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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第19节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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t down。 When it proved too elusive; he laid a hand on the old man's wrist; shaking his head。
〃Enough; Caulay。 Hush for a minute;〃 he whispered。 He closed his eyes to listen better。
Nothing。 Then the lightest of feather…brushes。 He sensed it might be Morgan; but even when he turned all his concentration toward picking up the next touch; he could not be sure of more than the touch sensation。
〃What is it?〃 Dhugal whispered; leaning closer on his stool。 〃Is something wrong?〃
Carefully; Kelson shook his head; trying not to lose the all too tenuous contact hovering at the edge of consciousness。
〃Not here;〃 he murmured。 〃Someone's trying to reach me; though … very far away and very faint。 And it's urgent。〃
A little catch of breath from Dhugal's direction; and the sense of awe and apprehension mixed。 Then: 〃Do you know who it is?〃
Kelson nodded slowly; still straining to make it clearer。 〃Morgan; I think; I can't … quite … pull it in。〃
〃Morgan? But you said he was in Culdi。〃
〃He is; so far as I know。 And at this range; for me even to be aware of this much is incredible。〃
Slowly he opened his eyes to look across at Dhugal; though he kept tenuous touch with the continuing call。 The sense of urgency persisted; as did the growing conviction that the source was Morgan。 After all he had done already。 Kelson knew he had no chance of bringing the contact through on his own; but there just might be another way。 It was much to ask; however。
〃What is it?〃 Dhugal breathed。 〃Why are you looking at me that way?〃
〃Did you mean what you said before; that you wouldn't let yourself be afraid of me?〃 Kelson countered。
Dhugal turned a little pale beneath his coppery hair; and Kelson could sense the queasy apprehension rising in his chest。
〃What are you going to do?〃 Dhugal whispered。 〃No; make that; 'What are you going to do to me? You need me for something; don't you? To help you reach Morgan。〃
〃Yes。〃 Kelson glanced briefly at the sleeping Caulay。 〃I need one or both of you to augment my strength。 His might be enough; but I'd like you in the link as well。〃
Dhugal swallowed hard; making no attempt to hide his fear。
With a sigh。 Kelson managed a none…too…patient nod。 He was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on reassuring Dhugal and still maintain whatever contact he had with whoever was trying to reach him; but a slightly different approach was already taking shape in his mind。
〃It's the not…knowing that's the worst; isn't it?〃 he guessed。 〃You see Caulay; obviously unconscious; and you're afraid of what might happen to you … and that you wouldn't even know。 Loss of control。〃
〃I … suppose so。〃
Nodding again。 Kelson stood and came around the end of the bed; staying Dhugal with a gesture when he eased off the stool and started to back away。
〃Let's try something a little different from what I originally had in mind; then; 〃 he said; climbing onto the stool and motioning for Dhugal to e behind him。 〃This shouldn't be nearly as frightening。 I need physical contact to make my link with you; but there's no reason you can't control that instead of me。 It will make my part a little trickier with you pletely conscious; but I'm willing to give it a try; if you are。〃
〃What do I have to do?〃 Dhugal replied warily。
〃Just stand behind me and put your hands on my shoulders。 Let your thumbs rest on the back of my neck。〃
〃Like this?〃 Dhugal whispered; as he gingerly obeyed。
〃That's fine。〃
Kelson took Caulay's flaccid left hand and cradled it against his knee; then glanced over his shoulder as he straightened。
〃Now e a little closer; so I can lean against you for support。 It's going to seem like I've fallen asleep …  rather like what I did to Bertie yesterday … and I don't want to fall off the stool。 Don't laugh!〃 he added; as he sensed Dhugal's surprise。 〃I really am going to be somewhat at your mercy。〃
He could feel Dhugal's whole body tense behind him。 Then; in a very faint voice:
〃Kelson; I'm not sure I can do this。〃
〃Yes; you can;〃 he said patiently。 〃Dhugal; there's absolutely no danger。 If you should freeze up; which is most unlikely; the worst that can happen is that I won't make the contact。 Now; trust me; all right?〃 He reached back to touch Dhugal's forearm in brief reassurance。 〃Take a few deep breaths to relax now; and try to let your mind go blank。〃
He followed his own instructions and felt Dhugal's cautious response。
