kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第17节
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e picked up a three year old; and carried him tenderly out of the hall and up the newel stair with the two young men following behind; Dhugal with his arm linked in Kelson's for stability。 When they had gotten the old man to bed and the gillie had gone; Dhugal sank down in a window seat and sighed; glancing up at Kelson with a tired grin。
〃Well; you certainly left your mark on Transha tonight。 The clan will be talking about you all winter … and speaking well; too。〃
Kelson smiled and leaned against the window embrasure; tossing his bonnet to the seat beside Dhugal。 The climb to the laird's chamber had finished clearing his head; and now the considerations of earlier in the evening came flooding back。 To have won the confidence of the clan was a fine thing; and part of what he had set out to acplish; but he still had not learned all he needed to know about Caulay's Mearan kin。 And if Ithel of Meara was plotting。。。
〃I wonder; will they speak well of me when they remember that I'm part Deryni?〃 he mused; trying to decide how best to approach what he wanted to ask。 However he phrased it; Dhugal was going to be either frightened or insulted。
Dhugal frowned。 〃What difference does it make? And what makes you think of it now?〃
〃It isn't all a bad thing; you know … being Deryni;〃 Kelson continued; testing。 〃You saw that when I put that trooper to sleep so you could sew up his arm。 It does have its positive uses。〃
Dhugal swallowed with an audible sound; suddenly far more sober than he had been; not seconds before; all the gaiety gone。
〃Why do I have the sudden feeling that something very scary is about to happen。 You're warning me; aren't you?〃
〃Not … exactly。〃 Kelson glanced down at Dhugal's upturned face; then over at the sleeping Caulay。
〃Dhugal; I've never even been tempted to take unfair advantage of a friendship before;〃 he said softly; 〃but damn it … he hasn't told me everything he knows。〃
〃What do you mean?〃
Kelson shook his head。 〃Oh; I don't mean to imply a deliberate deception。 I think he just doesn't want to get involved … and one can hardly blame him。 Sicard is still his brother; after all。 Unfortunately; Sicard is also the father of a boy who may just try to take away my throne … and Caulay hinted of conspiracies at dinner; just before he clammed up。〃
〃Surely; you're not suggesting he'd keep such knowledge from you; if there really were a danger?〃 Dhugal asked。
〃I don't know;〃 Kelson replied。 〃I do know that your father has information I may need … and that I have the means to take it; if I must; without his knowledge and without hurting him。〃
〃With magic;〃 Dhugal supplied。 His face had stiffened to a taut mask as Kelson spoke; and now the honey…amber eyes reflected cold resentment; as well as a little fear。
〃Kelson; I can't stop you;〃 he continued; after a long; slow breath。 〃If that's what you're determined to do; there isn't a thing I can do to prevent it。〃
〃I know that。 That's why I'm asking if I may。 He wouldn't remember it;〃 Kelson added。 〃He need never even know I talked with him tonight。〃
〃And if you had to use what you learned against him?〃 Dhugal asked。
Kelson sighed。 〃I hope to God it never es to that;〃 he murmured; eyes downcast。 〃You know I would never deliberately do anything to hurt you or your family。 But if information that I gained had to be used to stop a war; to save innocent lives … well; what would you do?〃
Only after a long pause did Dhugal's answer e: halting; reluctant … and resigned。
〃I suppose I … would do what I had to do;〃 he whispered。
They have set up kings; but not by me: they have made princes; and I knew it not。
Hosea 8:4
I would do what 1 had to do。
Dhugal's words put responsibility squarely back on Kelson … where it had always rested; with the other burdens of the Crown; but this particular responsibility was unique to a king endowed with magic。 Kelson found himself wondering whether his father had ever had to make such a demand of a friend。 Somehow he could hardly imagine Brion using his powers for much of anything; even though he knew his father had slain the Marluk with magic and obviously had taken the necessary measures to ensure that his legacy passed to Kelson。
