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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第22节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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e observant … which simply confirms my instinct that you should know as little about the rest of our plans as possible; until the deeds are done。 Do you agree?〃
〃I have no real choice; it seems。〃
〃No; you do not。 Therefore; for the time being; I advise you to bide your time; support Istelyn with grace … and stay as far as possible from Morgan or any other Deryni。 There are too damned many of them around; as it is。〃
Judhael inclined his head in assent。
〃Good。 I think you'd best return to your quarters now;〃 Creoda went on。 〃And stay there; as much as possible。 No one will think it odd if you keep to yourself for a few days。 I gather that the king is expected back tomorrow or the day after; and I anticipate a mass exodus to Rathar…kin for Istelyn's investiture shortly thereafter。 I hope we will be ready to make our move soon after that。〃
〃I shall bow to your judgment。 Excellency;〃 Judhael murmured; kneeling in formal leave…taking to kiss the bishop's ring and receive his blessing。
When Judhael had gone; Creoda glanced aside at his secretary。
〃Is Gorony's messenger still waiting in the next room?〃 he asked。
〃Yes; Excellency。〃
〃Very well。 Ask him to e in; then; and bring your inks and vellums。 We have work to do。〃

Two days later; the king returned to Culdi。 A delegation of bishops met him outside the city gates and conducted him with due ceremony to the chapter house; where Istelyn was formally presented as bishop…elect of Meara。 Messengers had been sent ahead on several different roads to intercept the king and apprise him of the bishops' intentions; so an informed Kelson was able to grant his royal approval on the spot。 He dined with Istelyn and a few other intimates that evening; then retired with Morgan and a mostly…recovered Duncan later that night; the three of them exchanged details of what had transpired in the days of Kelson's absence。 The following morning; the entire royal party made the day…long ride to Ratharkin; to witness Istelyn's installation the following day。
That night; however; while king and court rested in Ratharkin and the new bishop…elect kept vigil with several of his brethren in a nearby monastic chapel; a man in monk's robes made his way along the silent corridors of another monastery far to the east and north; close by the sea。 The prisoner of Saint Iveagh's paced impatiently as metal picked at the workings of his door lock from the other side; fearing at each new scrape or click that the sound would raise the alarm。 The face which greated him; when the door swung back at last; was that of the monk who had confessed him earlier in the week: the preacher Jeroboam; whom he had been told to expect。 Jeroboam inclined his head for Loris' blessing; then signed that he should remove his sandals。 The bare feet of the two made no sound as they descended the tower newel to make good their escape。
It was the hour between Matins and Lauds; when all the abbey slept。 Only now might they hope to traverse the abbey's corridors without danger of meeting someone。 As they skirted the night stairs; closed by the monks' dorter; Loris hardly dared to breathe。 Once past; he could breathe; but their route became a maze of unfamiliar turns and jogs。 He had no idea where he was。
Another descending stair gave way to downward…sloping corridor; then to rock…hewn tunnel; then to rough sea cave … and a harrowing descent of the remainder of the cliff face by rope; to board a waiting curragh。 Loris clung to the sides of the tiny craft and prayed as the curragh left the shelter of the cove and headed out through the swells; not relaxing until a ship suddenly loomed out of the fog ahead; spars stark and skeletal in the darkness。 As he scrambled aboard; the master of the ship tugged at his forelock and gave silent signal for the crew to begin rowing。
〃God prosper Your Excellency in your work;〃 said a muffled voice; kneeling shadow…vague to grasp the newer's hand and kiss it。
〃Gorony?〃 Loris whispered; raising the man to peer and then embrace him。 〃Gorony; Gorony; I feared never to see you again; or to taste freedom! Oh; I am well blessed with such service!〃
Gorony pulled away far enough to incline his head in thanks; smiling contentedly。 〃I had powerful allies; my lord。 But not powerful enough; I fear; to prevent your enemies from making our task more difficult from this point on。 The Lord Judhael was not elected to the See of Meara。 Tomorrow morning; Bradene and Cardiel will invest Henry Istelyn in Ratharkin; before the king and most of his court。〃
