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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第13节

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Bring light for the young master and his guests!〃 Ciard cried; turning his pony in a tight circle and waving his torch as the Haldane column clattered into the inner ward。 〃'Tis I; Ciard O Ruane。 Th' young master is home。 Where is Caball MacArdry? Bring light; I tell ye!〃
His voice brought immediate response。 As torches flared all around the perimeter of the yard and voices began to buzz; a breathless stableboy came scurrying to take his pony。 Kelson sat his greathorse beside Dhugal and the spotted pony and watched Ciard stride toward them。 Behind them; the yard was filling with the rest of the Haldane warband; but Kelson signalled them to remain mounted before himself swinging to the ground。 Dhugal was already there to take his reins; giving both their animals over to Ciard before setting his hand under Kelson's elbow to guide him toward the stair leading up to the great hall。
〃Ho; Caball!〃 Dhugal called; as the door to the hall opened and a knot of tartan…clad men began to descend the stair。 Some of them had pulled an edge of plaid over their heads against the rain; and a few bore torches。 The leader wore the two feathers of a clan chieftain in his cap; and his bearded face split in a pleased grin as he came hurrying down to meet the unexpected visitors。
〃Master Dhugal!〃
〃My father's castellan;〃 Dhugal murmured aside to Kelson; as the men reached the bottom of the stair。 〃Caball; is all prepared to give fair guesting to the King's Majesty? Sire; I present my kinsman Caball MacArdry; who speaks for the clan and The MacArdry。 How is my father; Caball?〃
〃The MacArdry's leal greeting。 Lord King;〃 Caball replied; touching his cap in salute and making his nod include his young master as well as his sovereign。 〃Dhugal; Himself will be heartened to see ye hame sae unexpectedly。〃 He returned his attention to Kelson。 〃We cannae offer more than simple border fare on sae short a notice; but The MacArdry looks forward tae greetin' ye himself; when ye hae refreshed yerself; an' extends his hospitality tae yerself an' yer men tae sup with him in his hall。〃
〃Please tell the MacArdry that I look forward to seeing him as well;〃 Kelson replied; inclining his head graciously。 〃I've not had that pleasure since he came to see me crowned; and Dhugal tells me he's not been well of late。 I'm sorry to hear that。〃
The castellan dipped his chin in clipped acknowledgment; rain dripping from his beard。
〃As for the fare;〃 Kelson went on with a disarming smile; 〃we've been in the field for several days。 Any hot meal and a roof over our heads will be most wele。〃
Caball seemed to unbend a little as he glanced back at Dhugal。 〃I think we can do that much for ye; sir … an' perhaps a mite better。 Dhugal; we'll bed th' King's Grace an' such others as he wishes in yer quarters。 The men can sleep in the hall with our own garrison; when supper's done。〃
〃Prince Conall will be with us; then;〃 Dhugal replied; looking to Kelson for confirmation; 〃and perhaps Jodrell and Traherne … or Duke Ewan; of course; unless they'd prefer to sleep with the men。 Will that be satisfactory; Sire?〃
〃Ewan of Claibourne?〃 Caball murmured; head jerking up to search the riders behind the king。 〃By yer leave; sir; I'll make th' rest of the arrangements with him。 Dhugal; take His Grace in out of the rain。〃
He and his henchmen were already moving past them before Kelson could do more than nod; border affinity for another highland man drawing the castellan instinctively toward Ewan's distinctive tartan mantle; his casual salute in Kelson's direction almost an afterthought。 Kelson was only bemused; used to the brusque manners of bordermen from his dealings with Dhugal and his attendants as a boy; but an affronted Prince Conall kneed his greathorse nearer the king in shocked outrage。
〃Do you intend to let him treat you that way?〃 he demanded in a loud stage whisper; bending beneath the dripping Haldane standard to peer at Kelson。 〃He dismissed you like a servant!〃
〃He asked my leave。 Don't make a scene;〃 Kelson warned; as he laid a hand on his cousin's reins。 〃The man has a job to do。〃
〃Yes! To show proper respect for his overlord!〃
〃No disrespect was intended;〃 Kelson replied; 〃and standing in the rain is no time for formality。 I am not offended。〃