But Haldane magic was not the same as that derived from being born Deryni … and perhaps that difference was the source of some of Kelson's uneasiness just now; for he had the limitations as well as the benefits of both sorts。 The Haldane legacy came full…blown to each successive male heir in the senior royal line; its potential sealed by the previous king and triggered in the heir by ritual whose essential elements apparently had altered little in nearly two hundred years。 It was of Deryni origin; to be sure; but it was a somewhat artificial construct; so far as Kelson had been able to learn; crafted by the great Saint Camber for the defense of Cinhil Haldane against mad Imre; to end the Interregnum; and perpetuated in Cinhil's descendants ever since。
Such magic dealt primarily with protection … holding and keeping what was Haldane。 But it was power to be called up without training and without real understanding; a pendium of set spells whose use and; indeed; very existence generally became apparent only when the need arose … difficult to call to mind of one's own inclination。 A few casual skills there were of Haldane origin; like Truth…Reading and extending one's physical endurance; duplicating some Deryni functions; but the more subtle and satisfying uses of magic … and the ones most open to abuse … lay within the province of Deryni only。 Indeed; most of the magic readily accessible to Kelson came from his Deryni blood; not Haldane sources: mostly what Morgan and Duncan had been able to teach him about that aspect of his heritage … and much of that still lay in the realm of theory。
Now his meager experience with the two of them must be melded with the impersonal knowledge at his beck and call from Haldane sources; and techniques chosen to fit the very personal situation here before him。 Several times in the past two years he had watched Morgan do this kind of thing … and had done it himself under Morgan's guidance once or twice … but this was different: himself; alone; questioning someone he cared about … not some hostile prisoner; from whom the truth must be dragged by force。 With Caulay's natural discretion already lowered by the wine。 Kelson was not too concerned about the actual 。procedure; but he was concerned about alienating Dhugal。 The friends he could trust; who were not afraid of him; were few and precious。
〃If it should e to that; then I suppose I'll have to do what I have to do;〃 he finally whispered; meeting Dhugal's eyes miserably。 〃That's one of the more unpleasant parts of being king。 In the meantime; I'm afraid this is something I have to do。〃 He paused a beat。 〃You don't have to watch if you don't want to。 You can leave; or I could … put you to sleep; blur the memory。 Neither of you has to remember。〃
Dhugal's jaw tightened visibly; the sun…amber eyes scared and a little desperate。
〃If that's what you want; I'll … bow to your wishes; of course; but … dammit; Kelson; I won't let myself be afraid of you! God knows; I don't understand what you've bee; and if you'd rather I didn't watch; I … I'll let you put me to sleep or whatever you feel you have to do。 I don't want to leave; though。〃
The courage and blind trust blazing in Dhugal's face as he looked up precluded all further discussion。 Kelson's grateful 〃Stay; then;〃 was more mouthed than said; but Dhugal understood。 His shaky smile and Kelson's quick; answering grin were all the further ment necessary。 Together they moved back into the room where Caulay slept。 Kelson no longer worried。
The old man snored on obliviously as Kelson sat down on the right side of the bed and drew a few deep breaths to pose himself; centering as Morgan had taught him。 He did not touch Caulay; for he did not wish to alarm Dhugal in these early stages。 Dhugal; initially skittish; claimed a stool on the opposite side of the bed and settled down to watch; but gradually even he responded to the calm and stillness radiating from the king。 Like Kelson; his breathing soon slowed to a shallow; even cadence; nimble surgeon's fingers intertwined passively in the lap of his kilt; thumbs brushing tip to tip。
Reassured; Kelson shifted attention from his own slow breathing to that of Caulay; gently spreading his right hand across the old man's forehead and letting his thumb and little finger rest lightly on the closed eyelids for a few seconds。 He could sense the blur of the alcohol as he sent his consciousness cautiously into Caulay's; but he quickly bypassed that to make the necessary connections for what must be done; closing his eyes as he felt his way through wine…drugged dreams。
〃Listen only to me; Caulay;〃 he whispered。
Dhugal's tiny start of surprise caused Kelson to glance up momentarily; and instinctively he sent a tendril of reassurance in the other's direction。 He did not think Dhugal sensed it on any conscious level; but the young border lord seemed to relax again almost immediately; releasing a guarded sigh as he leaned forward to gaze at his father's placid face。
〃Stay deep asleep and hear only my