〃Istelyn? Damn!〃 Slamming one fist into his other palm; Loris half turned away from Gorony; moving farther into the bow。 The wind was freshening as the ship ghosted further from the shelter of the sea cliffs; and canvas rustled and snapped as the crew hoisted the sail aloft and caught the air。
〃Do you know how it happened?〃 Loris asked; after taking a moment to subdue his anger。
Gorony shrugged。 〃Not in detail。 Excellency; but one gathers that the Deryni McLain had a hand in it。 Incidentally; I regret to report that our diversion was unsuccessful。 McLain still lives and will himself be consecrated bishop at Easter; to serve Cardiel。〃
〃A viper in the episcopate!〃 Loris spat vehemently over the rail。 〃What about our agent? Did he talk?〃
〃Apparently not。 McLain killed him during the attack。 Fortunately; not even Deryni can make the dead speak …  especially when merasha is involved。〃
〃Ah; then the boy did manage to wound him。〃
〃Aye; though not deeply enough to do real damage: a slash across one palm; from what I hear。 Apparently Morgan was able to heal that; though not right away; with the merasha in it。 McLain was quite up to attending Mass the next noon; and seemed to bear no sign of the wound。〃
〃Blast him for the Deryni heretic he is! … that both of them are! … and that is going to be a bishop!〃 He indulged an explosive sigh; then glanced at Gorony more mildly。
〃How does this change our plans; then; my friend? You've worked miracles enough; simply to get me out of Saint Iveagh's; but there's no way we can reach Ratharkin in time to prevent the investiture。〃
〃That's true; my lord。 However; by the time we can reach Ratharkin; the king and his court will be on their way back to Rhemuth。 For all the winter; Meara's new bishop will be guarded only by his garrison … and most of them owe obedience to the Bishop of Culdi or to Judhael himself。〃
〃Do they; indeed?〃 Loris breathed。
〃Even so; my lord;〃 Gorony replied; smiling。 〃Nor does Bishop Creoda's support end with the gaining of your freedom。 He proposes to help you depose Istelyn and then consecrate Judhael in his place。 The king won't even know for several weeks; if things go as they should … and the snows will make it almost impossible to do anything about it until spring。 By then; you and the Princess Caitrin should be firm allies。〃
When Loris had digested the information; he nodded。 〃Creoda; too; has served me well。 Have we a third bishop available; to make the validity of Judhael's consecration beyond question?〃
〃We hope to … ah … 'persuade' Istelyn to assist;〃 Gorony said carefully。 〃His cooperation would lend us credence in the eyes of royalist supporters in the city; and perhaps ease the situation through the winter。 Failing that; Mir de Kierney and several of the other itinerant bishops are remaining within easy access of Ratharkin。 Once the city is secured; you shan't lack for bishops to do your bidding。〃
〃How many?〃 Loris asked。
〃For now; perhaps as many as seven; not counting Judhael or yourself。 Three hold titled sees。〃 Gorony paused。 〃I should add that none of these know that you are involved besides Creoda and Judhael; though the cause of Mearan independence binds them all。 However; I think they can be persuaded readily enough to support you; once it's learned you plan to champion the Princess Caitrin。〃
Loris snorted under his breath; then glanced around behind them before looking at Gorony。 〃Do you think I care a whit about her; Gorony? It's my see I want back …  and I want the Deryni who took it from me。 I want them very badly。〃
〃I believe you may just get your wish; my lord。〃 Gorony smiled。 〃You'll find these bishops far more biddable than the last lot … and by starting with a united Meara; there's nothing to prevent the creation of more bishops who will do as you ask them。 Meara can be but the first step。〃
〃Ah; Gorony; you do understand quite well; don't you?〃 Loris murmured appreciatively。 〃I'll not forget; I promise you。〃 He sighed as he glanced out at the blank sea ahead。 〃How long before we make landfall? I am eager to be about our work。〃
〃Tomorrow; dawn。 From there; it's two or three days' ride to Ratharkin。 We expect no opposition。 Why don't you rest; my lord?〃
〃Thank you。 I believe I shall。 And I may even sleep …  now。〃

Sleep had fled Saint Iveagh's not long before; however; the abbot suspending the Office of Prime for the first time in thirty years。 The old monk who knelt trembling before the abbot and the brethren hastily assembled in Loris' empty chamber was nearly weeping; his voice barely audible; even though the abbot had already dispensed all in the room from the Order's Rule of speaking in a whisper save during Divine Office。
〃I cannot explain it。

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