kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第11节
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n right … and his lands have not always gone by their present names。〃
Arilan's deep blue…violet eyes lit in sudden prehension。 〃The other half of ancient Meara;〃 he said with a nod。 〃Now; wouldn't that be a power base; if one wanted to break away from one's overlord and establish an independent holding? The two Mearas reunited!〃
〃And Duncan has no direct heir;〃 Cardiel added; catching the gist of what they were suggesting。 〃Who is his heir…at…law; Alaric? You? You're cousins; aren't you?〃
Morgan grimaced。 〃Not in the right degree for this; I fear … and I say that not out of any greed to amass more titles and land; but out of concern about who es ahead of me。 There are three; actually … though I'd only thought about the first two until today。 Neither Duncan's father or his grandfather had any brothers; but his grandfather had two sisters。 The younger; my paternal grandmother; produced one son: my father。 The elder sister also produced a son; however; and he married the Princess Annalind of Meara。〃
〃Queen Roisian's twin sister;〃 Cardiel whispered。 〃Then; Caitrin's eldest son is Duncan's heir!〃
Morgan nodded。 〃Ithel; and after him; his brother Llewell。 The girl isn't in the succession; though any eventual son others would be; if her brothers failed to produce heirs。〃 He paused to moisten his lips as the two bishops stared at him expectantly。
〃You're still wondering who the third heir is; then。 I'm surprised you haven't guessed。〃 He paused。 〃Caitrin also had a sister; and that sister had a son。 Who else could he be but your good Father Judhael of Meara?〃
As Cardiel's jaw dropped in disbelief; Arilan slapped an open palm against the arm of his chair and swore softly。
〃I'm not saying he had anything to do with the attack on Duncan; mind you;〃 Morgan went on。 〃I simply point out that if it had succeeded; Judhael and his kin certainly stood to gain。 All we really know about his politics at this point is that he wants very badly to be Bishop of Meara。 If one of his Mearan cousins were Duke of Cassan and Earl of Kierney; that might make the whole thing fall together。 The Bishop of Ballymar would have no choice but to support the candidate of his new duke's choice: Cousin Judhael。 And with Judhael in the bishopric; that's added leverage to put his aunt on the throne of Meara … a united Meara; once she's gone and her son succeeds her in the south。 It's ingenious; really。〃
〃Its diabolical; if you ask me;〃 Cardiel muttered; 〃not to mention treasonous。 Denis; there must be something we can do。 Perhaps we ought to call Judhael in and question him。〃
Arilan considered the suggestion; running his pectoral cross back and forth distractedly on its chain; then lowered his gaze。
〃On what grounds; Thomas? We've been interviewing the man all week。 Other than the fact that he's ambitious; he almost shimmers; he's so pure。 What Duke Alaric has just outlined is a theory only … an incredibly brilliant one; if we were Mearan … but we have no proof it has occurred to Judhael。〃
〃Well; use your powers to find out; then!〃 Cardiel blurted。 〃What good are they; if you don't use them?〃
As Arilan sighed patiently; preparing to go into the argument he had used so often when trying to explain things Deryni to Cardiel; Morgan forced himself to put the temptation from his own mind。 He had wrestled with this particular ethical problem before; not always successfully。
〃Ultimately; it's a matter of ethics;〃 Arilan finally said; echoing Morgan's rationale。 〃I have used my powers all this week; Thomas … to gauge whether our candidates were lying about their qualifications。 That I could do without their knowledge; and without revealing myself as Deryni。〃 He smiled; 〃Besides; they suspected Duncan was Deryni; and that helped to keep them honest: wondering whether he could read their minds … which he couldn't; of course; under those conditions; but they didn't know that。〃
〃Then; let Duncan be present; if you feel you need a decoy;〃 Cardiel insisted。 〃Or Alaric; since Duncan is temporarily out of action。 Between the two of you; you should be able to get at the truth。〃
〃And if he really is just a godly man; with ecclesiastical ambition but no interest in politics?〃 Arilan asked。 〃Then we've made another enemy for Deryni。〃
'Then; make him forget; afterward; if he's innocent!〃