But Conall was; and he continued to fume and mutter to himself all the way up the newel stair behind Dhugal and Kelson; not ceasing his plaints even when the three of them reached a snug little room at the top of the tower。 Kelson's squire came to help them off with their boots; but Conall continued to reiterate his displeasure about border disregard for rank and precedence; ending with a graceless remark about the acmodations。 Kelson sent the squire out of the room before taking Conall to task; afterward apologizing to an unfortable Dhugal。 The air was charged with resentment as the three young men began stripping off rain…sodden harness and tunics to wash for supper。
In the sullen silence of the next little while。 Kelson could not help noticing the contrast between Dhugal's casual dismissal of the incident and Conall's petulant formality。 His cousin's behavior had embarrassed him greatly。 The squire soon returned with their meager baggage and helped Conall dress in a fresh court tunic which was far too ornate for this casual highland setting; but when Kelson tried tactfully to mention that to Conall; his cousin renewed his tirade about stiff…necked bordermen and declared that he would show them all how a proper prince behaved; donning a silver circlet of rank as he stalked out the door。 Kelson sent the squire after him; hoping he could prevent Conall from insulting any other bordermen he encountered; and pulled a clean woolen singlet from his own pack in silence。
〃I really am sorry about Conall's boorishness;〃 he said after a moment; as Dhugal's head emerged from the neck of a saffron…colored shirt。 〃I hope it's only the folly of youth。〃
〃Youth?〃 Dhugal made a rude noise; his courtly veneer vanishing in border frankness。 〃Kelson; he's a year older than I am。 If respect is what he values; he'll never win it with behavior like that。 He's second in line for the throne; too。〃
Kelson crouched to help his foster…brother finish arranging the pleats of a great kilt on the floor; unable to disagree。
〃That's true; in theory;〃 he said; watching Dhugal lie down on the kilt to belt it around his narrow waist。 〃Thank God his father es first … and I've never heard anyone say an unkind word about Nigel。 Perhaps by the end of next year there will be a new heir altogether。 Still; you're right about youth being no excuse for rude behavior。 Conall can be a terrible boor。〃
Dhugal; sitting up to brooch part of the plaid to his shoulder with an amethyst the size of plover's egg; looked up from the gem's clasp with a start to stare at the king。
〃Bugger Conall! What do you mean; a new heir? Kelson; you aren't betrothed; are you?〃
〃No; no; not that; yet;〃 Kelson replied with a chuckle。 〃But don't look so shocked。 I'm seventeen and I'm a king。 It's expected。 Nigel and Aunt Meraude have been badgering me for over a year; and Morgan nearly as long。〃
〃Morgan; too?〃
Kelson shrugged wistfully。 〃Well; all of them are right; of course。 The succession has to be secured。 I've lost count of the princesses and countesses and other eligible girls I've had to inspect in the last year。 Every lordling in Gwynedd with a marriageable daughter or sister between the ages of twelve and thirty has been finding some excuse to bring her to court。 Even Morgan is threatening to trot out some R'Kassan princess for Twelfth Night。 She's a relative of his wife。〃
〃His wife?〃 Dhugal stared even harder; though now he; too; was grinning。 〃So that's what it's all about! Morgan's gotten married; so now he thinks everyone else ought to be。 Who's the lady?〃
Kelson shook his head and grinned。 He kept forgetting how isolated Transha was from the capital and its doings。
〃You are out of touch; aren't you? You did know I'd made him Lord Protector of the South; didn't you?〃
〃Did you know that Torenth has a regency again?〃 Kelson ventured。
〃A regency? What happened to Prince Alroy?〃
Kelson sighed; trying to keep at least some of the old worry out of his voice。
〃A fall from a horse; around Midsummer。 He broke his neck。 From what I've been able to gather; it was clearly an accident; but he'd just e of age。 So some folk are saying I arranged it … the way Charissa arranged my father's death。〃
〃You mean; with magic?〃 Dhugal whispered。
Kelson nodded。 〃They don't know me very well; do they?〃
〃But; what possible motive could you have; even if you were able to … are you able to kill someone with magic; Kelson?〃
〃If you mean; do I have the ability to kill someone with magic; the answer is yes … I have the power and the knowledge to do so;〃 Kelson said quietly; 〃I've … had to do it once already。 I killed Alroy's father and uncle that way … and the Earl of Marley。 I'm not proud of it; but there was no other way at the time。 And I'd do it again to protect my kingdom。〃
He swallowed unfortably。 〃As for motive。 I'm afraid I have that; too。 Keeping a minor on the throne of Torenth lessens the chance that Torenth will move against me in anything but 

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