephew。 My Lord Sicard has not spoken to his brother; the boy's father; for many years; but you must realize that blood is very important to border folk。 The fact that Sicard and Caulay had a falling out does no

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