〃And that begins to enter really hazy areas of conscience;〃 Arilan replied。 〃Truth…Reading is one thing。 Using our powers to detect whether a man is lying can be justified; since it doesn't force action against a person's will。 To make someone tell the truth; however … well; I think that requires more than just a vague suspicion that he may be hiding something。 So does making him forget。 Sometimes such measures can be justified in a life and death situation; or where the subject is willing; but where does one draw the line?〃
〃Are you so unsure of that line; then?〃 Cardiel snapped。
〃Of course not。 At least I pray to God that I'll never be tempted to cross over and misuse my powers。 But it was abuse of power that gave us the atmosphere of the past two hundred years。 It's what the Camberian Council was created to prevent。〃
Morgan looked up sharply at that; for Arilan had scrupulously avoided discussion of the mysterious Camberian Council for the past two years。 His reaction apparently reminded Arilan that he was beginning to speak of things best left unsaid to humans; even one as close as Cardiel。 The Deryni bishop paused to regroup; shaking his head as he laid a hand on Cardiel's arm。
〃Listen to me; Thomas。 I'm flattered at your confidence in me; but you mustn't think all Deryni are like me; or Alaric; or Duncan; or you may get hurt one day。 We've tried to be very careful not to do anything which might frighten you unduly; but you have to admit that we've made you more than a little nervous on more than one occasion … and you know and trust us。 Think about the ones who don't have a strict moral code like the one we follow。 How many feet in the door does it take to produce a Charissa or a Wencit of Torenth? Or an Interregnum? Alaric knows what I'm talking about; don't you; Alaric?〃
Grudgingly; Morgan had to agree; though sometimes Arilan's scruples seemed to him to be rigid almost to the point of crippling。 But in front of Cardiel was not the place to pursue that old argument。 Cardiel himself required additional persuasion; but eventually he; too; had to admit that forcing Judhael to the question was premature。
〃I still think Kelson should be told what has happened;〃 Cardiel said stubbornly。 〃And I don't think it should wait until he gets back in three or four days; either。 That was fine when we were only talking about Istelyn; but now …〃
For that; at least; Morgan had a Deryni solution。
〃Not all of our powers are forbidden。 Excellency;〃 he said quietly。 〃It's possible I might be able to reach Kelson in his sleep; later tonight。 He won't be expecting it; but I can try。〃 Cardiel nodded happily as Morgan went on。 〃If that doesn't work; I'll leave for Transha in the morning; after I've seen to Duncan … unless you have a better idea; sir?〃 he queried; glancing at Arilan。
The Deryni bishop shook his head。 〃No; none。 Given the bond I know binds you and Kelson; I shouldn't be at all surprised if your plan works。 However; I also know how difficult it is to make the link at such a distance and without preparation at both ends。 If you don't succeed; we'll make the time you need to get there physically。〃
Arilan's confidence in his ability helped to take the edge off Morgan's earlier resentment at having to back off on questioning Judhael; but now that his own course was set for the next few hours; he needed some time alone。 When he had assured himself that Duncan was resting more easily; and slipped briefly inside the priest's mind to deepen his sleep; he took his leave of the two prelates and headed for his own quarters。 He tried not to think about how close Duncan had e to death; or the mortal helplessness Duncan had suffered under the influence of merasha; concentrating instead on the calm he would need if he hoped to succeed in reaching the king。
But distraction in the form of Judhael of Meara met him as he passed the open door of the chapel in the guest wing。 Morgan stiffened as he saw him; mentally berating himself for even having glanced inside。 Judhael and another vaguely familiar…looking priest were just ing out。 The temptation at least to test whether Judhael had heard about the attack on Duncan was too enticing to resist。
〃Your Grace;〃 Judhael murmured; as Morgan loomed in the doorway and blocked his exit; all diffidence and courtly courtesy to the king's champion。
〃Father Judhael;〃 Morgan acknowledged。 〃I wonder whether I might have a word with you in private;〃 he said; glancing pointedly at Judhael's panion。 〃Perhaps we could step back into the chapel。〃
Judhael looked puzzled and a little uneasy; but he agreed readily enough。 When one aspired to high office in the confirmation of the king; one did not decline the invitation of the king's friend and confidant。 He watched dispassionately as Morgan closed the chapel door behind them; inclining his head and preceding him down the short aisle when Morgan gestured toward the front of the chapel。 Both men genufle