〃That's right。 Another deep breath now; and let it out slowly。 Close your eyes。 Imagine all the tension flowing out of your body as you exhale。 Let yourself drift now;〃 he continued; as Dhugal edged into light rapport。 〃You're doing just fine。 Soon I'm going to bring your father into the link; but if he can't provide enough power I'll need to draw from you as well。 You may not even be aware of it。 At most; you'll feel a slight sort of a tickling sensation in your head。 Breathe again now; deeply。。。。〃
While he let Dhugal continue settling; Kelson turned his attention briefly to Caulay; reaching out tendrils of control as Morgan and Duncan had taught him and tying in the potential。 He had not expected it to be enough; so he was not disappointed。 At least he was able to confirm that it was Morgan he was seeking; and that Morgan sensed a mutual effort to bring the contact through。 He could feel Dhugal's untapped potential towering at his back; fiercely supportive but still a bit too tentative for fort; and knew he would have to go a little farther than he had told Dhugal he would。
Gently he reached out with his senses and brushed Dhugal's mind; keying the triggers which would enable him to slip Dhugal into a light control trance despite what he had said; for he could not afford to have Dhugal falter in midcontact。 Gradually Dhugal's head nodded lower; lower; until finally his chin was resting against the top of Kelson's head; though he was not truly asleep … only drifting in a placid; twilight state。
After another few heartbeats。 Kelson turned his attention back to the waiting contact; opening his mind to fill with Morgan's message。
Well done; my prince; came Morgan's whispered thought in his mind。 I really wasn't certain I could reach you。 Who else is in the link?
Caulay and Dhugal; Kelson replied。 And Dhugal is still partially conscious; so try not to let anything surge; or he's going to feel it and scare himself to death pulling out。
He caught the impression of laughter; like tinkling silver bells; and then a more sober note。
A brave lad and a true friend; Morgan sent。 Why don't you bring him back to Culdi with you?
I'm needed already? Kelson queried。
Aye。 Cardiel asked me to contact you。 He and Arilan have in mind to promote Istelyn to the See of Meara; and they'd like your official opinion。 I told them I thought you'd approve; but you ought to do it in person。
The logic of the request was apparent; and the importance of the summons beyond question; but Kelson sensed something more; vague and less pleasant; lurking beneath the surface。 Dhugal stirred; perhaps sharing some of that uneasiness; and Kelson had to tighten his control just a little。
What's wrong? he asked。 What is it you haven't told me?
Someone tried to kill Duncan earlier this evening …  merasha on the dagger。
One of his own retainers … hardly more than a boy; really。 Unfortunately; he's dead。
And Duncan?
As his own shock and concern reverberated in the link; he could feel Dhugal tense and try to withdraw。 Relentlessly he clamped down on the controls; determined to hold the link just a little longer; even if doing so frightened Dhugal。
He's all right! Morgan's reassurance came lancing through。 A bad slash on his palm that I can probably heal in the morning; and the expected aftereffects from the drug; but no permanent damage。 Just get back as soon as you can。
The emotion behind Morgan's thought was controlled; but very powerful。 Despite Kelson's attempt to buffer its intensity; Dhugal recoiled at the alien sensation; the link began to quiver。 No longer trusting the luxury of worded munication。 Kelson sent agreement and an urgency to break contact for Dhugal's sake … and was out of the link; as much pushed as of his own volition。 As he twisted around to grab the trembling Dhugal by the wrists; he continued to catch the ragged after…echo of Duncan's pain as it had e through Morgan's perception … only now it was ing from Dhugal。
〃Stop it!〃 he whispered harshly; giving Dhugal a shake and trying to force reason past the panic。 〃Look at me; Dhugal! Take a deep breath and listen! Let it go! You're all right! Duncan is all right。 Will you … 〃
As his mind probed at Dhugal's; bright pain seemed to explode behind his eyes; rebounding against his swiftly raised shields and somehow echoing back to Dhugal with even greater force。 Dhugal cried out; doubling up and sinking to the floor despite Kelson's attempt to support him; then lay there sobbing blindly … dry; wracking heaves as he gasped for breath; rocking in Kelson's arms。
Kelson was stunned。 As he held the shuddering Dhugal and tried to fort him; he could find nothing to account for the reaction。 With the breaking of the link with Morgan; Dhugal should have felt nothing further。
But when Kelson at last tried another te

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